God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1684: Battle Royale

The limit number of people that Libra can affect, except for Ye Que, is only fourteen lives.

When the strength of the giant tortoise was raised to a high-level Yuanxu, as soon as the scales came out, the strength of the fourteen star sea worms instantly rose to a high-level Yuanxu.

Don't ask him where he got so many star sea worms.

There are hundreds of billions of them in his worm bag, which are inexhaustible.


The middle-level Yuanxu seemed to be stupid, and there was a hoarse cracking sound in his throat.

He was frightened into a fool by the scene in front of him.

Fifteen high-level Yuanxu are too terrifying. Even among dark creatures, fifteen are a terrifying force.

"Eat him!"

The giant tortoise made a quick decision, and with one order, fourteen star sea worms, relying on their **** mouths, devoured the middle-level Yuanxu and suppressed it.


The eyes of fire appeared on the forehead of the giant tortoise, endless fire erupted from the eyes, they were hot and full of vitality.

The flame fell on the star sea worm without any effect.

It fell on the dark Yuanxu, instantly burning the darkness on Yuanxu.

"Let me go!"

"If you kill me, Immortal will definitely be disturbed."

Yuanxu wanted to move, but was suppressed by the star sea worm, so he could only bear it passively, screaming again and again.

Covered by the power of the tinder, he couldn't be reborn at all, and he couldn't even recover from his injuries.

At this time, every time the star sea worm took a bite of the meat, it lost a piece of meat, and it hurt him so much that he was startled and frightened.

"If you had informed Immortal from the beginning, I wouldn't have fought with you like this, idiot!"

Ye Que sneered, the flames directly burned Yuanxu clean, leaving only a stream of pure Yuanxu power.

Yuan Xu was regretting his death, he never thought that he was the idiot who was played by the other party in the applause.

"come over."

Ye Que opened his mouth and sucked in, and the power of Yuanxu entered his body.

Rumble! !

The roar in the body exploded, the vision was born, and his strength was improved again.

Scan the data.

as follows-

[Elementary Yuanxu (Dacheng)]

[Current Strength: Dacheng Elementary-level Yuanxu (8/100%, when 100%, will enter the perfection stage)]

[Breakthrough progress line: initial entry, small success, consolidation, major success, and completion]

The power of the middle-level Yuanxu directly allowed him to skip the consolidation and step into the Dacheng stage, and it was not far from breaking through to the middle-level Yuanxu.

"time to go."

Ye Que put away the dark scales and fourteen fools, disguised himself as a man in black, and smashed down the barriers of the blocked land with one punch.

This blockade barrier was almost destroyed by death, so it was already dilapidated, and a gap appeared with a single punch.

As soon as Ye Que went out, a death crisis with cold sweat on his back came directly from the bottom of his heart.

boom! !

Above the sky, the 10,000-meter giant palm carried a monstrous darkness, exuding the breath of immortality, and directly collapsed.

It's terrible, this palm contains the power of immortality, it can perpetuate time and space, and destroy the ages, the value and level of any life is less than one billionth of this palm.

Ye Que couldn't move at all, and was directly suppressed by that palm, as if trapped in the eternal world, he could only passively bear the terrifying palm.

"Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, the chaotic ants, sleep forever!"

A terrifying creature, standing on the top of the void, its eyes are indifferent, containing endless mysteries, it can destroy the universe with a single glance, and break time and space with a single glance.

The palm of the terrifying creature contains the potential to destroy the world.

Ye Que couldn't move, but he would never remain indifferent.

He let out a stern voice, blood boiled all over his body, a strong unyielding will shook out from his soul, and a tyrannical aura that smashed heaven and earth exploded from his body.

"Ding! The host has activated the second phantom god: God-killing guardian!" (The glory of the guardian is the title of the phantom god)


Ye Que didn't think about activating it at all, he just wanted to move, even with one hand.

Ka Ka Ka, the immortal bone shattered.

Regardless of the prestige of the broken bones, he forced his hands and took out the necklace from the inside of the body.

Looking up at the giant palm that covered the sky and covered the sun like a black cloud, the Immortal Veins all over his body burst, and blood erupted from the pores and seven orifices.


Ye Que roared angrily, even though his flesh and blood were broken, his meridians were split, and he was sprayed with undead blood, he still didn't give up.

His strong desire to survive has inspired his potential.

With a long howl, the necklace in his hand was stained with his blood, and a terrifying immortal force erupted.

With a bang, the necklace shot out a golden light, impacting the nine heavens and ten earths, the universe merged, and the giant palm was directly scattered.

Ye Que collapsed to the ground, already a man of blood.

The golden light emanating from the necklace shot straight into the sky, piercing through the empty and immortal shoulder. Seeing this, he stood up with great effort and communicated with the space-time channel.


He took the necklace and drilled into the space-time channel.

When he left, Immortal Void shook his body and turned his head to look at his shoulder, where there was a hole pierced by the golden light.

The giant figure who is immortal and transcends the long river of time and space is actually injured.

"Time and space are immortal, the power of the empress."

The immortal life turned around and looked towards the distant center of the world.

The empress is trapped in the center of the world, why does her power appear here?

After contemplating for a while, it's time for life to understand.

"It seems that she still has a lot of backhands in the past time and space. As for why she was exposed to us...it should be to destroy time and space and prevent us from obtaining the final mystery."

The Immortal Life smiled coldly, overflowing with Immortal Power, a vast deduction power emerged, vaguely locking onto Ye Que's position.

The immortal life opened his mouth to transmit voices, spanning multiple eras: "This person is the empress's person, who has been in contact with my power, and I have roughly locked the location of this person through the traces of power. Don't delay, everyone, follow me to destroy him! "

Since she is the empress's person, she should not be underestimated.

Immortal life stepped out, directly across the long river of time and space, and rushed to the end of time and space. This is a kind of vast power, which is not a power that Yuanxu can understand at all.

Void immortality, immortality, immortality, transcending time and space, detached from all living beings, is a kind of eternal super life.

Yuanxu is simply incomparable.


Ye Que flew into the time-space channel, and at this moment he vomited blood, his headache was about to split, and his soul was split in many places, making him in a trance.

Buzzing, the necklace shimmered, enveloping him.

It was also because of this twilight that he was not precisely locked by the Immortal Void.

"There are only five epochs left, hurry up! Hurry up!"

He wiped off the blood, gulped down the many treasures that the empress gave him, and all of a sudden, his whole body burst into radiant light, all the charms turned into visions and surrounded him, and the power of the void resounded through the divine comedy, lingering around him.

The injury is gradually improving.

Immortal bones and immortal veins are also recovering rapidly.


Ye Que left the space-time channel and went to the next era.

Age of Behemoths.

The world of the true gods is connected together and is a vast and boundless continent. There are millions of races inhabiting it. Many giant beasts of the true **** level and the great true **** level appear one after another. It seems that they have not suffered too much damage from the darkness.

Strictly speaking, the longer the era, the less devastated by darkness.


Ye Que took a deep breath, but he still couldn't stop coughing, gushing blood gushed out, his rosy face turned pale again.

It will take time to recover from the injuries caused by Void Immortal.

"I'm running out of time."

He didn't dare to delay, and went straight to the location that used to be Tianjianzhou.

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