God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 839: VIP box (2)

Inside the scepter, a person walked out.

No, it should be the ancient gods, the ancient gods.

The pure darkness and the giant god's purple light blend together, turning into the giant god's battle suit of the ancient gods, showing the nobility and mystery of being able to swallow darkness and control darkness.

On the bronze-colored complexion, dark flames burned, and a suffocating breath swept around.

Even the golden light in the God Realm dimmed a lot.

The giant dark **** stepped out, stepping out of the magic land of the starry sky, and the berserk aura engulfed the earth like the night, sweeping in all directions.

The hazy face gradually became clear.

The face with the majesty of a dark giant, set off the blood-wheeled eyes in the eyes, making the night scarlet, and the world looked at it with shock and horror.

The quasi-nine star pattern on the forehead has turned into eight dark golden stars the size of a fist, surrounding the dark giant god, like a jade seeking Taoism, containing the temperament of an ancient **** descending to the mortal world.

On the forehead, there is only half a golden star pattern left. The star pattern is separated from the middle by a gap, and when it is slightly opened, the third eye pupil is born.

The ancient god's eye containing quasi-nine star patterns overlooks the world of sentient beings in the third eye.

This is the ancient **** who opened the double bloodline of the ancient god.

The form of the dark giant **** transformed from the fusion of the dark ancient **** and the ancient giant god.

"I'm a bitch!"

I don't know which teaser Bi Daoyuan lost his mind and was shocked.

"Is this the head of the three evils of the Eastern Desolation?"

Chu Mo, who was in the third step of yin and yang, often went to Ye Tiandian to hang out with Jin Duande, a depraved literary youth, rubbed his eyes, and couldn't believe the scene in front of him.

"Hmph! The three evils of the Eastern Desolation cannot be humiliated! How can you guess?"

The master of the Golden Flood Dragon Palace of the Ten Thousand Beast Realm, with a dark face, recalled the past.

The temperament of the dark giant **** is nothing to say, it's pretty awesome.

It frightened everyone.

This form thief can bluff people, if you want to show it to brag, you are guaranteed to be able to blow out a group of believers.

Not only these people, even Gu Ziqing shrank back in fright, but when he thought that he was in the Shenxu Realm and the other party was only in the Yin-Yang Three-step Realm, there was a big gap between them, so what was there to be afraid of?

So he took another step forward.

"Hmph! Forcibly breaking free from the shackles of the original god, is that what the ancient **** is capable of!"

He displayed the nobility of the gods all the time, and when he saw the aura of the ancient gods overpowering him, he punched him away.

"The more you are afraid, the more you will show your presence! I am only the first step in the Yin-Yang Three-step Realm, and you are already in the Divine Ruins Realm, why are you so afraid?"

Ye Que was full of energy and blood, and there was a kind of shock in his three eyes, and he also punched him.

This punch is a blow with all its strength, covering the power of giant gods, the power of latent anger of ancient gods, black flames, and cutting the sky.

boom! !

The big bang spread, and the starry sky suddenly cracked.

The dark giant **** retreated slightly, and the **** retreated slightly.

The two sides even tied.


Gu Ziqing gritted his teeth, wanting to say that this was nothing more than that, but he didn't have the nerve to speak.

This **** is completely ashamed.

"Hmph! I only used one-tenth of my strength!"

In the end, he still had the cheek to explain it abruptly.

Although the dark giant spirit is strong, it does have a gap with Gu Ziqing in the God Ruins Realm.

This is a matter of boundaries.

But even so, it can be seen how powerful the ancient **** is.

Leng Yi took the first step to fight against the punch of the Shenxu Realm without losing.

With such a record against the heavens, Gu Ziqing can still find an excuse to explain it. To be honest, if his master sees this, he will **** the skin to pieces.

"Awesome! Awesome!"

Chu Mo's **** laughed out loud, making Gu Ziqing's face turn red.

"Stop laughing! Go back to the Six Realms!"

Bai Ku waited for seniors not to forget that the God Realm had sent troops, and had always been very vigilant, but when the ancient **** walked out, his form exploded, and everyone lost their minds in an instant.

Now it's time to calm down and resist the attack from the God Realm.

"Yes, yes! Master Ye, let's go back!"

