God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 838: Dark Titan (1)

Ye Que looked at his situation.

Bones were separated, and there was no part of the body that was not dismantled.

Even the Ring of Returning to the Ruins that was firmly stuck to his finger had to leave him.

"Fuck! How do I absorb this, I'm almost gone."

Take a look at the data.

Opened Bloodline 1: The Power of the Ancient God's Latent Fury (Insufficient Qi and blood, cannot be opened)

The body was dismantled, and the power of latent anger was indeed restricted.

Can't even open this, let alone open the form of the ancient giant god.

"Hmph! Just an ancient god, it's easy to destroy you. When I have to return to the ruins ring and the six reincarnations, I will trample to death with one foot!"

Gu Ziqing saw that the fingers of the ancient **** were peeled off, and the Ring of Return to the Ruins gradually flew out, so he stretched out his hand to grab it.

The gray streamer impacted the scepter, but it did not hinder the acquisition of this treasure.

Suddenly, Tathagata struck with a finger, which contained great wisdom, and seemed to light up the dark starry sky.

Gu Ziqing didn't dare to be defensive, cursed secretly, but had no choice but to stop, turned around and slashed at the starry sky, creating an abyss, separating the space from Tathagata.

This won't last long, Tathagata casts spells one after another, and he will soon be able to get close.

But that's okay.

"It's fine if you can get the Ring of Return to the Ruins!"

He smiled coldly and reached out to grab it.

It was very easy to succeed with one move, and the ridicule in his heart was even worse.

The rumored ancient **** is nothing more than that.

No wonder the ancient gods were wiped out.

In front of gods, what are ancient gods?

Isn't it just an extra ancient word?

Ancient, pedantic and stupid representative.

God is the newest top race in this era.

Seeing the ancient **** being separated from his tormented flesh and blood, he felt even more so in his heart.

"A mere ancient **** dares to put on a show in front of me, and when I get the Six Paths of Reincarnation, I will make you end up like Zhu Jiuyin!"


He grasped the Ring of Return to the Ruins.

"Little bastard, your master didn't dare to be so crazy back then, and still be a mere ancient god? I let you see how powerful the ancient **** is!"

Zhu Jiuyin fell into the world hundreds of thousands of years ago. In that era, although he was banned and couldn't do much, he could occasionally collect some blood.

The blood of the ten evils of all walks of life for hundreds of thousands of years is much stronger and purer than the ten evils of all walks of life today.

He collected a lot and gathered them into one.

I originally wanted to purify the blood of the ancient gods, but now it has a greater use.

"Boy, drink it!"

With a flick of his fingers, Zhu Jiuyin threw a small bottle at the ancient god.

"is that useful?"

There are doubts at the peak of the source of the six realms.

"Don't ask, save someone quickly."

Di Xiwei urged nervously, as a daughter-in-law, she panicked, fearing that her husband would disappear.

Only those in the Yin-Yang Three-Step Realm can come to the starry sky, otherwise Huang Youyao and others will come here and there will be a mess.

"Let him die!"

Zhu Jiuyin sneered.

The peak of Daoyuan of the Six Realms was stalked by Zhu Jiuyin, and he stopped talking, but he was not annoyed at all, life-saving is the most important thing.

Control the gray streamer to **** up the vial, and send it into the scepter.

"He is only at the Yin-Yang three-step realm, and in front of my God Ruins Realm, he is not as good as an ant!"

Gu Ziqing said no, but his body was very honest.

He didn't want accidents to happen frequently, and nine blue lights bloomed on his body, covering the **** mask covering the ancient god, and his defense deepened again.


Tathagata opened up the cut-off starry sky, step by step, seemingly slow and possessing Buddha power, but in fact it was very fast, approaching Gu Ziqing in the blink of an eye.


The question was very gentle and kind, if it wasn't for the Tathagata palm that can crush the stars, everyone would have believed it.

Gu Ziqing's face changed slightly, and he gritted his teeth and said, "You are only in the God Ruins Realm, and you can't destroy me!"

