God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1662: follow me

"just met."

Ye Que smiled faintly, he had a lot of opinions about Xuediyue.

Blood Emperor Yue was hunted down to death.

As for the death of Blood Emperor Yue, it really has little impact on the future.

But there is one thing that cannot be ignored.

After the news of her later death was learned by the Blood Emperor Ji, it also completely changed the blood Emperor Ji's weak character.

And this is also an important factor for the rise of the number one sword master.

"It seems that I still have to create the illusion of her death and spread the news, otherwise I won't be able to influence the Blood Emperor Ji in the later stage, and I will indirectly bury the rise of the first sword master. At that time, the impact will be great, and both karma and bad luck will come to an end. Haunt me!"

Ye Que felt intrusive when he thought about it.

"I can't help it, you can follow me from now on."

Ye Que didn't care how she felt now, anyway, Xue Diyue had to follow him, otherwise if the news leaked, it would have a huge impact on the future.

He is also quite helpless.

Who told him to drop the turtle shell, which happened to save Xue Diyue's life.

People are saved, but they can't pat their **** and leave.

He is not the kind of person who pulls and hangs ruthless people, mainly because he is afraid of retaliation by karmic bad luck.

Xue Diyue's face turned pale instantly, and the painful memories of the past emerged in his mind.

Adopted by an old woman, he was tortured by all kinds of weird witchcraft all day long, and his body and mind were traumatized. The scenes lingering, has become a shadow that accompanies his whole life.

She was afraid that this big monster would torture her like that.

"Senior... I will follow you, and I will bring you a fatal disaster."

Xue Diyue lowered her head and trembled.

"Oh? How do you say it?"

Ye Que asked.

"I'm a traitor from the No. 1 sect in Jushi State. Taking me in is equivalent to opposing the No. 1 sect."

Xue Diyue just wants to be free, and never wants to be bound by this or bullied by that. As for the future, she thinks it is too extravagant and has never thought about it.

As long as my sister can live better.

"The first sect..."

Ye Que rubbed his chin, but remembered.

Learned from memory.

The True God World where the Nine Swords Era is located is divided into three thousand states and five thousand states.

Needless to say, there must be a true **** in Dazhou.

Small continents are not necessarily the case, some have true gods sitting in town, while others are created by multitudes.

This giant stone state is one of the five thousand small continents. It is very inconspicuous and does not even have a true god.

Apart from the rise of a Blood Emperor Ji, Jushi State is dispensable.

Of course, Jushi State cannot be underestimated. He is not omniscient and cannot be considered exhaustive.

"However, I can be sure of one thing. The No. 1 sect in the Jushi State was completely wiped out after a death-defying operation. Little Jiji escaped from death and went to the Three Thousand Great State. Since then, she has soared into the sky!"

"So this first sect is dispensable."

Thinking of this, Ye Que glanced at Xue Diyue, and could see that she was nervous, confused, helpless, and panicked.

"It's okay, I've already killed this person, the first sect has already made an enmity with me, we can be regarded as grasshoppers on the same line."

Ye Que's words made Xue Emperor Yue fall into an ice cave, knowing that he could not escape the shackles of this great monster, and couldn't help feeling sad.

After a hard life, in the end, he still couldn't escape the control of these powerful beings.


Xue Diyue wanted to try again.

"I saved you, so naturally you have to follow me, otherwise why should I save you?

Ye Que said coldly.

He saved people unintentionally, but since people are alive, he has to be responsible, otherwise he will have to die if there is a big trouble.


In the distance, a terrifying sword power surged, like a thunder piercing the sky, sharp and violent.

"A sect traitor, you actually killed Elder Mingjian. What the Supreme Elder said is correct. You are indeed carrying a treasure from the sect, otherwise you would not be able to kill Elder Mingjian. You are so courageous!"

After Jianwei, there was an ice-cold shout.

Xue Diyue's body shook, and the treasure was exposed.

She thought about it, and suddenly said: "Senior, I defected because I took the treasure of the sect, and was chased and killed by the strong men of the sect. You said that you want me to follow you, then..."

"Let's talk first!"

Ye Que didn't blah much, took two steps forward, and slapped him across the face.

"Where did the ants come from, get out of here!"

An old man came in, with the power of the ninth level of creation, he was one of the best in this giant stone state, and he was still very popular.

He yelled coldly, wanting to pierce Ye Que with a sword.

"The elder of the first sect?"

Ye Que waved his palm.

"Hmph, since you know me..."

With a bang, the old man's head was blown out before he could finish speaking.

Xue Diyue's body trembled, as if he had seen a ghost.

What kind of monster is this!

With a single slap, the head of the ninth-order creation was blown away!

Could it be the legendary peak creation?

"Hands down a bit."

Ye Que sighed, and with a move with one hand, he sucked the head back, then flew to the old man, and took it back to the old man.

The healing ability of the creation is also very strong, and the head is quickly connected to the body.

Only this time, the old man's face was pale, his body was trembling, and he was speechless.

"Come on, listen to me!"

Ye Que's eyes turned slightly, and the power of the nightmare penetrated into the old man's head, directly obliterating part of the old man's memory.

Nightmare doesn't have the ability to erase memory, but he is Yuanxu, even if he doesn't have the ability to deal with such a low level, he can force it out.

"Blood Emperor Yue and Ming Jian died together! The treasure that Blood Emperor Yue stole is gone!"

His words turned into memory, continuing the part of the memory that was erased.

After finishing all this, Ye Que simply kicked the old man to the sky and disappeared without a trace.

This scene happened so quickly that Xue Diyue, who had no experience, became more knowledgeable.

"Come on, find a place to rest with me."

Ye Que turned around and left.

Xue Diyue didn't know, this person in front of him was a top powerhouse.

"It must be the existence of the peak creation! No wonder this senior is not afraid of the first sect."

She followed obediently, sighing secretly, thinking of the tragic fate in the future, there was endless confusion in her eyes.

"Senior, you keep this important sect treasure."

Xue Diyue didn't dare to hide after exposing this matter.

A ray of yellow light flew out from the body, which contained the aura of peak creation.

And just after the light was taken out, her third-level aura of creation instantly dropped to the third-level of creation.

Yes, she had a rough life, so how could she have the ability to cultivate to the level of creation? If her younger sister secretly gave her resources in the sect, she might not even be able to reach the third level of creation.

"Keep it to yourself, but don't rely too much on it."

Ye Que glanced at her and said.

This is not a treasure she stole, but someone saw that her younger sister Blood Emperor Ji was too dazzling and threatened her own status, so they stole this treasure and planted it on her younger sister.

Xuedi Yuexin is mature and has a strong sense of crisis. When she learned that her sister was carrying a rare treasure, she felt something was wrong and guessed that her sister was being plotted against.

So in order to prevent her younger sister from being framed and executed by the sect, she took the initiative to take the blame and took away the treasure and stayed away from the sect.

After that, it was easy, Xue Diyue was hunted down all the way to this point.

"Her talent is indeed monstrous, even if most of it is destroyed, her achievements still reach the level of creating spells!"

Although this had something to do with the good cultivation environment at that time, it also had a lot to do with Xue Emperor Yue's talent.

"If she's alive, I'm afraid her achievements will be even higher than that of Blood Empress Ji."

Ye Que was amazed.

But Xue Diyue was even more shocked.

"This is a treasure of the peak creation level. For these strong creators, it has a fatal attraction. Seniors don't want this?"

Xue Diyue was puzzled and shocked.

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