God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1989: I can finally do it

The old woman led the way, and Ye Que, disguised as one-eyed, led the girl and followed behind.

They are going to the second layer of corpse refining.

Along the way, Ye Que and Shui Yuejing looked around.

This is a wasteland, there is only one trail, and there will be a guard appearing at a certain distance, and the guards are also corpse refiners, who faintly have the prestige of Yuan Zun.

Except for this trail, the outside is full of dense restrictions, full of peerless murderous intent.

Not long after, they arrived at the second floor of the corpse refining place, and what they saw was a dense army of corpses, each wearing standard armor, controlled by the Ba's Alliance, and they were lined up in an orderly manner.

"Here is their corpse refining army."

Ye Que sent a message from his heart, and Shuiyue Jing replied, don't act rashly, first find out the source of the corpse refining.

The two of them cooperated tacitly and walked forward for a certain distance. Suddenly, the iron chain in his hand was tightened. Ye Que looked back and found that it was the soft and weak girl who stopped in place, and it would not hurt to let him pull her. move.

He took a closer look, and saw that the girl's blood-stained face was trembling slightly, her eyes were red, and tears were streaming down her face.

Ye Que searched in the direction the girl was looking at. There was a row of refined corpses on the side. The girl was looking at a middle-aged man and woman.

At this moment, he raised his eyebrows and noticed something. Suddenly, a strong wind came from behind, and he turned his feet to avoid the strong wind.

"Hey, Duoyan, have you grown up enough? Dare you hide?"

The old woman was holding a stick, struck the air with one blow, and immediately became furious. The place was already quiet, but when she uttered her loud voice, everyone looked at her.

Ye Que had no expression on his face, and he pulled the iron chain hard, the girl almost fell down, but fortunately he also pulled her away.

The girl came back to her senses, wiped away her tears, and cast her resentful eyes at Ye Que and the old woman.

At this time, the old woman saw that the momentum was not right, and if she made too much noise here, something would happen, so she stared at Ye Que fiercely, cursing in a low voice as she walked, but she didn't notice the girl's eyes, otherwise she would suffer.

They walked all the way, bypassing the army of corpse refiners, and came to a space gate in the west.

The space door is huge, there are people coming in and out, the old woman got enough of scolding, she took out a token, and walked into the space door.

Ye Que's eyelids twitched, and he immediately breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the old woman go in, otherwise he couldn't help but chop the old woman up.


With a low snort, he pulled the girl into the space door.

As soon as you enter, you can see that this is a stuffy little world.

The ground was stained red with blood, exuding heat, there was fire underground, the temperature was very high, and it was surrounded by thousands of circular formations.

And in each formation, there is a man in black who is performing a strange secret method, refining it on the corpse in front of him.

Ye Que and Shui Yuejing concluded that these should be corpse refiners, and there are quite a few of them.

"Shuiyuejing, didn't you say that there are very few corpse refiners in this era, look, this place has become an assembly line."

Ye Que's face darkened, thinking that this guy's words are really unreliable.

"Ahem, judging by the methods of these people, they are almost all the same. It is estimated that they were trained as corpse refiners by a certain organization or force."

Shui Yuejing explained.

The movements of these corpse refining masters are exactly the same, like puppets, and most of them only know this kind of corpse refining technique. In such cases, they are usually specially trained by a certain force.

This kind of corpse refining master, apart from this method of refining corpses, does not know any other methods of refining corpses.

Seeing it, Ye Que felt the same way.


The old woman led the way and stopped suddenly.

Ye Que looked up and saw that they had reached the deepest point. Instead of a circular formation in front of them, it was a wooden house with formation fluctuations on the surface, and corpses waiting outside the wooden house, which looked very forbidding.

"The identity of this old woman is different from those corpse refiners outside."

Ye Que noticed it.

"Come in!"

The old woman took out the token again, and entered the wooden house majestically. Ye Que left a mark on the outside, and pulled the girl inside.

It was pitch black inside, with a fire pit in the middle, and the bewitching **** fire was gushing out steadily, surrounded by wooden platforms with all kinds of strange knives, runes, etc. on it.

"Hey hey, your skin is really suitable for my old lady!"

The old woman turned around and looked at the young girl. The rough and foul-smelling hand slowly stroked the young girl's cheek.

The girl was numb and didn't respond when she touched her.

"Can you do it?"

Ye Que asked Shuiyue Mirror.

This time, he didn't send a message from his spiritual heart, but spoke directly.

The old woman nodded: "That's good, that's right, I'm really going to do it, Du Laoyan, I'm pretty good this time! I'll reward you with something!"

As she said that, she turned sideways, sticking to Ye Que disgustingly, her ferocious chubby face also squinted her eyes, a bit coquettish.


Ye Que was taken aback, he slapped the old woman's head with a bang, and spun around on the spot three or four times.

Although the old woman is a corpse refiner, she is only at the beginning level of Yuanzun. Her noble status comes from a corpse refiner, but she is not strong enough. No one is watching this time. Ye Que suppressed her easily.

The girl's face changed slightly, her pupils shrank slightly, but she didn't make a sound, and she didn't know what happened now.

Also at this moment, with a buzzing sound, the soul of the old woman flew out and went straight outside the house.

Ye Que sneered, stepped forward, and opened the Eternal Domain directly.

This is another ability of Kaitian Zhiyao.

Within the Eternal Domain, within the domain, it became a true God Realm, and Ye Que was like returning to the True God Realm, and could crush the river of time and space with one kick.

"You... who are you?"

The old woman dodged left and right in horror, trembling asked.

Du Laoyan is only a low-level Yuan Zun, but he doesn't have the ability to kill her instantly, so she immediately realized that this person is not Du Laoyan, but a fake.

"Tell me everything here!"

Ye Que had a gloomy face, holding a stick in his hand, and he had the tendency to beat you to death if you didn't say anything.

"You are crazy! This is a place for refining corpses. There are high-ranking Yuanzun patrolling, and even more the power of Yuanshen! If you kill me, you will alarm all the strong people!"

The old woman screamed, extremely ferocious and fierce.

Ye Que didn't say anything, the stick was covered with a tyrannical soul force, and hit the old woman fiercely, only to hear a rumbling sound, the old woman's soul was pierced, and she screamed again and again.

"Don't...don't...I said...I'm going to die..."

The old woman groaned miserably, Ye Que kept fighting, squeezed time and space, sealed the spirit, and tore apart the chaos, tearing her soul apart.

But because she is in the realm of Yuanzun, Ye Que is the same as Yuanzun, and the strength attribute is still unable to crush the soul of Yuanzun, so if he suppresses it casually, the other party will not die, but will only become weaker and weaker.

The scream made the girl who was stunned at the side react, she yelled, swung the iron chain and smashed it **** the soul of the old woman.

The old woman was beaten so weak that she was lying in the starry sky of the Eternal Domain, dying.

"Whatever I ask, what you say."

Ye Que flew over, threw her a fruit to restore soul power, and opened his mouth coldly.

The old woman had a strong desire to survive. She sensed that the fruit had fluctuations in her soul power, so she swallowed it in one gulp, then nodded and trembled: "Say it, say it, say it."

[Author's Digression]: And

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