God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 2043: Upper heaven ladder, Mt. Segamidake

Ye Que and his group came to the legendary Eternal Ladder through the teleportation space.

At the same time, the Sword Emperor of Jiuxu who was also in the black land quietly followed and came here.

"You are not the only ones who are looking for Eternal Mountain in the Black Land. The old man has been in the Black Land all the time. It is normal for you to make such a big battle. I will follow you to have a look."

After the Jiuxu Sword Emperor finished speaking, he looked at Yuanyu Yuanshen calmly.

He was afraid of the existence of Ye's Yuanshen, so he didn't show a cold face to intimidate him.

Yuan Yu Yuanshen looked expressionless and glanced at Ye Que, who silently shook his head.

At this point, the tracking matter, let it go.

However, things don't end there that easily.

Everyone wanted to find that opportunity, and many source gods had put in too much effort.

Pathfinder, died on the way.

The reincarnation died in a low realm.

Those who opened the way by killing fell in a pool of blood.

Etc., etc…

For countless years, too many source gods died on the way to find the eternal opportunity.

The eternal ladder in front of him is an opportunity.

For Yuanshen, this is a great opportunity, being followed by others, and fighting for the opportunity together, no one can be calm.

Yuanyu Yuanshen didn't care about it on the surface, but in fact he had murderous intentions in his heart.

If given the chance, he would definitely kill the Jiuxu Sword Emperor.

Everyone stopped talking and watched the ladder.

Ye Que's side and Jiuxu Sword Emperor used many methods on the ground to test.

Put clones, puppets, living things, etc. on the ladder, and see how they react.

Ye Que's avatar went up, and just stepped into the first step of the ladder, it collapsed by itself.

"Avatars are useless, the ladder has a power that can identify avatars."

Yuanyu Yuanshen also used his avatar, and it collapsed as soon as he went up.

Jiuxu Sword Emperor also experimented and also collapsed.

When the puppet went up, it was instantly shattered.

In the end, I came to a conclusion that dead things cannot touch the ladder alone.

When he was at a loss, the Jiuxu Sword Emperor made a move.

He flicked his fingers, and several rays of light flew out from his sleeves and fell to the ground, revealing ten people.

Those ten people, male and female, had different expressions, and their realms were very regular.

The highest dominating realm, and so on, are Void Immortal, Origin Void, Great True God, True God, Creation, Creation, God, God King, God Ruins.

Ye Que and the others looked over, and Qiqi saw the abnormality here.

The space here is different from Yuanshen Realm, and it will not crush those who are too low to death.

"You, go up."

The Jiuxu Sword Emperor seems to often experiment with people, pointing his finger at the ruler.

The Juggernaut was dressed in rags and had congealed blood on his face. Hearing the words of the Jiuxu Sword Emperor, he didn't resist. He stomped his foot and flew to the ladder.


The Sword Emperor of the Wine Market asked.

"No problem."

Zhu Zhuojing heaved a sigh of relief and replied.

But at the next moment, a black sacred mountain, containing the might of Yuan Zun, appeared from above this person, and it was pressed down with a bang, almost crushing the ruler to the ground.

Everyone was surprised for a while, not knowing what happened.

"Continue to go up! If you can go up alive, I will give you freedom!"

The Sword Emperor of Jiuxu shouted coldly.

After hearing that, the Juggernaut's face became happy, and he didn't know where the courage came from. He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, carried the black Yuanzun Shenyue on his back, and climbed up with difficulty.

A few steps up, no abnormality occurred.

Gradually, the man quickly disappeared from their field of vision and went to a higher place.

Jiuxu Sword Emperor is not worried that this person can really reach Eternal Mountain, a mere master, not yet capable.

The problem now is to find out what dangers will arise when climbing the ladder.

"After going up, you have to carry a sacred mountain on your back?"

The Jiuxu Sword Emperor said in amazement, and then turned to look at the remaining nine people.

The nine people were terrified, the black **** Yue Yuanzun was oppressive, they couldn't bear it, they would die if they went up.

Ye Que watched silently, with a thoughtful expression.

"You, go up."

[Yanyu Hongchen Novels www.yyhc.info] Jiuxu Sword Emperor points to Void Immortal.

Void Immortal shook his head in horror, knelt on the ground and begged.

Jiuxu Sword Emperor was indifferent, wiped out this person with one finger, and then flicked his sleeves, another Void Immortal appeared, and said: "You, go up!"

Ye Que's eyes were cold.

This Jiuxu Sword Emperor is extremely low-key in the Yuanshen Realm, but he is also cruel and ruthless. He does not take human life as his life. Judging by his skilled movements, he probably does this often.

The Void Immortal was confused for a moment, then obeyed the order of the Jiuxu Sword Emperor and flew to the ladder.

Pausing for a short while, above the head of this person, a black sacred mountain appeared, containing the power of the source, and with a bang, it hit the person's back.

This person had no pressure, and looked at the Jiuxu Sword Emperor blankly.

"The first Master, carrying Yuanzun Shenyue on his back, and the second Void Immortal, carrying Yuanxu Shenyue on his back?"

