God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 2044: Carrying the Eternal God Mountain, disturbing the Eternal Mountain

Seeing that Ye Que didn't move for a long time, Yuan Yu Yuanshen was a little anxious, fearing that the Sword Emperor of Jiuxu would be one step ahead, so he casually told Ye Que to climb the ladder.


A sacred mountain at the level of Yuanshen was pressed on the back of Yuanshen Yuanyu. He was a little struggling, hunched, and raised his head with difficulty. Seeing that the Jiuxu Sword Emperor was going up step by step, he gritted his teeth and climbed up.

Just as they were climbing up, somewhere in the Eternal Mountain, a bell rang.


The sound is as long as the years, echoing everywhere in Eternal Mountain.

"More than a million years have passed, and someone has found the Eternal Ladder."

An old man, stroking his goatee, with vicissitudes of life, passed through the gate of the palace and glanced at the distant sky.

buzz buzz —

Several long rainbows flew out of the Eternal Mountain, crossed the sky, and headed to the top of the Eternal Ladder.

They landed on the top of the mountain, stepped on the formation on the top of the mountain, and deployed the ancient secret technique unique to Eternal Mountain. They saw a light curtain penetrating the sky, rushing out of the formation on the top of the mountain, like a huge streamer screen, inside was the picture in the ladder.

From that moment on, Eternal Mountain, which had been quiet for countless years, started to stir again.

Those ancient beings who have survived since the dark ages all opened their eyes to see what characters from the era have come up on the ladder of Eternal Mountain.

Near the top of the mountain, there are several figures scattered on the steps of the ladder.

Some, are dead.

Some are still holding on.

Seeing this, many people in Eternal Mountain whispered.

"Ten million years ago, that person found the ladder to heaven. Today, ten million years later, that person is still alive and is about to reach the top of the mountain."

"That person has the hope of entering the Eternal Mountain, and the rest of the people who went up the mountain with him are all dead."

In the middle and upper stages of the ladder, there are corpses everywhere, most of them are not rotten, and they fall next to the Yuanshen weapon next to the ladder. There are no legends about them in the world.

There are also people who stand on the stairs with difficulty, or sit cross-legged on the stairs, motionless, not knowing whether they are alive or dead.

"That person is... Shen Minyu, the captain of the guard of the previous generation in the Ice Empress Domain, who came to the ladder three million years ago, and reached the middle and upper parts in just three million years. He has more potential than that guy who has been there for tens of millions of years. "

"That person is terrible. The Eternal Ancestor of our Eternal Mountain once commented on this person. The reincarnation of the source **** has no cause and effect, and has perseverance. If you reach the top, you can recruit."

"I remembered that Shen Minyu is the reincarnated source god. Before reincarnation, he stepped on the ladder. Because of great cause and effect, he was forced to leave because of the unbearable sacred mountain. Later, in order to climb the ladder and find an eternal opportunity, he reincarnated 300 million people. Years later, in the Ice Empress Domain, he broke through again as Yuanshen, entered the ladder again, and reached the middle of the ladder in a million years."

There are many heated discussions.

Since the Sky Ladder will not open until a million years later, countless super powers or subordinate disciples of Eternal Mountain are all curious and watching.

If you look at the middle and lower stages of the ladder, there are more corpses, in all realms, even mortals without realms.

Some of those mortals walked longer than Yuanshen, just because they didn't have great karma, and they had great wisdom in their hearts, so the difficulty on the ladder was greatly reduced, but unfortunately their lifespan was limited after all.

It's a spectacle.

In order to find the eternal opportunity, countless lives fought one after another, and finally died halfway.

There are also lucky ones.

They have been climbing slowly, or sitting cross-legged on the spot, Ye Shi Yuanshen is among them, still climbing with difficulty.

Gradually, the eyes of many strong men fell on the new climber.

"Hey, that Void Immortal has only carried one Origin Void Divine Mountain on his back. It seems that he has few karma outside. He is either a hermit practitioner or a person with great kindness in his heart. He has a slight chance of reaching the top."

"That master carries Yuanzun Shenyue on his back, hey, if he doesn't step out of the thousand ladders, he will die and disappear."

Further down, there are God Markets, God Kings, and True Gods who make laws and create things.

The superpowers of Eternal Mountain don't care about their realm, but only look at the sacred mountain they carry, which is a manifestation of potential.

"There are two more Yuanshen climbing, carrying Yuanshen Shenyue on their backs."

"An overly strong desire to cultivate is the biggest stumbling block to climbing the ladder. Eternal Mountain never needs this kind of life."

The strong all shook their heads.

They closed their eyes and stopped watching.

Because over the years, every wave of new climbers has been pretty much the same in every way.

And this type of life has never been able to reach the top. Even if there are occasional potential people, the probability of reaching the top is only raised from ten deaths and no lives to nine deaths and one life.

Not surprisingly, this group of climbers, like the ancients, will die halfway.

"Hehe, don't be in a hurry, there is still one person under the ladder."

