God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 2027: There is a corpse in the distance

Shenting City was lively, with tables filled with wine jars.

Ye Que was at the front table, exchanging cups with old friends and friends, interspersed with laughter, but a little more tired.

Everyone talked about the joys of the days to come, Ye Que became a listener, and felt that the day was not too hot, but his body was still a little cold.

Drinking until dusk and sunset, the sky was full of red clouds, and the breeze was blowing. Ye Que looked at the red and lonely clouds, and felt dazed for a while.

There is such a sliver of understanding in the trance.

He found that he was like a lone guest walking through a sea of ​​people, watching other people's wonderful life until it was complete.

They have been with him, fought, intersected, until they got married, had children, became fathers, and took care of the family.

In free time, a few friends get together, laugh and talk about the past, complain about the nagging of the wife and the naughtiness of the children at home.

When I am busy, I will not be too busy to take care of myself. There are people at home and friends around to help.

He looked around.

Qi Wangshu was no longer at his table, and was called by his wife to coax the baby, and he could only drink in secret.

Jin Duande can't drink too much, he has followers and his own philosophy, although it is not very reliable, but it is always a kind of self-supervision.

Xin Jianren drank and drank, and went to the table of his disciples, to be respected by them.

Bai Yechen sat at the table with his family in the distance, smiling without saying a word.

Many, many people left, leaving his side one by one.

It seems that everyone is not as united as before.

But after a closer look, everyone didn't leave. They just had their own families and ideals.

However, everyone would look back at him from time to time.

As if waiting for him.

Ye Que was stunned.

It turned out that it wasn't that everyone was out of tune, but that everyone had grown up and found their own belonging.

Ye Que put down his wine glass, his eyes wandered around, and he suddenly felt that this journey of cultivation didn't seem to be that important.

At this moment, someone was toasting, and a beautiful woman walked over gracefully, took his glass, drank it in one gulp, and apologized: "He drank too much, You Yao will drink this glass of wine for him."

Then, he took his arm and left.

Finally someone couldn't help but speak.

"Master Ye, why didn't the Empress follow, why do you only have seven star patterns?"

Someone asked, and the surroundings suddenly became quiet.

Ye Que turned his head, and the fifteen stars appeared again: "The spell casts half of the cover, and the Empress is on top, it's alright."

After that, he left.

Ye Que didn't know where he had gone. He was the safest in the Realm of God. He didn't have to be wary of unknowns and dangers around him, and he could go anywhere in the Realm of the True God.

As he walked, You Yao who was beside him also followed.

For a moment, he wanted to go on like this forever.

Before they knew it, they came to the top of a mountain. On the mountainside was a boundless sea of ​​clouds, which was dyed red by the setting sun.

Ye Que sat on a big rock, he didn't say anything, and You Yao didn't ask.

Until late at night, he lay in Huang Youyao's arms and fell asleep, occasionally repeating a dream-go home when he finds someone.

It was only now that Huang Youyao knew that something had happened between him and the Empress in Yuanshen Realm, but she didn't know what to do, so she hugged him and cried all night.

In the morning, the two woke up pretending to be innocent.

The cool wind blew, and both of them were quite awake.

Ye Que's emotions returned to the same level as before, and he felt it carefully, and found that the pressure that was silent in his heart had eased a lot.

Even breathing is a little more refreshing.

"What’s wrong with you?"

Seeing that Huang Youyao's eyes were reddish, Ye Que asked suspiciously.

"It's nothing, blowing with you all night, my eyes hurt."

Huang Youyao complained quietly.

Ye Que caressed her long hair, looked sideways at Yuan Kong, and smiled faintly: "You Yao, I'm going to the Yuanshen Realm, and I won't go there after I come back. Compared with cultivation, the scenery along the way is what I want. life, when the time comes, let’s get married.”

Ahead is the sea of ​​clouds, billowing under the blowing of the wind, pure white like **** of cotton candy.

Huang Youyao turned her head to look at Ye Que, feeling that he seemed to have changed, but she couldn't detect any change.