The Jiuxu Sword Emperor frowned tightly, and really couldn't figure out what the rules were.

Not far away, Ye Que seemed to have guessed something, his face changed slightly, and a huge pressure gushed out from his heart.

"Brother Ye, what did you find?"

The Jiuxu Sword Emperor couldn't guess, so he looked at Yuanyu Yuanshen and Ye Que, and finally saw Ye Que's face change slightly, knowing that this person had discovered something abnormal.

Ye Que glanced at the Jiuxu Sword Emperor, looked up at the Void Immortal, and asked, "Which one is the strongest enemy you have encountered in your life?"

Immortal Void shook his body, and subconsciously looked at the Sword Emperor of Jiuxu.

The Jiuxu Sword Emperor was taken aback for a moment, and after careful consideration, he raised his head and said coldly: "Tell him, tell the truth! If there is a lie, this is where you will be buried!"

Immortal Void still didn't speak, but became more frightened, and looked at Jiuxu Sword Emperor timidly.

"Have you provoked him?"

Ye Que asked about Immortal Void, and moved his eyes to the Sword Emperor of Jiuxu.

These words were very straightforward, Jiuxu Sword Emperor was not annoyed, instead he said with a smile: "With their ability, they still can't provoke me, they are all people that the old man plundered from all over the place."

Ye Que squinted at the Sword Emperor of Jiuxu, thinking that this guy was to some extent comparable to the Man God.

"What level is the strongest realm of the enemy you provoked?"

When Ye Que asked, Yuan Yu Yuanshen's mind flashed, and he guessed something.

The Jiuxu Sword Emperor quickly guessed a possibility, and couldn't help urging the Void Immortal to answer.

Void Immortal thought about it, and finally said: "I have practiced in seclusion in my life, and I have never killed indiscriminately. Before being taken away by the seniors of Jiuxu, I once killed a notorious Yuanxu. That is the strongest person I have killed since I practiced in seclusion. By."

Ye Que remained silent, his eyes suddenly brightened.

Yuanyu Yuanshen and Jiuxu Sword Emperor said in unison: "Cause and effect!"

"Brother Ye, I admire you! You have seen it all!"

Yuan Yu Yuanshen sighed.

Ye Que remained silent.

The reason why he guessed it was not that he was stronger than Yuanshen, but that his former enemies were always stronger than him, thus forging a lot of special karma.

In other words, there is no other, only familiarity.

Once he got used to this kind of karma, he became very sharp.

"Hahaha, Brother Ye hides really deep!"

The Jiuxu Sword Emperor looked at Ye Que appreciatively and smiled.

Sure enough, he guessed right, this person was very mysterious from the beginning.

Before, no matter how he looked at it, he couldn't see the state of this person. Combined with the hand shown in front of his eyes, this person is really capable, he is definitely Yuanshen, and he is also the strongest among Yuanshen.

"In your life, what is the realm of the strongest person you provoked?"

Jiuxu Sword Emperor put away his smile, turned and pointed at Yuanxu.

Na Yuanxu was terrified: "I, I once killed a child with great power."

"Then next, you will carry a ruler mountain on your back, go up!"

Jiuxu Sword Emperor glanced at Ye Que and sneered.

"No...no, please let me go."

Yuanxu knelt down and kowtowed.

"I give you two choices. First, go up. If you can live, I will give you freedom. Second, die here immediately!"

Jiuxu Sword Emperor said indifferently.

That Yuanxu was frightened and cried, and finally turned his heart and flew to the ladder, and after a while, a ruler divine mountain pressed down, crushing the person to death with a bang.

"It's true! It's true! This ladder, anyone can go up, but you need to bear the karma that you have voluntarily formed!"

The Jiuxu Sword Emperor laughed.

With a wave of his hand, he sent the remaining seven people to the ladder, letting them lead the way.

What is the situation in the second half of the ladder, we need these seven people to test it out.

Therefore, the seven people from the Shenxu Realm to the Great True God, some carrying the terrifying sacred mountain on their backs, and some carrying the stress-free sacred mountain on their backs, went up the ladder.

Jiuxu Sword Emperor jumped up and landed on the ladder.

Immediately, a terrifying divine mountain at the level of the source **** landed on his back. With a loud shout, he forcibly walked up with his back on his back.

Yuanyu Yuanshen was eager to try, seeing Ye Que's indifference, he said: "Brother Ye, you and I are both Yuanshen, even if there is cause and effect, at most it is at the level of Yuanshen, don't you want to go?"

Ye Que looked at the ladder in silence, didn't speak, feeling depressed.

He felt that his karma was unusual.

Because, his strongest enemy is not Yuanshen, but eternity.

Although, he never took the initiative to provoke Eternity, stepping on the ladder, there should be no Eternal God Mountain.

However, that is eternity, it has already surpassed the category of Yuanshen, it is a life of another level, walking with the rules and transcending everything.

This kind of person, whether you provoke him or he provokes you, may have great karma.

[Author's Digression]: And

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