After casting the spell, a void graphic appeared in front of him, and hundreds of millions of golden threads bloomed with a clang, covering the starry sky instantly.


The palm of Tathagata, which can smash stars, smashed **** hundreds of millions of gold threads.

The loud noise tore apart the starry sky, and the terrible suction swept in all directions from the shattered place of the starry sky.

This is the power generated by the collision.

But after the collision, Gu Ziqing held it, that's the key.

"Hahahaha! Who can do anything to me?"

He laughed wildly.

Everyone was suffocating, and their faces were ugly. Couldn't even Tathagata cure him?

But looking at the Tathagata, he sat back on the Nine Lotus Buddha Seat, stared deeply at the palm of the Tathagata, and said lightly: "Escape into Buddhism!"


The Buddha's voice was heard crisply throughout the starry sky.

Time and space seem to freeze.

The palm of the Tathagata suddenly darkened and became translucent, piercing through the pictures in the void and billions of gold threads, and passing by Gu Ziqing's body.

Like a ray of breeze, it blew past Henggu leisurely, and with a bang, it landed on the blood-colored mask and nine blue lights that wrapped the ancient god.


The **** mask and nine blue lights burst.

"Go in!"

The peak of Daoyuan of the Six Realms drank, and the gray streamer pushed the small bottle into front of the ancient god, and shattered it, revealing a strand of dark golden blood inside.

At this moment, Ye Que was in such a miserable state, his head was almost dismantled, and he could still use his mouth thanks to it.

It doesn't matter what it is, just open your mouth and **** it.

With a chirp, dark golden blood entered his body.

There was silence all around.

Everyone wanted to see what would happen.

"What's up?"

Daoyuan of the Six Realms murmured, feeling an inexplicable tension.

"Don't make me a widow!"

Di Xiwei said nervously.

Don't talk about them.

Even Gu Ziqing choked for a moment, wondering what would happen?

boom! !

Above the heads of all living beings, in the endless starry sky, hundreds of millions of golden lights exploded from nothingness, illuminating the huge starry sky in an instant, and coating the six realms with a layer of golden paint.

"Hahahaha! What you are waiting for is despair! The God Realm has sent troops!"

Gu Ziqing laughed, mocking in his eyes.

Chi Chi Chi Chi!

Hundreds of millions of golden lights intertwined into a void teleportation array comparable to the size of a star.

There is a kind of terrifying divine power that can only be condensed like a large army, and if it flows a little, it will make the expressions of the six realms change slightly.

"This is the fate of daring to resist the God Realm!"

Under the teleportation array in the void, Gu Ziqing looked like a golden god, leaning against the teleportation array of the God Realm, he had a powerful aura that could not be competed with.

boom! !

A fist the size of a sandbag protruded from the scepter and hit Gu Ziqing on the head.

This guy laughed so triumphantly that he couldn't defend himself, and was almost smashed with a punch.

"It's done!"

Zhu Jiuyin sneered.

Everyone looked into the scepter instantly.

"Ding! The host absorbs the power of the giant god's bloodline from the ancient gods, and activates the hidden giant god's bloodline in the host's body!"

"Ding! The power of the giant god's bloodline: the bloodline of the ancient gods contains the power of the giant **** that can support the starry sky!"

"Ding! Once the bloodline is opened, the ancient **** will have the form of the ancient giant god, and gain the power of the giant **** that is doubled due to the foundation of the realm!"

"Ding! The power of the giant god's bloodline, the countdown to awakening: 10, 9..."

"Activate the power of the latent wrath of the ancient gods!"

"Ding! The host's qi and blood have returned to a sufficient state, and the power of the latent anger of the ancient **** is being activated!"

"Ding! The power of the latent anger of the ancient gods, start the countdown: 10, 9..."

"Ding! The power of the giant god's blood is awakened! Open the ancient giant god's form!"

"Ding! The power of the latent anger of the ancient gods is activated! Obtain the form of the dark ancient gods!"

"Ding! Dual form fusion!"

"Ding! The dark giant god's spirit form is activated!"

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