God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1990: Train services

After being beaten severely, the old woman was honest and dared not think otherwise, she would answer whatever Ye Que asked.

"The corpse refining masters outside are just drawing gourds from a ladle. Other than that, they don't know how to refine corpses at all."

The old woman confessed, clarifying the doubts of Ye Que and Shui Yuejing.

With a wave of Ye Que's hand, he shook off the girl who wanted to teach the old woman a lesson, and continued to ask questions.

It turns out that this place is the place where corpses are refined in batches. All corpse refiners come from the same mysterious sect and are controlled by high-level officials. The old woman is the elder of the sect and is not under control.

They came to help the Ba Clan Alliance, their ultimate goal was not to win the war, but to refine a very ancient corpse.

That ancient corpse was in the third floor of the corpse refining place, and no one could enter it. There was a wave of Yuanshen in it, which was very terrifying.

"We refine corpses here to collect corpse qi, evil spirit and resentment. Every once in a while, these 'qi' will be sent to the third floor to be used by that ancient corpse."

"As for our sect, the founder is a corpse. We call him the Corpse Master, which is convenient for managing the disciples, but everyone knows that it is just a puppet. Behind the Corpse Master, there is an extremely terrifying figure. .”

When the old woman said this, she begged for mercy in fear: "As for who that character is, I really don't know, please don't beat me again."

Ye Que was silent, but actually discussed with Shui Yuejing, and then Ye Que asked: "Then what are you doing to refine Ba Chenyu?"

"Ba Chenyu is just a test product, in preparation for refining ancient corpses."

When the old woman said this, Ye Que vaguely guessed who the terrifying figure behind the corpse master was.

"Does your sect have black extinguishing liquid?"

Ye Que asked.

"What black liquid?"

The old woman was at a loss, Ye Que went up and beat her up, the girl saw this, and then severely taught the old woman, until the old woman was dying, they didn't stop.

After feeding another soul fruit, the old woman recovered a little bit, trembled and said: "I really don't know, please let me go, as long as I know, I will tell you."

Seeing that she didn't seem to be fake, Ye Que asked some other questions.

He learned that all the corpse refiners of this mysterious sect refine corpses in this space day and night.

"Boy, it's not easy to train a corpse refiner, even if it's a gourd from a ladle."

Shuiyuejing knew some secrets about refining corpses, and knew that training corpse refiners was difficult and could not be cultivated in a short time.


Ye Que smiled sinisterly.


Shui Yuejing smiled sinisterly.

"Is that mysterious figure on the third floor?"

Ye Que smiled and asked in a deep voice.

"Yes, on the third floor."

The old woman trembled, frightened of being beaten.

"Okay, then tell me how to destroy this place, and where are the treasures here!"

As soon as Ye Que said these words, the old woman's face turned pale.

This time, no matter how cruel Ye Que was, the old woman just didn't say anything.

"I know!"

The girl suddenly spoke, staring at Ye Que with burning eyes.

"what do you know!"

The old woman forced herself to speak, her voice was a bit ferocious, as if she was very frightened, her face was stern.

"What do you know, just say it."

Ye Que squinted at the old woman, and with a thought, a terrifying pressure came down, almost knocking the old woman unconscious.

The girl knelt in the field starry sky, and said resolutely: "I don't know what the purpose of the senior is, and I will not ask the senior what the purpose is, as long as I help the senior destroy this place, I ask the senior to grant me a request!"

Ye Que thought about some things before, and asked, "What request?"

"Senior, I must send my family of five out of this place and have them buried alive!"

The girl said resolutely, but her tone was superficial, her eyes started to turn red, and tears kept streaming down her face.

Ye Que was stunned for a moment, he guessed that the girl's family was turned into corpses, but he didn't expect that there were five members.

Finally, he agreed.

The girl immediately told Ye Que what she knew.

It turned out that after the girl was caught here, Du Laoyan wanted to take advantage of her. Fortunately, the old woman showed up and beat Du Laoyan and the girl respectively.

