God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 899: Unlimited firepower coverage (1)

The starry sky oscillated.

Ye Que, who was wrapped in a huge blood body, opened the eight-door dungeon, his complexion turned blood red, and blood-colored steam was rising, distorting the starry sky.

In the six directions of the starry sky, a storm of stars swept across Ye Que, rumbling to devour everything.

All the fighters in front of the battle lined up in front, let him split into nine killing bodies, one character at a time, and start nine void killings.

Wan Sen derived from nothingness, suddenly wrapped this starry sky, forming a tree world.

In addition, there are more forbidden techniques, all of which are activated, instantly causing countless visions in the starry sky.

Too scary and too shocking.

The starry sky creatures were horrified.

"Senior Liangchen uses so many secret techniques, and it feels so advanced!"

"Especially there are a few secret techniques. I feel that there is no level limit at all, and they are specially used to improve combat power."

"The more advanced the secret technique, the more serious the consumption. With so many uses, can you bear it?"

"Senior knows what's in his heart, now he will use his ultimate moves one by one, the most important thing is to suppress the seventh-rank **** king!"

Many creatures felt the power of the forbidden technique, and their hearts were really shocked.

Ye Que's strength improved, and he also heard these voices.

Immediately, he realized that many secret arts in the Six Realms might not be as simple as he imagined, such as the Eight Gates Dunjia, Six Armor Secret Blessings and so on.

In addition, even if some secret techniques are not at the level of the **** kings of the Shenxu, they are still very powerful for the creatures in the starry sky.

It seems that even though the ancient six worlds were destroyed by the star demons and lost a lot of inheritance, many things contained in them are still treasures that are beyond the reach of the creatures in the starry sky.

For example, the six reincarnations are products of the six realms. Compared with the starry sky, I am afraid that no existence can create them.

"Maybe some creatures from the six realms don't know yet. The secret technique used in their hands may be the gods, gods, or gods and mystic techniques of the ancient six realms. It's just that the realm is limited and cannot exert its powerful power."

His heart moved, thinking that after the fight, he would sort out the secret arts and supernatural powers he had mastered in the six realms, and maybe he could get some great treasures.

"Interesting, is this your last ability?"

The body of the Supreme Elder was covered with golden scales, and there were tentacles on his head, emitting some kind of mysterious light, which locked Ye Que's aura.

One of his hands was like a pincer, the other was like a knife, both of which were covered with blood.

The power of the seventh-rank god-king was exerted to its peak by him.

As for the **** king weapon...

The body of the golden beetle race is a weapon, and this is one of the reasons why they can dominate.

"Old ancestor, beat him to death and torture him to death! My golden beetle family is not so easy to bully!"

Jin Yuxue flew to Xingkongfang City, with sharp teeth, wishing to kill Ye Que with her voice.

"Pity my great-granddaughter. Her father was killed, her uncle was killed, and you tortured her and asked for her star core! Ye Liangchen, you've come to an end!"

The Supreme Elder stared at Ye Que angrily, and suddenly shouted loudly, and then disappeared.

"You are not qualified to let me use the last resort!"

Every time Ye Que said a word, blood rose from his mouth.

Yes, he still has the most perverted immortal bloodline.

If this thing is opened again, it will not die or be disabled afterwards.

Although he is already in the Divine Ruins Realm, and his physique is the ancient divine body of good fortune, not the source of the past, but this matter cannot be controlled, and he will never open it until the last moment.

"Ridiculous, there is an ultimate solution, why bother to open so many secret techniques?"

The Supreme Elder came to Ye Que with a bang, and released knives and pincers, supernatural powers and secret techniques one after another.

"Golden beetle race, what a bunch of ignorant and arrogant people!"

Ye Que yelled, and struck with a purple-black long stick, shaking the starry sky, and countless thick trees swept in, suppressing the opponent.

At the same time, terrifying killing moves such as Starry Sky Storm and Nine Arrays of Void Killing were thrown out.

He has nothing else, but he has a lot of mystic skills.

If they didn't agree with each other, they directly smashed it.

And this is also a classic tactic that Ye Que often uses.

He called this tactic: the fire coverage of unlimited firepower.

We are not good at quality, so we can make up for quantity.

As long as he doesn't open the immortal Nirvana body, he can still afford it.

And on the other hand, the ancient divine body that can open the top bloodline can't even consume the secret technique, so is it still the ancient divine body?

Besides, some secret techniques don't consume energy and blood, but only consume the energy of stars.

"I smashed you to death!"

Ye Que was ferocious, with the tyrannical body of the ancient **** of fortune, holding a long stick, using blood body and many other secret techniques, and forcibly confronting the opponent.

He showed the profound meaning of melee to the fullest.

On the other side of the thunder, countless thunder dragons shone, pouring into the Supreme Elder.

Once is not enough, come twice, twice is not enough, come infinitely.

If none of these works, then add another secret technique, if one secret technique is not enough, add two more, two are not enough, come to infinity.

He has nothing else, but there are many secret arts, and all of them come from the inheritance of the six realms or ancient gods. The quality of his secret arts is very high compared to the starry sky.


The vision of the starry sky is full of explosions! Very intense!

In fact, in this battle, the creatures in the starry sky thought that there would be a fierce battle, but they still underestimated the intensity of this battle.

Senior Liangchen seemed to be on the hook, with infinite buffs on his body, and various secret techniques, covering it without thinking.

This hell, it's not a 1v1 battle, it's more like a bombardment.

"How can senior Liangchen have so many top-level secret arts? I guess the king of gods will not be able to possess so many secret arts after spending all his family property, let alone the God Market!"

"That's not the point, the point is what kind of system Senior Liang Chen has, it can afford so many secret techniques!"

"There's only one reason! He's cheating!"

"It's so beautiful! Senior Liangchen is indeed a character who can face the sun like hell!"

"It made me worry in vain. Every time I thought it was going to die, I didn't expect it to happen forty times a day!"

"He alone is an army!"

Many creatures felt that what they were watching was not a battle, but a visual show.

Lightning and thunder, turbulent avenues, wind and rain, and other forces all appear. These powers are fierce, but the intertwined rays of light create a sense of beauty.

Leng is to make them look at it with gusto.


"I can't stand the smashing of so many secret techniques!"

"The point is, I also want so many secret techniques, but unfortunately I don't have them!"

The **** king in Xingkongfang City had his vision refreshed again, and the way he looked at Ye Liangchen changed again.

This is not only a lunatic, but also a lunatic who is hanging out.

Although they come from the surrounding Ten Thousand Domains, they have never seen crazy guys who possess so many secret arts and can perform so many secret arts at once.



Numerous supernatural powers and secret techniques, coupled with Ye Que's crazy melee combat, stunned the seventh-rank **** king with bruises all over his body, and he was powerless to fight back.

At first, the opponent was able to fight back. After all, he had sufficient strength and a lot of secret techniques.

But in the middle of the fight, it can't be exhausted at all. The result is that they are passively beaten and covered by firepower.


The tentacles of the Supreme Elder were chopped off, and the golden shell was tattered, tending to be seriously injured.

"Don't...don't fight! My friend! My friend! Let's reconcile... Let's communicate!"

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