God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1685: The Hunt of the Immortal Giant

On the vast land, there are continuous mountains, jagged rocks, and towering ancient trees, hiding a primitive and dangerous atmosphere.

The sky above it, the sea of ​​clouds is connected into one piece, quite ethereal and majestic.

Suddenly, a man flew out from the depths of the sea of ​​clouds, bringing up a tornado and scattering the white clouds.

Because the momentum was too strong, even the monsters in the mountain were crushed to the ground, not daring to breathe, and they didn't dare to get up until the man left for a long time.

This person is Ye Que.

He wiped off the blood from the corner of his mouth, his eyes were full of divine light, and he scanned the world forcefully, seeing the aura and general trend between the world and the earth, his expression remained unchanged, looking for something.

"it's here."

Ye Que turned around and plunged into the deep sea of ​​clouds in front of him. When he came out from the other side of the sea of ​​clouds, two people flew out.

One is the body, and the other is the fission clone.


The main body reached the horizon in the blink of an eye, and instantly came to a mountain forest with towering ancient trees.

He was about to go deep into the ground and set up the formation flag, when the giant python swimming not far away, very closed-eyed, released the pressure of the true god, uttered snake letters, and crawled greedily towards him, very fast, within a breath in front of him.

"Go away!"

Ye Que frowned, seeing that the giant python was about to swallow him, would he be in a good mood?

He is being hunted down now, time is running out, this giant python really has a good time.


Ye Que slapped the giant python's head flat, then picked up the snake's tail and threw it into the sky.


Ye Que quickly flew into the ground and planted the formation flag.

The giant python was thrown far away, and after finally regaining consciousness, a more terrifying coercion fell on it.

Rumble! !

A long river of time and space hangs upside down in the sky, in which golden light overflows, and every ray of light can crush the law. Even the life of the true **** dare not face the light, because the pressure is too strong.

However, what was even more frightening was yet to come. A terrifying creature slowly walked out from the long river of time and space, its whole body was covered by the radiant divine light, and the terrifying coercion spread strongly.

This is an immortal giant-level life.

"There are traces of this person."

An immortal giant-level life form with eyes full of mystery and coercion that cannot be penetrated through time and space, this time it landed on the giant python, and immediately saw the traces of Ye Que.

woo woo woo...

The giant python trembled, stemming from the fear in its heart and body, and it spewed unstoppably, causing despair to appear in its eyes.

"Sure enough, it's here."

With a single wave of the giant-level life form, the giant python was thrown farther away again.

The life found Ye Que through the traces, and immediately stretched out a finger, the world changed in an instant, and the force of the finger condensed the world, containing terrifying coercion, and went straight to the distant land.

But in the next instant, fluctuations from the space-time channel came from the other side.

"Cunning guy, he also learned how to make noise!"

The giant-level life put away the finger in an instant, turned around and spoke out, and in an instant, the wind and cloud in the world created a vortex, and a huge and incomparable palm, eternal and eternal, solidified time and space, and smashed into the ground forcefully.

With a bang, the space-time channel was smashed, and the fission clone in the channel fell.

"In this way, the sky wheel should be restored..."

Before he finished speaking, the time-space channel appeared again at the place he poked with his finger before.

The giant-level life was stunned for a moment, and Ye Que fled into the space-time channel at that moment. When the life came back to his senses, it was already furious, buzzing and distorting time and space, and could hardly bear its anger.


The giant-level life stepped into the space-time channel, looking for Ye Que's location, and chased him down again.

And Ye Que heaved a sigh of relief.

The previous method of letting the fission clone open the space-time channel to attract this terrifying creature really worked.

"Pick up these old monsters."

Ye Que had already hung the necklace around his neck, and it emitted a faint halo, shielding his aura and making it difficult for the old monsters to locate him accurately.

This is a treasure for his peace of mind.

"Yaoxu, Tianqiong, Nine Swords, Honggu, Mingzhou, and the era just now, I have gone to six, and there are four left!"

Just as Ye Que was muttering, there was a bang, and there was a loud noise from time and space behind him. The terrifying coercion spanned multiple time and space turbulences and eras, pressing on him forcefully.

His face changed slightly, knowing that the other party was chasing him, he immediately vomited blood on the necklace.


The necklace burst into golden light, leading him to disappear in place.

As soon as he left, a terrifying giant hand protruding from the long river of time and space grabbed him, and almost killed him.

Yin Ming Era.

The sky is overcast and cloudy, and there is a cloud of yin all the year round. There are many bones on the ground, and there are rare lives, most of which are ghosts.

Suddenly, a golden vortex appeared from the sky.

Ye Que flew out from inside, his eyes scanned the world, and two rounds of bright divine light shot out from his eyes, making the wild ghosts and creatures on Yao's land tremble like a supreme emperor.


He smashed half of the sky with one foot, burst out the terrifying power of Yuanxu, and flew towards the western sky forcefully.

boom! boom! boom!

Three sources of darkness flew out from all over the world, carrying a monstrous darkness, and killed him.

They received the notice and squatted in multiple eras in advance, and the Yinming Era was also one of the places to squat.

"He really came!"

"I still want to destroy time and space, court death!"

"Surround him and wait for the immortal big man to come over."

The three sources of darkness, like the supreme demon gods, carried boundless darkness, and their aura was like a black tide. They shot out the supreme black light from three directions, trying to trap Ye Que.

"Two elementary and one intermediate."

Ye Que calmed down and mobilized the blood in his body.


The dark scales hang in the sky.

Chi Chi Chi!

Fourteen star sea worms flew out!


The black starry sky immediately shone on him and the fourteen Xinghai Zhong.

With a rumbling sound, all fourteen star sea worms became Yuanxu-level creatures.

"Stop them!"

Ye Que expanded the range of the black starry sky infinitely, and immediately ordered the star sea worm to intercept it.


The star sea worms roared, and they were divided into three groups, ranging from four to five in one group, and they rushed towards the three dark sources.


The Great War broke out.

Ye Que ignored it, and when he was looking for the location, his body exploded, and the fission clone flew out again, and escaped into the lake in front of him, while the deity was far away from this place.

Not long after, the deity came to the underground location, set up the formation flag, and communicated with the space-time channel after coming out.


A terrifying coercion descended, and an immortal force of eternity was about to hit the space-time channel.

But just before it hit, it turned around suddenly, smashed into the distant lake, and smashed the fission clone.

Ye Que smiled coldly, turned around and flew into the space-time channel.

Immortal didn't react until he left, the angry coercion was like a boundless sea, submerging the entire sky.

"Damn it!"

Immortal life forms were completely enraged.

Got tricked again.

After this life came to this era, I saw fourteen Yuanxu and three dark Yuanxu fighting in the distance, and immediately knew that the empress had many backhands left behind, and also realized that the other party was very cunning, so I kept a special eye in my heart .

At this time, a space-time passage appeared in the distance.

I thought it was another slap in the face, so I stopped, and after careful perception, the guy was actually hiding in the lake, and he wanted to do the same trick again.

Immortal life naturally attacked terror into the lake without hesitation.

I never thought that the person in the lake was a fake, he had really left, and he was tricked again.

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