God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 2034: Call my name, the real body comes

What Bai Yechen said was serious, but it was also true.

Destroy a universe a day, and if it continues, how many universes will not be enough for the monster to torment.

"For the matter of the destroyed universe, you go to deal with the aftermath, find the murderous thing, and I will deal with it!"

After Ye Que explained, he and Bai Yechen left separately, leaving only Jinwu and Di Xiwei chatting about household matters by the lake.

Shenye universe.

At the edge of the universe, there is a galaxy in which there are people living.

At this moment, a war is breaking out inside.

"Block the gap in the dark starry sky, and don't let the dark starry sky creatures come out!"

On a giant star, a middle-aged man roared. He was wearing black armor, but it was torn, with blood on his face and a hideous expression.

In front of him, a large number of creatures in the dark starry sky are pouring out of a black hole in the dark starry sky that can only be seen by special pupils.

"For the Hear Human Race!"

The middle-aged man raised his head to the sky and screamed, and rushed into the black hole with his bare hands.

"For the Hear Human Race!"

The wounded friends behind him, seeing this tragic scene and facing the boundless dark starry sky creatures, knew that there was no way out, so they also screamed tragically and rushed towards the black hole.

There were more killing cries, echoing further behind them.

A large number of nuclear ear humans, regardless of gender, took up weapons in their hands and went shopping with invisible dark star creatures.

Too many people fall, and more people fill up.

When the elderly are gone, there will be young adults, and when young adults are gone, children will come.

In the center of the He'er race, on a water-blue planet, the four elders of the He'er race kneel on all four sides of the open-air altar.

On the altar, stands a statue.

The statue was a young man, with a divine coercion spreading, and his face was even more stern, with the gaze of the Supreme God who sympathized with all living beings in his eyes.

"Supreme Supreme God, save us!"

The head of the Great Elder, with muddy tears running down his old face, was kowtowing helplessly and shouting.

"Those creatures in the dark starry sky are killing us like food. Please the Supreme God save us. We, the Heer race, are willing to offer you the most precious treasures, the most beautiful women, and the most abundant food!"

The second elder kowtowed to pray, and behind him came a strong man carrying a giant disk, and the giant disk was overflowing with divine light.

These are the most precious natural and earthly treasures of the He'er race, and some treasures have even reached the level of creation, and they are already the inheritance of the He'er race.

There are ten huge plates, which are laid out front and back in front of the statue.

After that, another hundred women of various appearances, veiled, wept, walked towards the statue, and then knelt before the statue, praying in a low voice.

They are pure saintesses selected from more than 10 billion nuclear human races. They are not only voluntary sacrifices, but also extremely devout in their belief in the ancient gods of creation.

They cry because the Heer race is facing a racial crisis.

Behind the woman, a large amount of food is placed in front of the statue.

The Great Elder got up and bent over the statue: "Supreme Ancient God of Creation, our belief power is conveyed to you along with the plea for help, please save us!"

All the men, women and children around knelt down, praying and begging.

The Great Elder wiped away his tears and shouted: "Incense sacrifice!"

On the ground of the altar, golden divine patterns floated. Wherever the divine patterns passed, giant plates and treasures were swallowed and turned into wisps of incense.

The Great Elder and the crowd knelt down to pray, and the power of faith carried incense and incense, and conveyed it to the illusory Supreme God.

chi chi chi—

The divine patterns spread across ten huge disks, and it won't be long before they will spread to those one hundred women with different looks.

boom! boom! boom!

There was a roar coming from behind, as well as screams and killing cries.

Everyone didn't look back, but knelt on the ground, weeping and praying, even though the starry sky behind was dyed red and corpses kept falling.

Until—a voluntary giant beast in the dark starry sky descended on the altar.

boom! !

A dark red, three-headed, blue-faced fangs monster crushed the edge of the altar, exuding the power of the creation realm, grinning and roaring: "What kind of **** is the supreme god, he is just a swindling evil god, so many people died, I don't see him coming out either!"

He beat his chest, stared at the statue coldly, and yelled: "I don't think this **** ancient **** of creation dares to come out. I will destroy him today and drag you into a boundless **** of despair! Presumably, your Meat will be more delicious!"

He laughed and ran wildly, step by step, shattering the stone slabs, and went straight to the statue to smash it to pieces.

"Stop him!"

The Great Elder stood up, unleashed the power of the law-making gods, and stood in front of the statue.

The surrounding elders also rushed over, even if they became corpses, they couldn't let this monster destroy the statue.

"Quick incense sacrifice!"

The great elder closed his eyes and shouted.

Those one hundred women stood up one after another, and flew towards the divine lines that had not yet spread, and they wanted to offer sacrifices on their own initiative.

All the men, women and children around shouted, begged, and ran towards the monster to buy time.

The monster laughed loudly: "Since you are so active, then I will eat you and smash this **** statue!"

As he spoke, he grabbed the elder beside him and opened his mouth to swallow it.

The one hundred pure saintesses, the leader of which looks like a fairy, is the number one beauty of the Heer race, weeping at this moment, and whispered: "The ancient **** of creation, we call your name, I hope you will bring us hope."

After she finished speaking, she jumped into the divine pattern.

However, the moment she jumped in, time and space froze.

The distance between her jade feet and the divine pattern is only half an inch.

The pure saints who jumped up one after another around them all froze.

The divine pattern flame is no longer beating.

The incense gas solidified in the air, no longer drifting away.

The movement of the monster opening its mouth to swallow people also froze.

The scenes of fighting and fighting in the back also froze.

Everything stops moving at this moment.

But the living beings still have their thinking, and they can see clearly what happened.

Then, I saw a golden light beam descending from the sky above the altar. The light beam pierced through the universe, descended from the top of the starry sky, shattered the dark starry sky, and penetrated into the statue.

The idol came alive.

This is Ye Que.

Moreover, it is not the avatar that came this time, but the real body of the deity.

What the Heer people waited for was not a faint light of hope, but a divine light of hope that could drown everything in the world.

Ye Que stood on the altar, with a divine power on his face and a detached temperament, which could make all living beings stand in awe.

He glanced around, thinking about it.

boom! !

In this place at the edge of the universe, all the creatures in the dark starry sky knelt down, their knees were broken, and blood flowed from their knees.

At this moment, time and space are restored.

The woman who was about to jump into the divine pattern backed away uncontrollably, away from the divine pattern.

Those wounded soldiers were far away from the battlefield.

All the people present looked at Ye Que in shock.

They only prayed for a ray of divine power from the ancient **** of creation to help them, but they never expected that their real bodies would arrive.

buzz buzz —

Ye Que took one step at a time, and slowly walked towards the monster kneeling on the ground, and a divine power beyond the monster's comprehension swept out.

The monster's face was distorted, it was frightened.

"You, want to smash my idol?"

Ye Que asked.

In order to find the murderer, he has been paying attention to the supplications and prayers in the power of faith.

He received a lot of supplications and prayers from the belief power here, so he guessed that the ominous creature was wreaking havoc again, so the real body came, but he never thought that it was the dark starry sky creature wreaking havoc.

Anyway, let's deal with this matter smoothly.

The monster was stunned. He didn't expect that the legendary supreme **** really existed, and he came in real body. He really respected him.

[Author's digression]: Good night, see you tomorrow

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