Chu Mo howled.

"Brother Ye returns to the Six Realms, and the Six Realms will devote all their resources to you. That **** is nothing, and you will surpass him soon!"

Nangong Yuning saw that Gu Ziqing was not pleasing to the eye, and the beautiful woman who never targeted anyone actually spoke stingingly.

"Benefactor, let's go! The Star Nirvana Formation of the Six Realms is only deployed in the world of humans, beasts, Shura, and the underworld. The fairy world and the evil ghost world have not yet been deployed, and there are great flaws. We need your strength to resist together." Spirit world!"

The Tathagata sighed softly and flew towards the world one step at a time.

Everyone followed, all with solemn expressions, secretly hating the Myriad Demons and Turtles in their hearts.

"If it wasn't for the bastard's bad deeds, our plan can continue."

"Yes! At that time, the ancient gods will definitely grow to the source of Dao, and the star nirvana formation of the six realms will be completed."

"If the goals in these plans can be achieved, it will be difficult for the God Realm to break through the Six Realms!"

All yin and yang, all Daoyuan's faces are gloomy.

Due to the evil deeds of the Myriad Monsters and Turtles, even if the God Realm attacked the Six Realms in a catastrophe, a large number of people would die even if they were resisted.

Everyone felt heavy in their hearts, and saw a sea of ​​blood in their eyes.

the other side.

"Come back!"

Sister Di has spoken, even if you are so awesome and majestic outside that everyone admires you, you still have to listen to your wife.

"You're lucky!"

The dark giant **** still listened to his daughter-in-law and decided to leave, so with a thought, he summoned him back to the Ruins.

Those two guys probably don't know yet, but Guixu Ring has already recognized its master.

"Don't even think about leaving! You're just an ancient god, I'll blow you up!"

Gu Ziqing lost face, how could he let the ancient **** go.

There are even more troops coming from behind him, if they let the ancient **** go, they will lose face to the God Realm.

"This time, I will kill you no matter what!"

Gu Ziqing became angry from embarrassment, a little mad, cast a spell, and amidst the buzzing sound, the divine staff instantly burst into divine light, enveloping the giant dark **** and him together.

This trick again.

"Can he escape? Seniors, help him!"

Di Xiwei shrank her pupils and spoke hastily.

"It's a bad thing!"

Baiku frowned, he would have acted first if he knew about it, and escorted the ancient **** back.

"Senior Tathagata."

Nangong Yuning looked at Tathagata, asking for help in her eyes.

Everyone also looked at Tathagata.

Tathagata is the strongest in the Six Realms, and only he can save people.

But Tathagata is calm and relaxed, with wisdom and composure in his eyes.

"let's go!"

He seemed to have expected something and ignored it.

Everyone frowned, but they knew what was going on in the next moment.

"Hahahaha! You go? Can you go?"

Gu Ziqing was arrogant, looking down on the ancient **** from a height, there was playfulness in his eyes.

"You don't want me to go? Good! I won't go, I'll take you to a place to play!"

Ye Que thought about it.

"Open the passage to the Ruins Ring and enter the Ancient God Realm!"

He is the master of Returning to the Ruins, and he used this trick to send the creatures from the Ancient God Realm back to the Ancient God Realm.

With the Guixu Ring in Gu Ziqing's hand, Huo Di opened a door, which was the passage of the ancient gods.

And Ye Que was the master of the Ancient God Realm, so with a thought, he created a terrifying suction force in the Ancient God Realm, sucking the defenseless Gu Ziqing in.

Although the Ancient God Realm is weak, the Ancient God Realm is still one world, and the attraction of gathering one realm, the God Ruins Realm is caught off guard, and it will also be tricked.

"Daughter-in-law, wait for me in the world!"

Ye Que turned around and let out a thud, what an awesome dark giant **** form, it was because of his self-destructive image.

But this is also his cleverness, mainly because he doesn't want Di Xiwei to worry.

Di Xiwei was really relieved, and returned to the human world with everyone.

"Hmph! Don't let me go, then go to my VIP box and have fun!"

Ye Que smiled coldly and entered the Guixu Ring.

And the Ring of Return to the Ruins returned to Ye Que's finger again.

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