God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 900: Stop fighting, I am willing to reconcile (2)


The golden beetle's left arm was torn apart by a **** demon.

That is the secret technique of haunting evil spirits, and it is also one of the forbidden techniques.

It surrounded Ye Que and launched a strong attack on the surroundings.

And this attack is just one of them.

As soon as Ye Que's many secret and forbidden techniques were activated, his combat power increased, and he could barely reach the seventh-level **** king. Coupled with the violent bombing, it made up for the lack of combat power.

The Supreme Elder of the Golden Beetle Clan was almost beaten stupid.

When I came, the scenery was beautiful, and there were firecrackers to welcome me.

Almost buried at this time.

"Don't! Little friend! Don't shoot! We can talk!"

He wanted to escape from this area covered by firepower, because he couldn't bear it at all.

This is not only a problem of the opponent's many secret skills, but also because the opponent's eyes have a special ability, which can see through the flaws in his moves and restrain him directly.

And this is one of its special abilities.

The opponent can release black flames, can copy his moves, can break his illusion, and completely beat him powerless.

However, the move that made his scalp tingle and fear the most was another one.

That is to absorb Yuanli.

The golden beetle family is already powerful in melee combat, but the opponent's physical body is even stronger than the golden beetle's. Every time they are touched, even the original force will be absorbed.

This is the scariest thing.

boom! !

Under head-to-head encounters, his golden shell broke again, and at the same time, the energy in his body was absorbed.

This is one of the reasons why he couldn't exhaust himself halfway through the fight.

In melee combat, no one is as strong physically, and cannot resist beating.

No one has enough Yuanli, and once contacted by the other party, Yuanli will be absorbed.

Not to mention these things, the forbidden techniques, secret techniques and supernatural powers covered by the starry sky made him even more desperate.

puff! !

The right arm is gone too.

He lay on the starry sky, using his incomplete golden shell to resist the attack, and howled miserably: "Don't... little friend... don't hit me!"

Until now, he was completely terrified.

The opponent's method is too terrifying.

Macroscopically, firepower covers.

In terms of details, exercise restraint.

There is no need to fight at all, unless the strength gap between the two sides is really huge.

"Only those who really fight against him can feel despair!"

His heart trembled, and his mouth continued to wail.

boom! boom! boom!

The dark purple stick turned into purple-gold stars, piercing through his body and spilling blood into the starry sky.

So far, the situation has come to fruition.

As long as you are not blind, you can tell that Ye Liangchen, with the strength of the fifth level of divine nirvana, suppressed the golden beetle Taishang elder of the seventh level of divine nirvana.

"Stop fighting! Please! I was wrong! Let's reconcile! We can still communicate, there is still room!"

There were many large holes in his body, and the elder Taishang was trembling and dying from the beating.

His proud golden beetle shell was like paper in front of the other party.

Looking up, his face was completely changed, and he begged weakly: "What do you want...I...I will give...everything...speak well..."

"Old ancestor! Ye Liangchen, stop beating!"

Jin Yuxue was completely terrified, her face was pale, and she was no longer as arrogant and ruthless as before.

Because, the Supreme Elder is her only reliance, the last backing for her arrogant revenge on Ye Liangchen.

Even this backer has fallen, how can she take revenge on him?

"Don't! Stop hitting!"

Jin Yuxue stamped her feet anxiously.

Ye Que's complexion was blood red, steam was pervasive, veins were bulging all over his body, and the light in his three eyes was oppressive.

At this moment, he was haunted by evil spirits again, killing him and following him, and many secret techniques hung around him, supporting him like a supreme god.

Hearing Jin Yuxue's words, he turned around, stepped on the golden beetle Supreme Elder, looked down at Jin Yuxue on the edge of Xingkongfang City, and said coldly: "What qualifications do you have to talk to me?"

Jin Yuxue's body trembled violently, her mouth opened, she didn't dare to make a sound, and there was infinite regret in her eyes.

Think back to the previous scene...

If she honestly handed over 150,000 third-rank star cores, the elder would die? Father will die? Uncle will die? Will the strong of the whole clan be wiped out?

With a plop, she knelt on the ground and begged for mercy: "I...I was wrong! Senior...Senior...I will give you 150,000 third-grade star cores! Let us go!"

Speaking of which, let alone Ye Que, the melon-eaters who watched the visual performance show were also amused.

"Little girl, do you think this scene, with 150,000 third-grade star cores, can work?"

"Let me tell you this, not to mention 150,000, even a million are useless! Relying on the power of the family to act recklessly, who do you think is at fault?"

"Why did you go so early? I have nothing to do with you, you insist on doing it! Go and provoke Senior Ye Liangchen!"

"Senior Ye Liangchen has such a good mentality. The big bosses in the first area...cough cough, he just smiled. He is the only one, you are so awesome, you have to make trouble!"

"Just work hard! There's no turning back anyway!"

Every sound made her tremble and made her realize the seriousness of something.

"Little friend... what my great-granddaughter said to me must have been concealed... I probably wronged my little friend... This old man is willing to listen to the truth... If you deserve punishment, if you deserve an apology, you should apologize."

The golden beetle trampled by Ye Que was in tatters, bleeding profusely, and its voice was weak.

Ye Que turned his three eyes, looked at the golden beetle under his feet, and said coldly: "Are you willing to listen? Do you mean that I still need your permission?"

"No...no...I just think that we can still reconcile!"

The golden beetle trembled.

Ye Que glanced at Jin Yuxue who was kneeling on the edge of Xingkongfang City, and smiled: "I seem to have said a word before, I remember it was... you would rather listen to her words than face the truth?"

"I heard it too!"

Lan Xing stood beside Jin Yuxue, full of anger.

"Hey, we heard that too!"

"I listened more carefully, what else did these guys say, we can't compromise or something!"

"They also said that senior Ye Liangchen is not qualified to reconcile with them!"

A group of melon-eating crowd booed and laughed more happily than the other.

The golden beetle grand elder's body trembled, bleeding, and tremblingly said: "But, it can be redeemed now, can't it? I am willing to give you all the property!"

With a thought, Ye Que turned nine dark purple stars into long sticks, nailed the golden beetle into the air, and said with a sneer, "Do you think you are qualified to make a deal with me? I'll kill you, the property of the golden beetle clan. be mine?"

The body of the Golden Beetle Supreme Elder froze, and Jin Yuxue, who was kneeling on the ground, was shocked even more, with fear in his eyes.

At this time, in a star field next to Xingkongfang City, on a certain barren planet, there is a teleportation array emitting light.

When the light is restrained, it shows a group of people.

He is the strongest of the Black Sea Group.

One God King Five Gods Market.

"Hmph! After destroying the blue star, I'm still angry! I have to catch the blue star!"

"Don't worry, we've arrived near Xingkongfang City, and Ye Liangchen is right there!"

"Although my Black Sea Group is not as good as the Golden Beetle Clan, it's not something that can be provoked by just any small character!"

The five great gods had teasing eyes and a murderous look on their lips.

The leader of the third rank of the God King put his hands behind his back, and the corners of his mouth curled up: "Let's go! Hurry up and enter Xingkongfang City, and catch Ye Liangchen and Lan Xing. This seat, I can't wait!"

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