God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 918: Lion's Big Opening (6)

"If you want me to take action, give me 50 million third-grade star cores! I will treat it!"

Ye Que appeared with a cold face.

Although he doesn't like these two idiots, Star Core is innocent.

Therefore, he cast a secret method, wrapped the box layer by layer, and then suppressed his inner doubts, and came to blackmail the star core.

He glanced at the injury on the blue-haired old man.

Compared with the patriarch of the golden beetle tribe, they are each other.

With his current state of treatment, it can be easily solved.

Hearing this sentence, the blue-haired young man shook his body, turned around suddenly, and kowtowed to Ye Que: "Senior, please do it! Your lord has a lot of people, and I was the one who was rude before! I will apologize to you!"



Another kowtow, another slap.

Even the blue-haired old man apologized weakly.

Ye Que was not so easy to impress.

If it weren't for the peak combat power of the tenth rank of the **** king, how could these two guys be so sincere.

"Okay, okay! Take out the star core, and I will treat it right away!"

What Ye Que needed most was the star core, and he didn't mind anything else.

"Fifty million third-grade star cores...Senior, can I owe you some first? I'll give you 10 million first?"

The blue-haired young man was a little embarrassed.

For Shenxu, although there are many assets, most of them are not star cores. Even if they are star cores, they usually cost money to go out.

Therefore, Shenxu who can take out two million third-grade star cores at one time is considered a local tyrant.

Ye Que understood, he said it was 50 million, and he felt a little down because of the box, with some indifferent emotions in it.

He was also ready to bargain with the other party.

Unexpectedly, the other party did not dare to bargain at all.

"Okay, it's rare for you to be able to take out 10 million pieces at once in a Shenxu, so give it to me first."

Ye Que thought that the overlord of the extreme south is awesome, and any **** market can produce 10 million pieces, which is more powerful than the king of gods.

However, Cai Xingyun said in embarrassment: "I only have three million, and the remaining seven million are with my master."

Ye Que froze for a moment, then said lightly: "Whoever it is, give it to me!"

Shenxu took out two million pieces at a time, a local tyrant.

The king of gods took out 10 million pieces at a time, he is a local tyrant.

Putting these two together, there are only 10 million pieces.


But after thinking about it carefully, he couldn't even afford 7 million pieces, so he was even poorer.

Cough, well, we are all the same, so don't look down on each other.

Thinking about it this way, he was more pleasing to the eyes of these two people.

The two masters and apprentices gathered ten million third-grade star cores and put them in the ring.

"Senior, here it is!"

Cai Xingyun approached Ye Que on his knees, lowered his head, and offered his hands.

Ye Que picked it up and checked it.


Ten million pieces.

He had never seen so many star cores in his life.

But immediately thinking of his status as a **** king, he immediately pretended to be calm and calm, and said indifferently: "How will you give the next 40 million?"

The corner of his mouth became more playful: "If you renege on the debt, you have to think about the consequences."

"Don't dare! Absolutely dare not! Senior, this is the black star card of my starry sky whale clan! You keep it! There are records of 40 million third-rank star cores in it!"

"Once you go to the extreme south star line, take out this black star card, and you can get 40 million third-grade star cores!"

Cai Xingyun's heart is bleeding, this is all his and his master's assets.

But in order to save Master, he is willing to give up all his assets.

Ye Que played with the black star card, and said calmly: "Isn't the Extreme South Star Travel run by the Blood Demons?"

"Senior, the Extreme South Star Tour is run by the nine overlords, including my starry sky whale clan. This card is even more advanced than a star card. Not only can you get a star core, but it is also a status symbol!"

"If the star card is a VIP, then the black star card is the super VIP status bestowed by the nine overlords! It is generally used by the internal distinguished personnel of the major forces!"

"Anyone who has a black star card, as long as they don't betray the extreme southern starry sky, and don't kill the nine overlords, then the nine overlords will not attack the card owner."

Cai Xingyun tried his best to please Ye Que.

Ye Que frowned, that's a good relationship.

Refining the black star card on the spot, he said coldly: "It's best not to lie to me, as you know, it is not difficult for the peak **** king to find trouble with the starry sky whale clan."

Although, he had no idea where the starry sky whale clan was at all.

But this does not prevent him from bragging and threatening people.

"Yes Yes Yes Yes!"

Cai Xingyun kowtowed.

After Ye Que was refined, he entered Xiaotiandi and came to the old man one step at a time.

This old thing can't even speak. In order to escape, he must have used a forbidden technique before, and he was also contaminated with a dark aura, which is why his injury deteriorated so quickly.

Still, it deserves it.

Ye Que kindly reminded him, but he was sprayed by the other party instead.

"This disease can be cured!"

After taking a casual look, he crushed the ten star cores and cast the secret technique.

Cai Xingyun was nervous and looking forward to it.

It took 50 million third-grade star cores and a top-level black star card to ask the seniors to make a move.

It must be successful.

However, he was still dumbfounded.

He only took three breaths, and the senior God King clapped his hands, stood up and said, "Okay, it's cured!"

Cai Xingyun said:? ? ?


That's all right?

I spent 50 million third-tier star cores and a top-level black star card, and you didn't even read the injury before it was cured?

Not to mention him, the old man was also a little confused.

Seeing the perfunctory look of Senior God King, he looked like a liar.

Cai Xingyun felt that he was cheated, and said nervously: "This... this..."

"See for yourself!"

Ye Que took the card and left.

Cai Xingyun looked at it in a blink of an eye, his pupils shrank slightly, and he said in surprise: "That's great!"

The blue-haired old man also felt that his body was improving. When he saw that there was no dark aura on his body, he said pleasantly: "Sure enough... sure enough... cough cough... good... good."

"Thank you senior!"

Cai Xingyun turned around and apologized, but there was no sign of her senior, she looked a little helpless, and sighed softly: "Originally, we could have made friends with a peerless **** king, but it's a pity."

Let's talk about Ye Que.

He went to the place where the giant dragon exploded, wandered in the starry sky, and scanned the surroundings with the eyes of fortune and reincarnation, trying to find some clues.

"There is a box in the dragon's body, and there is a black substance that dissolves everything."

"The dragon is mutated, how did it have the box and the black matter?"

Walked around to see, did not find any abnormalities.

Finally, he breaks through the starry sky and enters the dark void.

There is a lot of suction in it, without the power of stars, there is a sense of gloomy death.

Because he was afraid of the terrifying creatures in the dark void, he didn't dare to fly in too deep, and only searched around the haunted dragon.

"Touch the box, and that fragmentary picture appeared in my mind... Is that girl a future girl? Was she exiled somewhere..."

As he flew all the way, the doubts in his eyes gradually increased.

"Is the box related to the girl? Where did the box come from?"

After a while, he flew out of the dark void and returned to the starry sky.

Looking at the collapsed starry sky in a blink of an eye, he gradually recovered himself, and murmured: "Inside the box...let's open it after I become a god! Or learn more about it before opening it!"

He hated that girl.

Suddenly, a voice came from the side.

"Hey! Brother Ye Liangchen, why are you here?"

Ye Que turned his head to look, and saw a big whale swimming over, wagging its tail.

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