God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 871: Suona rings for him (3)

Ye Que was lying when he said he wasn't sad.

Senior Gu Yuan really worked hard for him, and gave him everything he could.

Even before dying, give him all of Jiugouyu's fully opened Blood Wheel Eyes and Ten Star Patterns.

But what about him?

He remembered the history that senior Gu Yuan said.

The ancient gods have loyally guarded the God Realm for hundreds of millions of years...

The ancient **** was framed, and rumors tainted the daughter of God King Baiyu...

The wife was almost humiliated and forced to commit suicide, but was slandered as an ancient **** and killed her by herself...

The apprentice betrayed, and was slandered as an ancient **** who wanted to kill disciples with his own hands...

The ancient **** was hunted down by the God Realm, and fell to the Lower Realm in grief...

The ancient gods were massacred by the God Realm, and he was the only ancient **** left in the world...

In order to save his wife, the ancient **** borrowed the sacred objects of the God Realm, the Six Paths of Reincarnation and the Precept of Returning to the Ruins...

The ancient **** fell into the lower realm, was seriously injured, and was forced to incarnate in the realm...

The left eye is the sun, the right eye is the moon, and the breath is the wind...

Voice is thunder, blood is river, skin is earth...

The Ancient God Continent is the Ancient God...

"Senior Gu Yuan didn't say a single thing about this, and he must have felt very uncomfortable... But he didn't put pressure on me in this regard, probably because he wanted me to forget all of this!"

Ye Que clenched his fists tightly, releasing all the killing in his eyes, and he couldn't take it back.

"This time, I'm not doing it for cause and effect, nor for promises, but for revenge! Senior Gu Yuan made me perfect, how can I let it go! The first goal in this life is to kill Bai Yu! Kill the disciples of the seniors!"

"Let me wait for the return of the thirteen-star ancient gods, and wait for the true **** to come! I will not let the ancient gods down! God, the servants of the ancient gods, you will join forces with the star demons to destroy the ancient gods and get the gate of good fortune Hateful!"

"Now that you have ended up being chased and killed by star demons, don't think that I will soften my heart!"

He, Ye Que, had another respectable man in his life.

That is Senior Gu Yuan, the ten-star ancient god, the patriarch of the contemporary ancient **** clan.

"Ding! Has the host activated the Creation God system?"

The beep sounded again.

However, this time, it was no longer the illusion of senior Gu Yuan.

It is a system transformed by the true inheritance of the true **** of good fortune.

But for some reason, Ye Que felt guilty.

As a member of the ancient **** clan, as an alternative ancient **** cultivated by senior Gu Yuan.

What did he do for the ancient gods?

Taking a deep breath, he said in a deep voice, "Activate the Creation True God System!"

boom! !

His body collapsed in an instant, turning into bits of starlight.

This is his consciousness.

Within consciousness, the spiritual world has become a chaos.

Suddenly, a terrifying force exploded in this chaos.

His consciousness witnessed and felt it with his own eyes, and he only felt his heart tremble and his scalp tingle (if any).

Rumble! !

The chaos exploded, and a stalwart figure walked out of the exploded chaos.

As this figure walked out, the surrounding chaos turned into a star field, into a nebula, into a life, into a boundless starry sky.

This is...open up the universe!

At the same time, a reminder sounded.

"Ding! The God of Creation system is starting!"

"Ding! Opening progress: 1%...2%...3%..."

Ye Que's consciousness then went dark, and when he woke up, there was crying all around.

What's going on?

Who is having a funeral?

Why is there still a suona sound?

Ye Que subconsciously wanted to straighten his legs when he heard the suona sound.

"I'll go, where's my leg?"

When he looked up, not only his legs were gone, but his lower body was also gone.

This time, he saw whose family was having a funeral.

It turned out that his family was doing it.

Or do it for him...

Right now, his whole body is dry, like a withered piece of wood that has been sucked dry of energy and blood. It is terrifying and miserable.

Today, he is still inside the coffin, and the suona outside is ringing for him.

"Hey, the three major bloodlines in Daoyuanjing, then the body of Xu Zuo, and then Liujia Secret Blessing and Bamen Dunjia..."

Speaking of this, Ye Que felt terrified.

It's scary.

If you can't open it like this in the future, it will really kill you.

Fortunately, this miserable outfit is gradually disappearing.

With the last strength of Senior Gu Yuan, his dry source is recovering, his physical body is slowly reshaping itself, his limbs are also recovering, but he has no blood at all.

This caused his body, even if it recovered, to be dry.

But in the end it was to save a life.

"Woooooo! Big brother! My big brother died so badly!!"

"That day, I knelt down to save the Seven Realms! I never thought that it was the time when my elder brother died!"

Jin Duande was crying so loudly, Ye Que's face was dark, but he could tell that the other party was showing his true feelings.

"Brother, we went to the underworld to look for it, but we didn't find your soul! Woohoo, even the soul is annihilated! Don't worry, brother, I, Jin Duande, have prepared many films for you. If your soul is not annihilated, I will take it The film comforts and comforts."

Ye Que's face turned darker, and he turned his head to look around.

Sure enough, on both sides of the coffin, there were a lot of movies, all kinds of series, even Jinwu Beauty and Bai Yechen.

What did this guy do?

Crackling firecrackers sounded, and the suona blew into the mourning hall.

Ye Que felt cold when he heard it.

This is for him to see off, everyone will be heartbroken after this.

"Ting Han, your elder sister is out, follow her closely."

"I... I am detached. If Sister Di acts recklessly, I can't stop..."

"Ah! Sister Xiwei, what are you going to do! Sword, grab it for her!"

"Sister Di, don't act recklessly! Brother, if you're really alive, come back to life quickly! Sister Di can't think about it!"

There was a lot of noise, and there were also fluctuations in Yuanli, and even Jin Duande was helpless in the end.

"Didn't you say that you once knelt down to save the Seven Realms? Quickly kneel down again, maybe our elder brother will live!"

The earth dog doesn't believe in this either, but at this point, he chooses to believe even if he doesn't believe it.

"That's right! Big brother, I, Jin Duande, kneel down for you! Hurry up and come back to life!"


Jin Duande knelt down and kowtowed three times.

Suddenly, the coffin slapped.

No one present was weak, and a slight slapping sound could still be heard.

When the sound sounded, Jin Duande's body froze, the dog's pupils were wretched, the dog's hair exploded, and the dog's paws subconsciously held the shovel.

Huang Youyao, Die Tinghan and Jinwu also froze for a moment when they blocked Di Xiwei's movements.

Bai Yechen was also taken aback when he walked in from the outside.

Qi Wangshu and Cardinal Gu who set off the firecrackers also froze.

"When I kneel, I made my elder brother kneel again?"

Jin Duande's heart was shaken, he only felt his scalp tingling.

That day, he knelt down to save the Seven Realms.

Today, he knelt down to save his elder brother?


The earth dog stepped forward, and with its skillful paws, it slid along the cracks in the coffin, and with another push, it easily opened the coffin board.

The whole set of movements is extremely smooth, with a sense of sophistication and the temperament of a master in it.

Obviously, Earth Dog has used this action of lifting the coffin board many times, and has become an expert.

"Stop making trouble, help me up quickly!"

Ye Que said hoarsely.

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