God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 2035: Pierce three thousand universes with one finger

What the Heer people waited for was not the light of hope, but a sun.

Ye Que's deity descended, and all the dark void creatures knelt down in one thought.

His eyes, staring at the monster in the realm of creation, said indifferently: "You want to smash my idol?"

The monster trembled, he didn't even have the courage to look directly at Ye Que.


The monster no longer shouted as before, and spoke tremblingly, but before the monster finished speaking, Ye Que instantly killed it.

Ye Que just glanced at it, and the monster turned into nothingness on the spot, starting from the legs, disappearing bit by bit, until all of them disappeared.

Those present were extremely shocked and their scalps were numb.

What a power it is!

Everyone knelt down and worshiped.

Ye Que raised his eyes and saw through the deepest part of the dark void. It seems that every dark starry sky in the universe will eventually have a true king of the dark void.

He stared at the true king of the dark void hidden in the darkness. The true king only felt that there was a long river of time and space between him and the other party. The real king could only kneel tremblingly, begging in his heart that the other party would not suppress him.

"Get back!"

Ye Que's voice was powerful, piercing through the dark void, bleeding the real king's seven orifices, and tearing apart all internal organs.

The true king tremblingly ordered his subordinates to return all the dark void creatures in the starry sky to the dark void, vowing never to enter the starry sky.

After that, Ye Que left to find the whereabouts of the murderous thing.

He returned to the highest plane of the True God Realm, and once again looked for the location of the murderer from the power of faith.

Whenever Ye Que heard the words that believers in his faith suffered a lot of persecution, he would come down in person.

In a certain universe, a mutated creature appeared. It used a black hole as its body and spit out chaos. It not only devoured the starry sky, but also did not spare the dark void.

Countless powerful people joined forces, but they also retreated steadily.

In the end, the creature was getting bigger and bigger, and it was about to swallow the universe, forcing the dark void and the starry sky to join forces.

"too strong!"

The real king of the dark void of this universe and the top powerhouse of the starry sky retreated, bleeding from their bodies.

Also at this moment, a hole was torn open on the top of the starry sky, and a pair of eyes appeared. Those eyes seemed to come from the other side of time and space, with supreme majesty. When people looked at it, they couldn't help but kneel down and worship.

It was such a pair of eyes, staring at the mutated creature. The mutated creature was decomposed, peeled off, and then died.

Then, the starry sky closed and the eyes left.

All life in the universe was shocked, thinking that the ancient **** of creation was overlooking all living beings, suppressing the evil with one glance.

Examples like this appear in many universes.

Ye Que didn't find the murderer for a while, but instead made his faith more intense and pious.

Fortunately, that monster was restless and arrogant, raging the universe everywhere, devouring everything, and as its strength rose to dominate, its mentality became more and more inflated.

After the monster devoured two universes, he realized that someone was looking for him again, but he couldn't find him for a long time, so he stood up by himself.

"A group of ants in the real **** world, I and even the followers of the supreme barbarian god, have seen the long river of time and space, and trampled on thousands of laws. Just relying on you, you also want to find my figure?"

The monster roared, tearing open the third universe with both hands, and yelled at the plane above the universe.

His voice was so terrifying that the universe was distorted and countless creatures died.

"You are all low lives, dare to destroy Lord Man God's Corpse Refining Orb, I would like to follow the order of Man God, wake up from the endless years, and devour you all!"

The monster screamed and destroyed hundreds of star fields with one punch.

The Shenting army in the True God Realm was furious, and the rest of the powerhouses in the True God Realm, out of anger, also sent people to suppress the ominous thing.

The four masters took action personally to suppress the arrogant beast.

"This matter, I will solve it!"

Ye Que's real body had just descended into a family of gods and spirits in the universe. He had just dealt with a madman, and when he heard the roar of the monster, he drank coldly.

His voice penetrated countless cosmic planes and echoed in the sky of the True God Realm.

The four masters, many void immortals and Yuanxu, were all shocked.

They have never seen Ye Gushen make a move. Many children and young people of the new generation, like Jiaojiao, mistakenly think that Ye Gushen is not strong.

Some even think that Ye Gushen's status is bought, it's just a symbol, flashy.

"Hahahaha, just rely on your life in the True God Realm? The so-called Supreme God, in my eyes, can be crushed with one finger!"

The ominous thing heard the voice, laughed wildly and yelled, the voice was very powerful, and it also echoed out.

Ye Que remained silent, standing in the starry sky, he had a majestic figure and a detached temperament.

Suddenly, he made a move, stretching out his right index finger, piercing through three thousand universes, like a majestic light beam, releasing terrifying coercion, trembling the True God Realm and all universes.

No one can resist the pressure of the fingers, everything will be shattered, and the river of time and space will retreat aside. If there is any obstacle, it will definitely end in collapse.

Countless beings screamed tremblingly, seeing such terrifying power, all of them were shaken.

The monster was still laughing, clamoring to swallow another universe, and then went to destroy the higher plane.

Suddenly, his body shivered for no reason, and he felt a strong murderous intent far away, locking on to him.

"who is it?"

The murderous thing roared loudly, releasing corpse energy all over his body, trying to avoid the murderous intent by himself, but he was horrified to find that he couldn't dodge it, the murderous intent was like the way of heaven, locking him tightly.


He started to run, trying to escape from the universe, but just as he turned around, an ancient god's index finger transformed by supernatural powers crushed him from behind. Time and space were dodging, all laws were trembling, and order was breaking down.


The ominous thing screamed in horror, he never expected that there would be such a powerful person in the Little True God Realm.

What happened to him during all these years of sleeping?

"Who gave you the courage to wreak havoc on the universe of the True God Realm?"

Ye Que drank for a long time, causing the river of time and space to buzz and sway. Countless strong men only felt that an invincible life was sending down an oracle.

"Lord Barbarian God, save me!"

The murderous creature ran wildly, but still couldn't escape the lock of murderous intent and the crushing of the index finger.

In the end, the ancient god's index finger transformed by supernatural powers fell on him, splitting his body and pushing him to the edge of the universe, until he broke through the universe, pierced through the universe plane, and came to the real **** realm.

Countless beings saw a finger transformed by supernatural powers, piercing obliquely from the universe and extending to the plane above the universe.

The murderous creature was pierced through by the finger of supernatural power, and hung in the sky dying, begging for mercy weakly, wanting to repent.

"You have no chance to repent! Dare to wreak havoc on the universe, you are already damned, sleep, and never wake up again!"

Ye Que drank coldly, and the fingers transformed by magical powers suddenly burst out with strong light, and finally the strong light scattered, illuminating the Realm of God. When the light disappeared, the ominous creature also disappeared.

Countless lives are inexplicably shocked.

The world view of the new generation of children and youth is collapsing and reorganizing.


"Pierce through countless universes, and suppress the evil on the far side! Such a terrifying character!"

Countless new-generation beings shouted.

In the end, Ye Que repaired the flaw that penetrated the universe and returned to Shenting City.

After several days, he came to the top of a big mountain and looked up at the sky, as if he wanted to see through it.

The day of farewell has arrived.

time to go.

[Author's Digression]: And

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