God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 872: system on (4)

Three days later.

Jin Duande leaned in front of Ye Tiandian's gate, surrounded by big demons.

But all of them lost their arms and legs, and their bodies were wrapped in white cloth.

Anyway, all the big monsters who can survive to the present are injured.

"That day, the star demon struck, and we, the people of the six realms, were powerless to resist!"

Jin Duande bragged about the past and talked about the past.

"At that time, my eldest brother, quasi-nine-star ancient god! Immortal and immortal, thirty-one **** kings joined hands and shocked the six realms. Now the **** realm must have been horrified!"

"But he also paid the price. He was almost dead. His whole body was as dry as charcoal, emitting **** steam, and his pupils collapsed."

Speaking of this, Jin Duande is not bragging, there is admiration in his eyes, but also emotion.

In order to wait for the birth of the Lord of the Six Realms, the ancient gods really did everything they could, used all their strength, and fought with their lives, forcing thirty-one **** kings to join forces.

But soon, Jin Duande showed his true colors.

After all, some B have to pretend.

"At that time, the star demon attacked, and my elder brother was almost dead. Under such circumstances! The Six Realms are really desperate!"

The big demons around heard it clearly. Few of them really knew what happened at that time.

Many wept in despair, not noticing why the Six Realms were being saved.

"Speak quickly!"

There is a big demon urging.

There was a look of arrogance in Jin Duande's eyes, he stood up with his hands behind his back, looked at the sky at forty-five degrees, showing the demeanor of a peerless master: "I had no choice but to kneel in front of my elder brother. I was moved and woke up my elder brother..."

This is awesome.

Kneel down to save the Seven Realms.

Thankfully he figured it out.

Even in the back, he knelt down to save the eldest brother, but he was blown out.

Ning Yu, who lost her right eye, leaned against the threshold, listening carefully and peacefully.

It doesn't matter what Kim Duan-deok said is true or not.

But she just loves to listen.

Because, after all, the ancient gods saved the Six Realms and restored everything.

In the hearts of all living beings, there is great joy in sorrow, and peace in great joy.

The common people in the six realms of this era have been devastated, but they also know how to enjoy the rare beauty.

So, whether the flattery is true or not, she loves to hear it, and so do others.

"Cough cough."

Liu Goudan sat on the steps with a dung spoon on his shoulders, looking at the sky from a distance, he was less of a fool than usual, with a scar on his face, and a little more calm.

The Six Realms are finally free, and the Ancient God Realm is also blessed and completely safe.


Ninety percent of the strong from all walks of life died, and the strongest so far, except for Ye Que, has no Daoyuan realm, and the Yin-Yang three-step realm is the strongest, but few survived.

The Tathagata, the Demon Monkey, many ancestors in the human world, and even Yama in the underworld, three of them died.

Dao source is destroyed, 90% of yin and yang are gone, and only 10% is left.

For example, Xuanwu, Guixu, Kunpeng, and Yaotian beasts are all dead.


The same is true of the Ancient God Realm.

The entire Seven Realms is in an atmosphere of mixed sorrow and joy.

"Protected by the shield of good fortune, rest and recuperate."

Ye Que regained his energy and blood, and although he was very fragile, he was able to get up.

Flying in the air, he sighed softly as he watched the mountains and rivers shatter and corpses all over his body.

Inside the Guixu Ring, there is a good fortune shield hidden.

Now, the Creation Shield protects the Six Realms, which can make the Six Realms peaceful for all generations.

From this life onwards, the Six Realms will become stronger and stronger.


boom! !

Outside the six realms, there are law-making protoss and creator protoss who want to break through the boundary wall and win the shield of creation.

Of course, Ye Queli ignored it.

These **** only want to plunder, and they will be cleaned up sooner or later.

"Just wait, when Lao Tzu activates the Good Fortune True God System, I will not only destroy the God Realm, but also the Star Demon Clan!"

Ye Que took a bite of the tiger whip to replenish his blood.

Huang Youyao has prepared a lot of this kind of great tonic medicine, just because she is afraid that Ye Que will not have enough energy and blood.

"Phew! My Blood Wheel Eyes gradually changed as my body recovered."

He cast a spell and observed his eyes.

The blood wheel four jades are slowly giving birth to the fifth jade.

Judging from the fact that Senior Gu Yuan's Nine Gou Jade is fully opened, it is estimated that he will also open all the Nine Gou Jade.

In addition, the star pattern on the forehead is also slowly growing, gradually moving from quasi-nine stars to align with nine stars.

This is because as the strength becomes stronger, more and more bloodlines of the ancient gods are developed, and the body of the ancient gods also begins to move closer to the real ancient gods of the ancient gods. In this way, more and more star patterns are inherited.

"Ding! The God of Creation system is starting!"

"Ding! Opening progress: 91%...92%...93%..."

This system is really powerful. It has been opened for three days, but it has not been turned on yet.

Perhaps, this is forced.

The universe's first cheat, the strongest true **** system, is really different.


"Ye Que, too many people have died, you finally got rid of the sanctions of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, don't go fishing again! Once you do it once..."

Di Xiwei pointed up.

In the sky above the six realms, phantoms of the Ring of Return to the Ruins rotated slightly, emitting the power of the shield of good fortune from within, silently guarding the six realms.

But inside, there is also the Lord of the Six Realms, who controls the six realms of reincarnation.

Once Ye Que catches someone, he will be killed by the Six Paths of Reincarnation within minutes.

Although it was not the girl's intention, who wants to see cannibalism?

"Go or go, put a soul mark on all the people who don't deserve to die, and after reincarnation, I will look for it later!"

Ye Que didn't want those people to die in vain.

The Six Realms are miserable, but if it can be saved, it will be saved.

"Then let's go to the Underworld."

Di Xiwei tore out the passage.

She and Nanling Da Neng are the only two of the Yin-Yang three-step realm in the world, and they are the strongest among the strong in the world.

It's so sad.

Ye Que didn't speak in silence, gnawed on the things of life and blood, and went straight to the underworld.

Suddenly, he seemed to have a feeling that someone was watching him, and he frowned and turned his head to look at the sky on earth.

At that moment, above the sky, in the void.

A stunningly beautiful woman in a purple-black robe was staring at him.

Unfortunately, she could see him, but he couldn't see her.

Ye Que searched to no avail, and went to the Underworld frowning. In the void, the beautiful woman closed her eyes and looked up at the Guixu Ring.

"Actually, the future has never changed. The Six Realms will eventually be destroyed. Brother Ye Que's death was never a natural karma and a sanction of the Six Realms of Reincarnation! He..."

There was sadness in her murmur.

"Benefactor, don't say any more! Be careful to reveal the secrets of heaven, disturb the ancient road of time and space, and pull you into it! Let's wait!"

The future Buddha stepped on the clouds, looked down at the common people below, and sighed softly: "Actually, the future has already changed."

Turning his head, he looked at God Lord Xueye: "If Master Ye Que has a good memory, he should remember the words you asked me to pass on to him."

"I hope so."


Ye Que looked at the countless souls in the buried head river, looking for acquaintances in silence, and also looking for the strong ones who fought for the Six Realms.

Suddenly, a reminder sounded in his head.

"Ding! Opening progress: 98%...99%...100%!"

"Ding! The God of Creation system is activated!"

"Ding! The host becomes the son of creation!"

"Ding! The system detects the whole body of the host!"

"Ding! The host has two forms, the ancient **** form and the turtle form!"

"Ding! These two forms are mixed with a lot of dirt, should they be removed by the system? Open the latest and strongest form?"

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