At this moment, Ye Que looked at the sea of ​​clouds, opened his mouth, and wanted to say something, but Huang Youyao didn't know what to think of, and quickly stretched out her finger to block his mouth, while her face was already red.

Ye Que held her hand and slowly put it down, staring into the distance, his brows gradually furrowed, and asked: "Wait, look ahead."

There is a sea of ​​clouds ahead, and nothing else.

However, he sensed something was wrong.

Huang Youyao was stunned for a moment, followed Ye Que's gaze, and asked doubtfully, "What's wrong?"

"Do you feel anything?"

Ye Que asked, at this moment, he started to run the corpse eye secret technique in "Corpse Disintegration Art", and a film of ashes appeared in his eyes.

In an instant, smoke like tornadoes appeared between the sky and the earth, and they all rushed to the sky, and finally turned a corner and fell to a barren land on the east side.

"Except for the sea of ​​clouds...there is only the sea of ​​clouds..."

The more Huang Youyao spoke, the softer her voice became.

"Didn't you see the corpse?"

Ye Que raised his eyebrows, glanced at Huang Youyao, and suddenly realized that he has the secret technique of corpse eyes, and only he can see it.

"You go back first."

Ye Que jumped up and drifted towards the nearest smoke. After approaching, he could not only sense the corpse's aura, but also the evil spirit and resentment inside.

At this moment, he remembered the secret he and Shuiyue Jing knew when they went to the corpse refining place.

The barbarian **** is refining an ancient corpse, which needs evil spirit, resentment spirit, corpse spirit and so on.

During the Longhuang War, the barbarians were trying their best to collect.

Ye Que stood on the sea of ​​clouds with a solemn expression.

The Realm of God still hides secrets that the world cannot see.

He took out a sealing box, lifted the sealing, and the soul of the fat woman flew out, dying.

This fat woman was trapped by Ye Que in the corpse refinement place, and she was a corpse refiner.

"Forgive...forgive me..."

The fat woman begged weakly for mercy, her soul was sometimes transparent and sometimes blurred, as if it would disappear at any moment.

Ye Que said indifferently: "Look up and look around."

The fat woman raised her head, looked forward drowsily, and murmured: "No... I didn't do it, I didn't collect those corpse, evil and resentment..."

Ye Que was expressionless, glanced at Huang Youyao who was still on the top of the mountain behind, and said coldly: "Have you ever been to the lower realm to collect?"

The fat woman's mind is still mixed, and her only thoughts are begging for mercy and survival. Hearing Ye Que's words, she said without thinking: "The mysterious man behind us who refines ancient corpses has taken us to many real gods. boundary."

Ye Que's voice became colder and colder: "What are you doing in the lower realm?"

The fat woman trembled, sensing the change in Ye Que's tone, she spoke more cautiously: "Instigate a war, enslave all beings, and reap lives."

"Just to cultivate corpse, evil and resentment, and then collect them?"

Ye Que said coldly.

"Yes Yes…"

The fat woman thought she was in the Origin God Realm, and didn't think that Ye Que came from the True God Realm, but she was still afraid.

Ye Que took out a stick, stirred up her soul, looked at the smoky pillars in the distance, and said coldly: "Where are you collecting this gas? Take a look!"

When the fat woman heard that something was wrong, she looked forward in a daze, and was suddenly shocked: "I, am I in the lower realm?"

"Ask you!"

Ye Que drank sharply.

"Where the heavens and the earth reach the sun, there are corpse refining beads."

The fat woman trembled, almost crying.

Corpse refining beads?

Ye Que thought of something, and took out a bead, which was the bead he received from the high-ranking Yuanzun after smashing the high-ranking Yuanzun to death with a jar at the corpse refining place.

In addition, that "Corpse Refining and Transforming Divine Art" was also obtained from the high-ranking Yuan Zun.

The fat woman saw the beads in Ye Que's hand and nodded hurriedly: "That's it."

It seems that the high-ranking Yuanzun who was crushed to death by the jar had gone to the lower realms and got the corpse refining beads from a certain realm by accident.

"Is there anything else to explain?"

Ye Que said indifferently.

[Author's Digression]: And

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