God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 2028: Golden Coffin

The fat woman yelled and begged for mercy, but Ye Que didn't make a sound. The pressure of not responding to her was too great. In the end, he had no choice but to reveal a secret: "Do you want the autopsy book? I know where it is. Know where it is."

Ye Que frowned, and said coldly, "Which one?"

Hearing this, the fat woman understood that the strong man in front of her also knew that "Book of Corpse Dissection" had been scored nine points, and she immediately trembled: "Don't kill me, I will tell you."

"Then you'd better die!"

After Ye Que finished speaking, the method was decisive, and the soul of the fat woman was scattered with one stick.

Before dying, the fat woman never expected that the other party would be so decisive.

If it was Ye Que who did not come to the Realm of God, he might really want one of the "Book of Corpse Dissection", after all, it is a treasure to become stronger.

But now, he has changed.

"Yaoyao, go back, I have to do something."

Ye Que shouted.

Huang Youyao clasped her hands in front of her chest, opened her mouth worriedly, and finally nodded and said: "En."

Ye Que nodded, jumped up, and used Feng Shui techniques to find the most yang place in the world.

This is what he learned from Jin Duande and Tugou when they were digging graves in the Eastern Wilderness.

After some searching, the location was locked in the east.

Those smoky pillars also headed east.

Ye Que crossed the endless territory in one step, and came to a barren land, where the sun was shining brightly, but the temperature was very low, and when the wind blew, it was gloomy.

He was silent, and after searching for it for a short time, he came to a lake.

This is a stagnant water, gloomy and bottomless.

He weighed his stick, shook his head, and took out the Tianhuo Shenyuan stick directly.

As soon as it was taken out, with a slight shake, the space collapsed directly, and there was a loud bang in the sky.

Seeing how terrifying the Yuanshen level weapon is in the Realm of God, Ye Que could only hold it lightly, and then lightly tapped it towards the lake.

With a bang, the earth with a radius of billions of miles cracked, and a terrifying shock wave swept across the world.

Those Yuanxu and Void Immortals who practiced in the deep mountains in the hidden world, ran away in fright, thinking that the Lord of Darkness and Taboo was coming again.

Ye Que sighed, this was still an effort of restraint, but the effect was obvious, the lake split open, a large amount of water dispersed, and soon reached the bottom of the lake.

There is a 10,000-meter stone altar at the bottom of the lake, on which there is a formation wave of Yuanshen level, and in the innermost part of the stone altar, a bead is slowly rotating.

Ye Que looked up, and the corpse, evil and resentment from the heaven and the earth were all gathered in the beads inside the stone pillar.

"Man God, the hiding is deep enough. It seems that you cultivated a master of darkness and taboo not only to force out the ancestor of Tianyuan, but also to collect these gases!"

Ye Que said indifferently, if he didn't learn the "Disintegration of Corpse and Transformation Art", he might never be able to discover the abnormality here.

He was silent for a while, and began to arrange the formation. He used the Yuanshen-level formation. It was originally used to defend against the impact of evil spirits, but now it is used to wrap the stone altar.

During this period, he integrated all kinds of source god-level skeletons and iron pieces into the array shield.

Then, he personally entered the formation and used dozens of sticks to destroy the formation of the stone altar.

Immediately, the bead cracked, releasing endless evil spirit, corpse spirit and resentment spirit from inside.

Ye Que's face changed slightly, and he quickly backed away.

The beads that had absorbed the gas for an unknown number of years, the gas contained in it was so thick that once it was released, it almost made his body lose its vitality.

He took out the Myriad Demon Jar, but felt something was wrong. The last time he stuffed 60 billion magical powers into it, he still remembered it vividly.

But the pot of ten thousand demons, as its name suggests, is the weapon of all demons.

Before Ye Que put it away and felt such a dense gas, the Wanmo Jar revived on its own, got out of Ye Que's hand, and began to absorb the boundless gas.

Ye Que didn't know whether it was good or bad, he could only strengthen the formation to prevent these source **** level things from leaking out.

Finally, the magic pot sucked all the gas, became flat, and fell to the ground with a bang, nothing happened.

Ye Que observed for a while, picked up the Wanmo Jar, and found that the jar was empty, but it weighed a lot.

"It's also a good thing."

Ye Que heaved a sigh of relief, put away the magic jar, destroyed all the stone altar and beads, and finally put away the formation he had arranged.

