God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 919: How are you guys (7)

Ye Que put his heart away, and asked in surprise, "Why are you here?"

Coincidentally, the starry sky is huge, and it was the second time I encountered a whale.

"I received a message from my cousin asking me to rush over, saying that something happened to my grandpa, so why don't I come here, but that damned bastard, when I got halfway there, he said no! Said grandpa is fine! "

The whale turned into a blond young man, cursing and depressed.

"That guy must be playing tricks on me again!"

He was very angry and helpless.

Seeing his irritable and helpless appearance, he should be played like this often.

Ye Que glanced at Cai Xingkun's blond hair, thinking of the blue-haired youth, and wondered if this Starry Sky Whale Clan is a dyed hair family?

"It should be fine, I'm not kidding you."

Ye Que guessed and smiled.

"Hey! Brother, every family has scriptures that are hard to recite. If you haven't experienced it yourself, it's hard to say!"

Cai Xingkun reached out and patted Ye Que's shoulder, lamenting.

Ye Que's eyes lit up after being slapped by him, and his smile became more serious: "Don't talk about this, let's go and drink!"

He felt inexplicably at ease.

Not for any reason, just because Cai Xingkun didn't treat him as a **** king.

He was originally a person in the realm of Shenxu, but everyone didn't believe it, and no one in Shenxu got along well with him.

This depressed him for a long time.


A planet bred by life, monsters are rampant.

The two sat cross-legged on the top of the mountain, and there was a breeze blowing.

Lan Xing poured wine for the two of them.

"Brother Kun, I'm curious, how did the starry sky whale clan become one of the nine overlords of the extreme southern starry sky?"

Ye Que clinked glasses.

"Uh...you know?"

Cai Xingkun was embarrassed.

"It's okay not to say."

"Actually, it's not really a secret."

Cai Xingkun sighed softly, his eyes were a little confused, but he still spoke out.

It turned out that he was a descendant of the expelled family.

Because his parents made a mistake in a top-secret mission, the mission failed and three top **** kings died.

This made the family of three, whose family status was not high, completely become the tail of the Starry Sky Whale Clan.

Later, because of his poor aptitude and slow practice, his peers were already at the fifth or sixth rank of the Shenxu, while he was only at the first or second rank of the Shenxu.

As a result, the three of them were expelled from the starry sky capital and came to this small place to survive.

"No wonder, you can give me a star card, but you are very rich!"

Ye Que toasted to each other, and at the same time understood why this guy was devouring the stars all the time, so he was cultivating hard.

It's a pity that he is still lingering at the third level of Shenxu.

"It's all a joke. There's nothing to say. I don't have many friends. You count as one. Let's have a good drink today."

He shook his head, not talking about the past.

"Maybe I can help you."

Ye Que smiled faintly.

"No need, I really like my life now! In the ranking of Wanyu starry sky forces, our Starry Sky Whale Clan ranks first, that's enough!"

The guy smiled and said he didn't care.

But how could he really express the pain in his heart.

Who doesn't want to go back to the family?

Being expelled, I don't know how many people gossip and secretly laugh at them.

He could bear it, he was used to it anyway.

But he doesn't want his parents to be teased and gossiped about.

Because of him, the family of three were kicked out. They felt so guilty and uncomfortable that they spent all day thinking about how to return to the Starry Sky Whale Clan.

Otherwise, how could he have practiced alone in the starry sky with a whale alone?

He has not been home for twenty years, swallowing and swallowing in the starry sky, just thinking about improving his strength as soon as possible.

However, ideals are no crueler than reality after all.

He is still the one with poor qualifications.

"In this life, I'm afraid it will be like this."

Laughing self-deprecatingly in his heart, he raised his head to look at big brother Ye Liangchen, and seeing the sincere help in his eyes, his heart was filled with impulse, but in the end he suppressed it and turned into helplessness.

"That's one of the nine overlords. Brother Ye Liangchen is only in the God Ruins Realm. He can't help me, unless he is the existence of the tenth-level **** king. It is possible. If he is a peerless **** king... Forget it, that's even more impossible .”

There was a wry smile in my heart, but on the surface it was a smile.

Why embarrass others.

It's not bad to get together and drink at ordinary times.

"Come on, drink and drink!"

He drank it in one gulp.

"Okay, by the way, since you come from the overlord force, you should know a lot of things."

"I know, for sure."

The two looked at each other and smiled, saying what they had to say.

A day later, the two broke up.

Ye Que watched the other party leave with deep eyes.

"Nine Overlords of the Extreme South: Giant Spirit Clan, Spirit Clan, Star Whale Clan, Extreme Southern Star Pirates, Star Meteor Race, Blood Demon Clan, Sanye Empire, Star Sky Ants and Star Fall Tree Clan..."

A lot of things are clear at a glance.

"Senior, people from the Nine Great Overlords are now coming to our small place to compete for the relics of the six ancient worlds. Shall we try our luck?"

Lan Xing poured wine beside him and heard a lot of information.

The corner of Ye Que's mouth twitched: "We must fight for it! But not now!"

At first, he thought that very few people knew about it, but he didn't expect that the news about the ruins of the six ancient realms had already spread.

Then, he doesn't need to pay attention to the life of Captain Wang.

"Could it be possible that when they excavate the remains of the six ancient realms, let's pick up the ready-made ones?"

This is what Lan Xing satisfied Ye Que with.

What he said was extremely to Ye Que's taste.

Sure enough, there must be a reason for the two of them to come together, and they are both of the same kind.

"Hahaha, little Xingxing, you are right!"

Ye Que laughed.

"Then what shall we do now?"

Lan Xing's face was flushed.

"Do what you love to do."

Ye Que chuckled.


Lan Xing was stunned.

three days later.

Ye Que woke up from the small world.

With a slight release of momentum, the realm has reached the seventh level of the God Ruins Realm.

Yes, after he got those 10 million third-rank star cores, he has broken through from the sixth level of the God Ruins Realm to the seventh level of the God Ruins Realm.

View panel data.

【Ancient Divine Physique】

【Boundary: The seventh level of the God Ruins Realm】

[Advanced: Swallowing 45 million third-rank star cores, you can break through to the eighth level of the God Ruins Realm]

[Progress: 0/45000000 (pieces)]

[Star pattern: 9/10, (when the host reaches the ninth level of the God Ruins Realm, the tenth star pattern will be obtained)]

Sure enough, he didn't expect it.

To break through to the eighth-order Shenxu, 45 million third-rank star cores are needed.

"I saved more than 6 million coins before, plus the 10 million coins given by the blue-haired master and apprentice, it is more than 16 million coins. It was used to break through the seventh-level **** market, and it cost 1,350 Ten thousand..."

"Now, I only have more than 2.5 million third-grade star cores left... There are still more than 42 million third-grade star cores left before I break through to the eighth-order Shenxu..."

Ye Que smiled.

With a thought, he took out the black star card.

"There are 40 million pieces in here! Let's go to Xingkongfang City to get them out immediately!"

Just do it.

"Now Xingkongfang City, I am afraid that people from the nine overlords are here. If people from the Blood Demon Clan and the Sanye Empire dare to embarrass me!"

With a snap, he threw the black star card to the ground.

"I'm a super VIP! If you dare to provoke me, you'll kill him!"

He picked up the black star card, left Xiaotiandi with the corpse of the leader of the **** king, and went straight to Xingkongfang City.

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