God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1663: Ye Dashao's awesomeness is far beyond your imagination

"Not only do I not want it, but I also want to give you something as a gift."

With a wave of Ye Que's hand, hundreds of books of exercises at the level of great true gods appeared in front of his eyes.

Of course, he covered up the light and fluctuations.

People who have just traveled through time must keep a low profile.

His current realm is in the realm of true gods, and he dare not expose too much, otherwise he will be perceived by the darkness, and it will be a disaster.

Xue Diyue opened her eyes wide, and looked at Ye Que in disbelief: "Senior wants to train me? I... most of my roots are broken, and my talent has been ruined..."

"If you tell me to accept it, you will accept it!"

Ye Que became impatient.

"oh oh…"

Xue Diyue responded quickly, very humble.

She thought in her heart that these exercises must be at the level of creation, and she should seize the opportunity to choose one that suits her.

Her current cultivation method is still at the elementary level of Dharma-making, which is very crude.

Although her younger sister secretly gave her a creation-level kung fu, but she was in the sect, and the kung fu would be exposed one day, so she declined.

"I don't know what the creation-level exercises are like."

While muttering, she chose a copy of "Opening the Sky" exercises.

"Senior, just... this is the book."

she said flattered.

Xue Diyue did not expect that she would have this kind of treatment, which she had never enjoyed before.

"That's right, this ancient scripture of opening the sky was created by the great true **** at the pinnacle of the Sky Era, and it contains the power to open the sky with a single sword, which is also in line with your status as a sword cultivator."

Ye Que said seriously.

"This senior likes to talk big...I have to remember that."

Xue Diyue pondered secretly, but she didn't know that her thoughts had been seen through.

Ye Que's face turned dark, am I that unbearable?

That's all, as you like.

"Elixir to heal wounds, secret method to enhance strength, you take one of each, and change your name by the way, and follow me from now on."

Ye Que took out another bunch of treasures, all of which were of the true **** level.

Of course, for an ignorant little girl, no matter how advanced these treasures are, in her eyes, they are only at the peak level of creation.

If you have never seen the world or the true God, you don't know the horror and vastness of that high place.

Xue Diyue was dumbfounded, and turned to look at Ye Que, feeling unreal.

The Jushi State is divided into seven regions.

There are many ancient cities in the Ten Thousand Monsters Region, and practitioners of various races come and go in the cities.

Ye Que rented a practice place, and now he is sitting cross-legged on the second floor, flipping through various books at a very fast speed, one book in a few seconds.

"The books only record the Boulder State, and there are no records in the rest of the states."

Ye Que frowned.

He wants to plant the banner in this era, but the address is very important.

Secrecy and sufficient resources are indispensable.

A secret can prevent being discovered.

2. Sufficient resources can supply the effective operation of the banner.

"Big Rock State can't do it."

Ye Que wondered, should he go to other states?

At this moment, Xue Diyue was wearing a long skirt and went upstairs with a tea tray.

She lowered her head, respectfully placed the tea beside Ye Que, and said respectfully, "Senior, please use it."

After speaking, he carefully put the tea on the table, and looked at the senior with beautiful eyes.

She still doesn't understand why the seniors are so kind to her.

Treasures, secret methods, elixir, everything is given.

She has never felt such subtle care.

To others, it may be very ordinary, but to her, it is very fresh and warm, with great ups and downs in her heart.


Ye Que sipped the tea while holding a book in the other hand to read.

To be honest, once this unscrupulous person becomes serious and focused, he is extraordinarily attractive.

At this moment, he is an elegant and handsome guy with a calm and profound mysterious temperament, which is very attractive.

Blood Emperor Yue was inadvertently attracted.

Suddenly, she remembered something and took out a Guqin from her body.

Qin was given to her by her predecessors.

The senior also said that this is some kind of piano of the level of a great god.

Xue Diyue thought that he would really brag. In Jushi State, let alone a great true god, there is not even a true god. The only thing that is related to a true **** is a true **** weapon. Now it is in the first sect, and it is regarded as a treasure of inheritance.

But she only heard the rumors and never saw it.

However, Xue Diyue was used to senior talking big, so he didn't care.

At this moment, not far from Senior Ye, Blood Emperor Yue lightly played the crescent moon, and the leisurely and graceful sound of the piano lingered lightly in the room.

She likes the sound of the piano.

The sound of the piano can soothe the anxiety in her heart and heal the bad things in the past, so she often plays the piano alone.

The sound of the zither is lingering, and the interior of the building is antique and beautiful. At this moment, Young Master Ye is unbelievably handsome.


After all, this guy is shameless most of the time.

I don't know how long it has passed, but when Xue Diyue finished playing a piece and was about to see the senior's reaction, she was stunned.

Senior, gone.

She didn't find it strange that seniors always went out these days.

Xue Diyue continued to pluck the strings.

In the distance, Ye Que wandered around, reaching the horizon in the blink of an eye, mumbling: "This terrain is not good, it's not easy to place the formation flag, and you will be discovered."

call out-

He flew further away.

In the ancient city, the place of practice.

Xue Diyue was obsessed with the sound of the piano, and suddenly, the sound of pushing the door came from downstairs.

Immediately, she stopped, frowned and got up and said: "Who dares to break into the practice place?"

"I'm not trespassing, I just want to discuss with you and give me the place of cultivation here."

Two men and a woman came in, and the person who spoke was a young man with a sword on his back.

He smiled lightly, seemingly polite, but a bit forceful.

Xue Diyue wanted to reprimand, but after seeing the faces of several people, he immediately shut up.

"The second sect of the Jushi State, the three young geniuses of the Blood Sword Palace, have become fifth-level powerhouses in five thousand years, and their backgrounds are unusual."

Xue Diyue was used to being bullied and had no background, so he didn't dare to provoke these people.

Of course she wasn't afraid, otherwise she wouldn't have blamed her sister.

It was because she knew that even if she was tough, all she got in exchange was a beating.

So she usually gives in and tolerates everything.

Just when she was about to agree, she suddenly remembered the existence of Senior Ye.

"Senior can't go out, I lost my home, right?"

Thinking of this, Xue Diyue said helplessly: "Three, there should be many places of practice in this area, why choose a place with an owner?"

"It's like this, the residences in this area are full, and this residence was reserved in advance before I came to the Wanyao area, but it was later canceled due to an accident, but Senior Liu still reserved it for us, but we didn't expect it. As soon as it came, it was taken over by people.”

The young man with the sword on his back smiled faintly.


Xue Diyue judged with her intuition that these people were not kind, most of them were courteous before soldiers, so they must come here.

Generally speaking, she will step back to avoid being beaten and robbed.


Senior is out, how can she give in at will?

If she lets it go, Senior will be completely disappointed in her!

But if they don't let her go, these people probably won't give her a good look either.

Life is full of ups and downs.

Xue Diyue's choice was very decisive, and he smiled lightly: "Since it was cancelled, there is no such thing as occupying it. Senior Liu said it was reserved, but when we rented it, Senior Liu didn't stop us. After all, if you want to communicate, find Liu Seniors are the most suitable."

Senior Liu, the powerful person renting out the practice place in this area is a powerhouse of the tenth-order peak creation. The strongest person in this ancient city, even in the major sects outside, is also a powerful figure.

The young man with the sword frowned, and when he was about to speak, a pockmarked face behind him said with a gloomy face: "Who dares to offend Senior Liu? Get lost! We will pay you three times the money! I don't have the patience to argue with you! "

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