God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 962: Got rich (4)

"It's so stupid, after we go around from the left, we will be able to find the Tower of the Gods soon!"

Nine Moves God King firmly believes that with his own vision and ability, he can find the tower of the gods as quickly as possible.

"What King Jiuyi said won my heart! Let's go! Go around from the left and let him slowly spend time there!"

The third prince sneered.

Ye Que was flying on the surface of the sea, his eyes of good fortune scanned the surroundings, looking for a suitable place to go to the bottom of the sea.

"Hey...there are ancient buildings over there..."

He saw an abandoned building by the sea, went in and looked, there was nothing, even if there was, it should be robbed.

Walking out of the building, looking at the sea, he said calmly, "Forget it, let's start from here."

Slightly vacated, eyes fell into the sea.

Including the god-level sea beasts, for some reason, they never choose to fly out, but the fierceness in their eyes keeps staring at the creatures along the coast.

Ye Que was also targeted by a god-level sea beast, and he stared at it.


His eyes of good fortune immediately copied the soul origin and body foundation of sea beasts.

When something big happens under the sea, he pretends to be a sea beast and survives the disaster.

Drill into the ground and go straight to the bottom of the sea.

There was no danger along the way, and there were no forces such as formations and laws.

It's just that when it reaches the bottom of the sea, the soil becomes sea mud, which is fine and sticky.

Walking cautiously, the aura of sea beasts came down from above, and Ye Que was very vigilant.

Suddenly, the sea beast rioted and targeted him with killing intent.

His heart skipped a beat, and he immediately disguised himself as a sea beast, only to survive.

"Even at the bottom of the sea, they will be found... But the explanation of the road map said that the creatures of the ancient six worlds have been active on the bottom of the sea..."

He frowned and thought about it, but he didn't give up. He always felt that there should be a way to pass it.

Became a sea beast, drilling around in the bottom of the sea, he continued to drill deeper.


He hollowed it out, he was stunned for a moment, then looked at the hollowed out place, and found that there was a passage inside.

"Could it be the passage left by the creatures of the six ancient realms?"

He thought about it, entered it carefully, and after some searching, his heart was shocked.

The passage is a hundred meters wide and arched, and more importantly, the passage is actually translucent.

Looking up, everything under the sea can be seen at a glance.

There is also a god-level sea beast above the passage.

Ye Que faced the opponent face to face, but the sea beast seemed unable to find him, as if he didn't know the passage at all.

"Try it back to the original!"

Ye Que stared at the god-level sea beast, and changed back to the appearance of an ancient god.


The sea beast didn't respond at all.

"My guess was right! Get rich!"

There was a kind of excitement in Ye Que's heart.

He took a deep breath and calmly flew deep into the tunnel.

There was no danger along the way, and after two hours of flying, we reached the other side of the sea smoothly.

Since it is a **** king, it flies very fast, no matter how big the inland sea is, it will not take much time.

Pushing away the gravel, he walked out of a tree hole.

look up.

The ancient trees are towering, the boundless sea is outside, and the ancient forest is inside.

"Catch all the treasures while no one is coming!"

Ye Que opened his eye of good fortune, and any hidden treasures could not be hidden.

And he is also ready to open the immortal Nirvana body, and if he encounters any danger, he can be reborn.

"After so many years, it must not be easy to preserve the treasures well!"

His good fortune eyes can see through all falsehoods, and no treasure can be hidden.

Be vigilant all the way and fly all the way.

With the eye of good fortune to open the way, many hidden formations and powers of laws were seen by him.

After going around, continue to find things.

"Hey... This is meteor wood... It's a god-level weapon material! Take it away!"

"The extinct ancient Danhua!"

"It's the fruit of the starry sky!"

"Get rich! A lot of materials that are extinct in the starry sky are all here!"

"This is the rumored **** tree, a species that disappeared in the ancient Six Realms. It bears fruit for millions of years...now... it is bearing fruit! It is rumored that if you eat one, you can immediately become a god!"

Ye Que's body trembled, his eyes glowed, and he searched everything.

"No, no, no! We have to transplant all of them into the inner world."

This guy pays attention to sustainable development, directly digs the soil, or moves the mountains, and throws them all into the body.

Thanks to the fact that he and Little Xingxing have studied various treasures and materials in the starry sky before.

I thought it was selling materials, but I didn't expect it to play a big role here.

He could see at a glance that some treasures needed a special environment to grow.

It doesn't matter.

He cast spells in the world in his body, using millions of third-grade star cores to cultivate, creating a special environment, and transplanting top-level treasures.

"Hey... this voice... go and have a look!"

"Hiss... Divine Spirit Star Spring! There is a sense of law in it... This is an existence on the same level as the Divine Spirit Tree, and one drop can life and death human flesh and bones! Wow! What! Dig it!"

Ye Que was about to go crazy, his eyes were red.

This ancient relic of the Six Realms is unusual, it is so terrifying, and it contains too many treasures.

And this is just an incomplete corner of the ancient Six Realms.

It is conceivable how powerful the six ancient worlds were back then.

This guy's blood boiled with enthusiasm, he searched everywhere, and whatever treasure he saw, regardless of whether it was big or small, good or bad, all of it was transplanted into the world inside his body.

In less than a day, he searched all the treasures in the ancient forest.

But he was still not satisfied, and ran to a further place.

However, there are hints from the road map that even the gods dare not touch some restricted areas, so he can only look around.

A day later, he returned with all his might.

It landed firmly in the tree hole.

This guy is red and full of vigor.

Stepping into the tree hole with hands behind his back, he said lightly, "Now, it's time to earn star cores! Hehehe..."

All the way back, directly above the dilapidated buildings.

At this time, a bunch of creatures were wandering around the coast, but they couldn't cross the inland sea.

They know there are treasures on the other side of the inland sea, but they can only watch.

But now, the opportunity has come.

"Anyone who wants to cross the inland sea, you can find me! God Ruins, 10 million third-rank star cores, **** kings, 10 million fourth-rank star cores once!"

"Don't miss it when you pass by, there are all kinds of treasures on the other side of the inland sea! This is a profitable business!"

Ye Que flew into the air and yelled.

The sound was very loud and spread far away.

This stuff is cheap enough.

Search all the treasures away, and now it's time to earn tolls again.

"Ten million fourth-grade star cores? Why don't you grab them!"

"My body is only worth 10 million fourth-grade star cores! Who are you fooling!"

"Everyone is here to hunt for treasure, and this **** still wants to take advantage of us! No way! Let's go and have a look!"

"Yes, if he knows the passage, we will **** it! He is only alone, and there are so many of us, who is afraid of the other!"

A large number of starry sky creatures gathered towards Ye Que.

Ye Que took out his playing stick, already brewing a deep father's love.

Whoever dares to act recklessly, just give him a good beating.

It's okay if you are obedient, but if you are not obedient, your legs will be broken by him.

"Can it pass? Is it fake?"

A tenth-rank God King questioned it.

Ye Que said indifferently: "Pay the fee and pass, so less nonsense!"

Holding the baton tightly, thinking that someone must be dishonest, give him a beating first.

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