God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1678: Great changes in the sky

"elder sister?"

Blood Empress Ji lost her composure. She, who was invincible in the Great True God Realm, actually spoke with a bit of panic.

She was afraid that the scene in front of her was fake and an illusion.

Xue Diyue was intimidated by Xue Diji's aura, she dared not speak, and turned her eyes to Senior Ye.

"She is Blood Empress Ji, your younger sister."

Ye Que smiled and gave the answer.

At that moment, the two sisters could no longer control themselves, and wept together.

Looking at this scene, he once again felt the mystery of time, space and fate.

One is the creation method where the talent is destroyed, and the other is the peak true **** who has reached the peak.

The two hugged each other, and there was no separation due to the gap in realm.

Humming and vibrating.

A force of emptiness mixed with some strange smell rushed towards Ye Que.

"Something you need."

The empress came, and she wiped out the dark essence, leaving only the power of Yuanxu.

As soon as Ye Que's eyes lit up, he opened his mouth to inhale. Immediately, his body roared, and the terrifying coercion was about to erupt, but he suppressed it.

Even so, it caused the world to roar, and visions abounded.


Xue Diyue was startled by the many ancient visions around Ye Que, but she subconsciously protected her younger sister, Xue Di Ji.

She came from time travel, and it wasn't long before she and her sister were separated.

In her eyes, her younger sister is still crying and has a soft personality.

When something happens, she will subconsciously protect her sister.

"Sister, don't worry, this is just a vision, nothing will happen."

Blood Empress Ji obeyed obediently.

As strong as she is, being protected by a law at this moment is very warm, and the feeling of being protected by her sister all the time in her memory can't stop emerging.


Ye Que opened his mouth and sucked in many visions into his body, his strength increased, and his aura slowly spread.

Look at the data again.

as follows-

[Elementary Yuanxu (Small Accomplishment)]

[Current Strength: Xiaocheng Elementary Origin Void (15/100%, when 100%, will enter the consolidation stage)]

[Breakthrough progress line: initial entry, small success, consolidation, major success, and completion]

"Very good source of virtual power."

Ye Que was excited.

Now in the elementary level of Yuanxu, he can be regarded as entering the stage of Xiaocheng.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for rescuing my sister."

Blood Empress Ji saluted and thanked.

"Thank you, Senior Ye."

Blood Emperor Moon also followed suit.

"I won't disturb your reunion."

Ye Que left.

"I'm leaving too."

"Ahem, Master Dog is leaving too."

Jin Duande and the earth dog also left, they ran around the world, looking for the freedom they once had.

The empress turned and left thoughtfully.

At this time, only the two sisters of Blood Emperor Yue remained.

"Sister, you are so strong, what state are you in now?"

Xue Diyue was still afraid at first, but later saw that it was her younger sister, so she touched it, feeling quite strange.

Touch it on your face, it's so smooth.

Squeeze it in your hand, it's good. Soft.

Chest. Press up...

The Blood Emperor Ji didn't resist.

When her sister protected her back then, the sternness was vivid in her eyes and engraved in her bones.

"Sister, I am already a true god."

Seeing that her sister was no longer as strict as before, Blood Emperor Ji felt quite bitter. She missed her sister's taste and strictness back then.

Goodbye today, my sister also fell into a cliché due to fate, and she felt guilty.

Xue Diyue didn't notice the change in her sister, but exclaimed: "It turns out that the Great True God is like this."

She only created the law, and she couldn't believe that her younger sister was actually a great true god.

Ye Que went back to Shenting and found Di Xiwei and others.

A land of singing birds and fragrant flowers.

Sheng Loli played with Die Tinghan, Lanhu, Zhiyang Ning, Hun Xingyue and others in the lake.

Looking around, they are all lolita, full of vigor.

Of course, there are still a few differences.

Tian Luoyi, Xue Aili and others sat on the shore and practiced.

Look at the palace complex in the next mountain.

Ning Yu sat alone in the courtyard, with a quiet demeanor, a kind of gentleness and softness.

She is currently rewriting the history of the ancient gods in the ancient gods, the six realms, the starry sky and the continent.

Sometimes the pen falls on the paper, sometimes pauses and frowns, the beauty can make people feel peaceful.

"Can't remember?"

Ye Que entered the yard.

"Ah, Lord Ancient God, uh...something I forgot."

Beauty Ning exclaimed.

"It's okay, I can't remember, I will provide you with materials."

Ye Que sent out a divine thought, which flew into Ning Yu's mind.

Next, the two chatted for a while, and finally Ye Que left some top resources and left.

In the air, he sighed: "After so many years, everyone has recovered to a perfect body. I feel so guilty."

As we talked, the excitement came.

What is this called, this is called cheap skin itching, on the surface guilty, but in fact full of excitement.

After thinking about it, he arrived at a quiet courtyard.

"Hey, Lord Ancient God."

Although Xuanwu and others are reincarnations, they cannot change the old man's habit of playing mahjong.

"My lord."

Even a few old monsters from the chaotic giant tortoise clan were also infected, and they were drawn into the mahjong army by Xuanwu, Lei Yin, Guixu and others, and they were divided into two tables, playing very vigorously.

"It's okay, practice is practice, and you have to relax occasionally."

Ye Que put down some top resources and left.

"Rare, you've learned how to draw. I thought you guys only knew **** and set fire."

Ye Que stepped into a certain courtyard and saw Di Xiwei and Gu Fayue sitting in front of the drawing board, with Huang Youyao on the side guiding them.

"I want you to take care of it."

Gu Fayue was arrogant and thin-skinned, so she glared at Ye Que this time.


Moon Silkworm and Little Rabbit took the opportunity to attack the Great Demon King fiercely.

"Painting can cultivate the mind. We don't have a source in our bodies, so we want to get some inspiration from it."

Di Xiwei explained.

Ye Que's attention was on Yue Sangworm, and he kneaded for a while when he got up: "Hey, are you still in a temper?"

"Woo woo woo..."

The moon silkworm is intimidated in seconds.

After that, Ye Que went to meet other people.

"I'm not bragging. In the past era, I fought alone against 300 great true gods. That battle can be described as earth-shattering..."

Jin Duande is bragging to Bai Yechen and others, and you have three hundred true gods, you really have the nerve to brag.

The cheapness of this guy just can't be changed, he sold it badly in front of Ye Que before, but now he's bragging in front of his friends.

Looking at their appearance, Ye Que suddenly felt that he could try to mass-produce the Great True God.

Suddenly, a sound transmission entered his ear.

It was the Empress calling him.

He went to the main hall.

"It's time to go, you don't have to be sabotage, come back after planting the flags."

The empress's eyes contained worry.

She noticed a big change in the sky wheel, which led to turmoil in the darkness. It is estimated that it will not be long before the army of darkness will discover the great changes in the Conferred God Era.

"problem occurs?"

Ye Que checked the data.

as follows-

[Forward rotation speed of the sky wheel: 75 (when the rotation speed is 0, the sky wheel stops running, and time and space are stagnant; when it is negative, the sky wheel rotates in the opposite direction, and time and space are chaotic)]

"How did it drop so much?"

He didn't notice it before, but now he saw it and was shocked.

"It's probably related to the placement of the formation flag!"

The Empress guessed.

I thought that the rotation of the sky wheel would be affected only after the formation was in full operation.

I never thought that the placement of the formation flag would also have an impact.

"It's okay, I'll go back quickly!"

Ye Que didn't dare to waste time, and prepared to go to the remaining nine eras.

He only needs to enter the first ten eras that are close to the era of conferred gods.

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