However, during this period, Du Laoyan undoubtedly revealed that the earth fires under this place are connected together, and the level power of these earth fires has reached Yuanzun.

"Damn you!"

With a pale face, the old woman rushed towards Ye Que frantically, and Ye Que's slap shattered her soul.


A blue light flew out of Ye Que's body, it was the Shuiyue mirror, and he went straight to the ground. Ye Que opened the gap in the domain and let him go down. After a while, the Shuiyue mirror came up with a sinister expression: "It is indeed The continuous ground fire can be used!"


Ye Que performed a sealing technique to trap the broken soul of the old woman, and then went out again with a one-eyed attitude.

When he went out, he was holding the token of the old woman, and the corpse refining guards outside were not abnormal. He felt relieved, held the iron chain, and continued to pull the girl back.

Along the way, there were corpse refiners refining corpses everywhere. They were focused on the matter in front of them and did not look sideways at him.

Soon, they walked out of the space door and came outside. There were densely packed corpses everywhere, and only a few men in black controlled them.

Ye Que walked all the way, and when he came to a deserted place, when he saw someone passing by, he went up with a sap, directly smashed his body, and then sealed his soul into the box with a wave of one hand.

After solving one person, he searched for treasures and continued to wait, but after waiting for a while, he felt that the delay would change, so he went to the tent on the east side under the leadership of the girl.

The girl has been here for a while, but she has a little understanding of the second layer of corpse refining.

Ye Que went to the tent. Although he was separated by a formation, he could easily enter the tent with the token in his hand.

As soon as he entered, several men in black turned their heads, and one of them said indifferently: "Who? What are you here for?"

Ye Que scanned around and found some fresh corpses here. These guys were simply dealing with them, so he smiled and said, "It's nothing, I'll take a stroll."

As he said that, he turned around and was about to go out, but suddenly he shot back his carbine, smashing the bodies of the men in black to pieces on the spot.

Shuiyue mirror had a tacit understanding, flying out a clone, collecting treasures in a hurry, the girl was shocked watching from the side, this senior must be too fierce.

"What are you doing? Take the baby quickly!"

Shui Yuejing gritted her old yellow teeth, the girl froze for a moment, and quickly squatted down to pick up the treasures, and handed them all over to Ye Que when she finished picking them up.

After finishing, Ye Que put his hands behind his back again, holding the iron chain in his hand, and the girl followed suit. This model was really like a street walker walking a dog. Many people in black who passed by frowned when they saw this.

Everyone is busy, but you are the one who sneaks on women, looking for death?

Ye Que memorized the frowning men in black one by one, followed them without anyone noticing, and slaughtered them all.

Not long after, the number of men in black on the second floor of the corpse refining place decreased one by one.

Ye Que became more and more proficient. With his hands behind his back, he slid around the girl, taking figure eight steps, and swaying back and forth.

As long as a man in black passed by, he would go up and smash his body and seal his soul, and throw it into the sealing box at the same time. At this time, the girl put away all the treasures such as storage rings that fell on the ground.

This set of methods directly completes the one-stop service.

Suddenly, an extremely dangerous aura struck.

Ye Que's expression froze, and he turned his head to look, and saw a tall middle-aged man in black armor walking towards him.

"Are you the dog that the woman brought in? Where is the woman?"

The middle-aged man was patrolling, and found that there were a lot fewer people in black, and seeing the lonely old man walking around with the girl, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

The girl's face was pale at this time, her body was trembling, and she thought to herself, this is a high-ranking Yuan Zun.

Every layer of corpse refining ground is guarded by high-ranking Yuan Zun, and she also knows it.

"Ah, it's like this. She just gathered people here and went to a tent in front. Senior, shall I lead the way?"

Ye Que quietly took out the Myriad Demon Jar, carried the high-level Yuan Zun on his back, and then asked the high-level Yuan Zun in a tone of asking for instructions.

The high-level Yuan Zun was silent for a moment, glanced at Ye Que, nodded and said, "Lead the way!"

[Author's digression]: Good night, see you tomorrow

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