God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1677: are all talents

The wine table is full of wine and big fish and meat.

Jin Duande and the local dog talked about those days "poignantly".

"This is not a day for people to live!"

"It's not something a dog can live with."

Looking back, both of them still had fear in their eyes.

Ye Que wanted to laugh, but could only hold back.

More than 30 billion years is indeed not a time that life can simply bear.

These two guys can be regarded as safe, there are no major incidents on weekdays, and they basically develop secretly.

The two of them rarely had contact with other people, so they spent all day archaeological work, luckily they were able to get resources.

If you are unlucky, you can only resell the dug up treasures, or sell yellowed items and buy additional resources.

Although the resources they get each time are very small, but the time is there, so that the two of them can reach the realm of the Great True God.

"I have survived three major races. Among them, there is an elf race with a lifespan longer than me. There have been great true gods, but in the end they were killed by me. I watched them develop, then grow stronger, weaken, and eventually perish !"

Jin Duande's words are full of despair, and living too long is also a kind of suffering.

But he was afraid of death, so he suffered so much until now.

"I have witnessed the birth of too many true gods, but without exception, at the end of the era, they will all be swallowed by the great invasion of darkness. They will either die or fall into the army of darkness."

The earth dog has lingering fears.

It is precisely because they lived for a long time and saw a lot that they didn't think about cultivation every day in the following days, but how to avoid disadvantages, avoid disadvantages, hide and hide, and safely transition to the next era.

But even if he did this, he was in danger many times, and almost died several times due to accidents or the invasion of darkness.

Fortunately, they are afraid of death, the kind that are very afraid of death. As for the various escape methods, they are easy to use. This is also the key to their many narrow escapes.

Of course, there have been all kinds of accidents in more than 30 billion years, and the fact that the two of them can survive to this day is due to a certain amount of luck.

"Sometimes fear of death is also an important factor in surviving."

Ye Que heard it in his ears, but he knew that it was not just hiding to avoid danger.

"Cough cough."

Although he knew that they were unlucky, Ye Que just wanted to laugh.

Perhaps, this is the relationship between brothers.

"If I had to choose again, I would definitely kill myself."

Jin Duande and the earth dog are really scared.

Not just anyone can survive more than 30 billion years.

The earth dog once saw a life that also avoided danger, but after more than 10 billion years, it could no longer bear the torment of loneliness and the ravages of time, and blew itself up to death.

There are many such examples, but they are all annihilated in a long time.

"Brother, when I accidentally killed a great true god, I was very panicked, thinking that something big would happen and it would affect time and space, but I found out that it was wrong."

"Even if a great true **** was killed at that time, causing many changes, but because the time is too long, the influence will not spread to our Conferred God Era."

Jin Duande drank a jug of wine and talked a lot.

It's been too long for a wicked person like him to say so many things.

"Indeed, only the first sword master has lived from the Nine Swords Era to the present, and only the Sixth Demon God has lived from the Sky Era to the present."

Ye Que already knew this, so when he slapped many true gods and great true gods horizontally, he was not afraid at all.

Of course, he was unambiguous on such a major matter, so he didn't kill people at will, but just retreated with his shots.

The same is true for Jin Duande and Tugou, realizing that it is the past time and space after all, so they didn't mess around.

"By the way, your source..."

Ye Que didn't even need to ask how they came to realize it.

This matter is very simple, and it takes time to pile up, and the source can also be piled up.

"Cough cough."

Jin Duande and the old dog blushed.

Don't say anything, bright craftsmanship.

Jin Duande's whole body glowed with yellow light, very yellow, very yellow.

Ye Que didn't perceive it yet, just looking at the light, he guessed a thing or two.

"What I realized is the source of desirelessness!"

Jin Duande's whole body trembled, and a very yellow light burst out from his body.

"No desire?"

Ye Que was very interested, and suddenly his face turned dark.

He felt it.

This source is very obscene, too obscene, to a certain extent, it turns into no desire.

Ye Que was still affected at the beginning, as if he had taken a ton of aphrodisiacs, but later he became calm, in a state of desireless state of harmony between man and nature.

"Sure enough, you are worthy of being the little prince of selling movies."

Ye Que was amazed.

"When yellow to the extreme, there is no desire!"

"Now, I have reached the state of ecstasy in my heart, and I can be calm and indifferent in the face of many loves in the world."

When Jin Duande said this, he was quite wise.

There was some truth to what he said.

Yellow to the extreme is no desire.

No wonder this guy has roots of wisdom.

"To put it bluntly, this guy is completely soft, the kind that will never get hard, and has no feeling for women at all."

The earth dog has a tricky angle and a strange mind.

In this way, Jin Duande really has the potential to enter Buddhism.

"And you?"

Ye Que became curious.

"Cough cough."

The earth dog took out the shovel of ten thousand graves, which contained the pure source of the true god, emitting an earthy yellow light.

"In order to survive and for resources, I dug all over the world of the true gods. It is no exaggeration to say that I have dug up one-third of the area of ​​this world, so I realized the source of the loess."

"I can basically perceive where there are tombs and where the bones are buried under the light of this source."

The earth dog bared his teeth and smiled, quite evilly.

"Digging graves and selling movies, you two have done the best!"

Ye Que's face darkened, he really admired him.

After talking for a long time, he summed up a sentence.

The combat strength of these two guys is probably the kind that is in the same realm, but in terms of craftsmanship, they are unique.

Suddenly, Ye Que remembered something, waved his hand, and Xue Diyue appeared.

Holding the sword in her arms, she looked around carefully, when she saw the dog and Jin Duande, she retreated subconsciously, looking very cowardly.

But when she saw Ye Que, her eyes were crooked, she leaned over happily and said, "Senior Ye."

"This is... sister-in-law?"

Jin Duande only glanced at Xue Diyue's face with his naked eyes, and he knew that she was still a virgin and was currently in the stage of infancy.

"sister in law?"

A cold voice came from behind.

Ye Que thought that Di Xiwei was coming, so he quickly turned his head and raised his eyebrows.

The person who came was Blood Emperor Ji.

She has a slender figure, with the charm of heaven and earth when she walks, and the aura of an emperor in her cold and stern demeanor, she is a real big man.

At the same time, she is also the only peerless powerhouse who can live from the Nine Swords Era to the Conferred Gods Era.


Hearing this voice, Xue Diyue felt a little bit familiar?

Thinking of this, she turned to look.


The sword in his hand fell to the ground.

At that moment, Blood Empress Ji's face changed slightly, and her mind was shocked.

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