The old man with a goatee walked out of the majestic hall, walking among the clouds and mist, his voice was vicissitudes, and his laughter echoed.

Among the various peaks around Eternal Mountain, the super strong man who closed his eyes, looked hesitant, and then turned his gaze to the bottom of the ladder.

Not long after, surprises sounded one after another.

"It's him, the ancient **** who was targeted by the eternal ancestor of reincarnation."

"Not only the Eternal Ancestor of Reincarnation, but several others are looking for him. It's a good thing he can survive till now."

"Speaking of which, he is only half an ancient god, and the other half is a descendant of the aborigines in the beginning."

The voices of the super powerhouses grew louder, a little surprised, and there were waves.

"Indigenous people in the beginning..."

Someone's voice is vicissitudes, as if immersed in long-term memories.

"For the sake of the ancient gods in the beginning, remind him to let him go, Eternal God, he can't bear it."

In the depths of Eternal Mountain, a voice containing rules sounded, the time and space between heaven and earth trembled, and ripples rippled in the hearts of countless lives.

"Yes, Patriarch."

The old man stroking his goatee, and the superpowers in the mountains all flew out of the mountains, hung in the sky, and bowed deeply to the deepest clouds.

under the ladder.

Ye Que looked up for a long time, his body gradually became tense, a little nervous, but more determined.

He took a deep breath, shook his body, and shook out all kinds of tattered weapons in the world in his body, and pressed them all against his body, looking like a beggar.

All blood vessels are turned on.

The three fantasy gods, Kaitian, and Libra, have achieved Kaitian Youshen.

The blood of the red lotus revived, used the original fighting method, transformed into the blood of the lotus, and transformed into the six-armed lotus, the **** of open sky.

He stepped on the Eternal Realm, holding the Heavenly Fire Yuanshen Stick, the Natal Stick, the Myriad Magic Pot, and other tattered Yuanshen weapons in each hand.

buzz buzz —

Two naives flew out, under the scales, in the same realm as Ye Que, and then flew around Ye Que with the Yuanshen weapon on their heads.


Ye Que took another deep breath, and the look in his right eye gradually became firmer.

Then, he took off the left eye mask, closed his left eye, and was ready to open it at any time.

Finally, he tried to shake the golden clock.

The golden bell was only moved in his mind, and it was shaken by the power of faith, and he couldn't activate the rest of the divine power.

At most, he could only rely on the Golden Bell to passively cover himself from being discovered by the Eternal Ancestor.

But now, he wanted to give it a try, what if the Golden Bell could help him climb the ladder?

Soon, he shook, but no sound came from the golden bell.

Afterwards, Ye Que guessed that there was a special rule in this space, which isolated the Eternal Voice.

He shook it eight or nine times in disbelief, but after getting no results, he stopped shaking completely.

"Forget it."

He put away his disappointment and continued to adjust his state. When he was about to open his left eye and climb, a vicissitudes of life sounded in his mind.

"Go back, Eternal Divine Mountain, you can't afford it."

Ye Que was stunned, as if he understood something, he bowed and said: "Thank you for reminding me, senior, since I have been discovered by senior, and junior will not hide it, are you going to arrest me?"

"There is no need to arrest you, Eternal Mountain is different from the outside world, but you can't get in either, go back, you will be suppressed by Eternal God Mountain when you step on the first step, go back, go back to the Realm of God, never come out again. "

The vicissitudes of life echoed in his mind again, and after that, no matter how Ye Que opened his mouth, the vicissitudes of life would not sound again, it seemed that it was the last kind reminder.

Ye Que stood still, not knowing what he was thinking.

The superpowers of Eternal Mountain, as well as the other elders and disciples, were all watching him, not for anything else, but because the ancestor spoke to this person.

"Looking at the situation, it should be time to return."

"According to the rumors, he, like the **** Minyu, is also a member of the Ice Emperor's domain."

"He is also the Mystic God Son of the Mystic Temple."

"So what, is there any difference between this person and those who climbed and those who died on the ladder?"

"Yes, he can still go back alive."

Gradually, everyone withdrew their gazes and returned to their respective training places or halls.

From ancient times to the present, countless legendary figures, supreme beings, struggled to seek eternal opportunities, climbed the ladder, and finally died halfway. They have seen too much.

The person who was followed by the Eternal Ancestor was no exception. Everyone left without paying attention for a long time.

The old man stroking his goatee was still looking at Ye Que, he was the one who reminded Ye Que.

Seeing Ye Que standing there without speaking, he thought that this person would turn around and leave, but in the next moment, the face of the goatee old man changed slightly.

The next moment, boom! !

A terrifying power of eternity emerged from Eternal Mountain, and then a gray divine mountain appeared above the ladder of Eternal Mountain. As soon as it appeared, it shook the world, and even the entire Yuanshen Realm shook.

Then, that gray divine mountain, pulsating with the power of eternity, ruthlessly fell towards the ladder.

[Author's digression]: Good night, see you tomorrow

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