Without the guidance of the stone altar and the corpse refining beads, the corpse, evil and resentment in the world became chaotic and began to drift everywhere.

These are the remnants of the True God Realm being ravaged for many years.

It is impossible to let them go away by themselves.

So, Ye Que returned to the divine court, found Bai Yechen, and asked him to issue a divine court decree to summon Buddhist experts from all over the world, no matter how strong or weak, as long as the Buddhist teachings are profound, even the Buddhist experts in the universe will be invited.

Finally, the Tathagata was alarmed.

Tathagata has always been in the universe of ancient gods, because he is a life born of the belief of all living beings.

Although, in the entire True God Realm, the most powerful one is not the Tathagata, but the one with the highest Dharma must be the Tathagata.

As soon as the Tathagata moves out, even a strong Buddhist of a higher realm will follow the Tathagata Buddha.

Under the impetus of Shenting, countless Buddhist powerhouses went to various parts of the True God Realm to save the souls of the dead and purify the corpse, evil spirit and resentment.

Because of this incident, Ye Que thought a lot, and he also remembered the record on the stone tablet in the left-eye tomb.

The first stone slab is the record of the ancient **** who built the wasteland tower.

The second slate is the record of the ancient gods in the early days walking on the grass with young children.

Thinking of this, Ye Que went to the wasteland city.

The Wilderness Continent no longer exists. Ever since the Lord of Darkness and Taboo was destroyed, it has been built into the Wilderness City by later generations, and Moyuan City is next door.

In the wilderness city, both Saint Lolita and Tian Luoyi were there.

The follower behind Ye Que, Xue girl, met her good friend, so she had no choice but to abandon his elder brother Ye and go to play with her friend.

It happened that Ye Que escaped and went outside the wilderness city.

Outside the city is a piece of old land, which is the original address of the barren land.

Ye Que went deep into the old land, and with his memory, he found the former location of the Huangyuan Tower.

After opening special eye pupils such as the Eye of Opening the Sky, the Eye of Casting the World, and the Eye of Fire Seed, he found something hidden under the earth not long after.

It was a small formation, about ten meters long and wide, invisible, if it wasn't for Ye Que's open sky eyes, he probably wouldn't be able to see it.

The formation is precise, and the breath does not leak out.

Ye Que sensed it carefully, and found that it was also at the Yuanshen level, but it was very old, and there was not much energy left in it.

And inside the formation, there is a coffin the size of half a person, the whole body is gold.

"Break this small formation first!"

Ye Que arranged the Yuanshen formation again, trapped the small formation inside, then took the Tianyuanshen fire stick and smashed it hundreds of times before smashing the small formation.

Standing in front of the golden coffin, Ye Que pondered, trying to figure out the intention of that ancient god.

Even if the ancient gods in the early days were not from the ancient **** family, they would not be able to entrap life in the lower realms.

What's more, there is a high probability that the ancient gods in the early days belonged to the ancient **** family.

The other party has no reason to put a dangerous thing here, even if they put it, they should put a treasure or an object.

Thus, Ye Que prepared to open the coffin.

Before opening the coffin, Ye Que was fully armed, wearing tattered things all over his body, shaking casually, rattling.

Immediately, the chain mail, magic pot, and Tianhuo Shenyuan stick were all activated and revived.

In this way, he held the stick in his hand, and slammed the stick on the coffin lid. With a bang, his hand was shattered. He quickly recovered his broken hand and stared at the coffin without blinking.

A stream of light appeared on the coffin, and there were obscure runes inside.

"It's a bit like the coffin-opening secret rune in the autopsy book."

Ye Que thought for a while, and hit the coffin with another stick, this time with less force, not hurting his hands, and smashed out the runes on the coffin.

After some observation, it was confirmed that this was the coffin-opening secret rune.

He solved it immediately.

Back then in Yuanshen Realm, he had thoroughly studied the "Corpse Disintegration Art" and "Corpse Disintegration Art", and he was very familiar with this coffin-opening secret method.

Three times, five divisions and two break the rune.

But still can't open the coffin lid.

Just when he was at a loss, he remembered the identity of the ancient **** in the beginning.

"Perhaps, only the ancient gods can open it."

Thinking of this, Ye Que dripped a drop of blood on the coffin, and the coffin burst into golden flames with a bang.

The coffin lid slipped off by itself.

[Author's digression]: Good night, see you tomorrow

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