God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1582: Soul Sacred Fruit

The two were sucked away, and when they appeared, they were in a **** hall.

There are twenty-two pillars in the hall, with strange runes carved on them, and blood flows between the runes.

On twenty of the pillars, there was a living person, whose hands and feet were bound by divine chains, blood was drawn out, and the blood flowed continuously into the runes.

"Hehehe, you two ants, you are finally here."

A humanoid creature with wings on its back, like a yaksha, released the power of a great true god, sitting cross-legged on the empty pillar, staring at the two people in front of him.

Suddenly, he seemed to have discovered something.

"Dark creatures also talk about love?"

The corners of his mouth were raised, with a slightly teasing look, and his tone was surprised.

Moxue Ji squinted, and found that she was still holding the other party's hand, and immediately got goosebumps, and subconsciously moved away.

But the key point is not this, the key point is that she does not reject it in her heart.

Ye Que looked around with a blank expression on his face.

There are living people on the twenty pillars, basically dying, their bodies are dry, and there is too much blood flowing out.

"There are still two pillars left, are they for us?"

Ye Que asked the two-winged monster.

Two snaps.

The two-winged monster clapped his hands and let out applause: "It's very smart, it's left to you! Not bad, you can get here through the obstacles I designed all the way!"

He looked down at Demon Blood Ji and Ye Que from a high height, and his laughter could make people hairy.

"The map is also your means of doing it?"

Demon Blood Princess took out an incomplete map, her eyes became colder and colder, and the chill emanating from it could freeze people's hearts and souls.

Her map is different from Ye Que's, referring to other places in the ruins.

Ye Que raised his brows. It seems that this map was deliberately spread out by this two-winged monster to attract people to come here.

The people on the twenty pillars should also be attracted by the map.

"How is it?"

The two-winged monster sneered playfully.

"How courageous, dare to play tricks on me!"

Demon Blood Ji sneered, her body exuding a more intense smell of blood.

The two-winged monster stood up without fear, looked down at her from above, and said with a sneer, "So what if you play tricks?"

He stretched out his hand, and **** mist erupted from the **** hall.

"Even I dare to plot, seek death!"

Demon Blood Princess didn't drag her feet, stepped on, the blood light oscillated, and the mist was shaken away, and she made a formula with one hand, and 1,322 void blood marks, like a storm, pressed strongly against the two-winged monster.

The imprint contained enormous power, which made the hall rumble. If it weren't for the special place, it would have suffered disasters in a radius of tens of billions of miles.

Rumbling, a shocking roar spread.

The imprints are like a **** frenzy, crushing the void and trembling, stagnating time and space. They are powerful, capable of tearing everything apart, and rumbling on the two-winged monster.

"Go away."

Ye Que saw it clearly, the monster resisted the mark without dying, and was able to transfer away in an instant, which meant that he was very strong and he was invincible.

"Where are you going?"

The monster forcibly resisted the mark, and when it found it couldn't hold on, it forcibly teleported, and the target was also shifted from Demon Blood Ji to Ye Que.

He appeared behind Ye Que in an instant, sweeping across with his claws.

"You monster is very strange, what does it have to do with you where I go?"

Ye Que also disappeared.

This is Nightmare's false body, and he has already run to the edge of the hall.

Anyway, he is also an old escape expert, how could he be caught easily.

"Hiding so fast, it seems that he doesn't want to fight with me. Well, I will destroy these pillars!"

The Demon Blood Princess was very thoughtful, thinking that the pillars probably had a great effect on the monsters.

Sure enough, as soon as her words came out, the monster's face changed slightly.

"It's too late! You can't make a move!"

The monster roared, and the sound contained a special strange power, which aroused some kind of power.

With two puffs, Ye Que and Moxue Ji spit out blood, and their faces paled instantly.

The two looked at each other, and both realized a problem - poisoning.

With a bang, the monster landed on the ground, holding the magic chain in its hand, and walked towards the two of them slowly, sneering: "Since you entered this place, you have been invaded by blood poison, and this blood mist is also, but you are very vigilant and did not inhale it! "

Crash, the divine chain is ringing.

"But it doesn't matter, the blood poison you have absorbed during this period is enough, plus this seat's blood yin roar, the blood poison explodes instantly, paralyzed by the source of numbness and the power of the void, making you unable to move."

As soon as he flicked the divine chain, the divine chain was like a snake, freely climbing onto Ye Que and Moxue Ji.

Only a few clicks were heard, and the two of them were already bound by the divine chain, and they climbed onto two empty pillars respectively.

The two were tied to the blood column, their hands and feet were torn apart, and blood flowed into the blood column, making the weird runes on the blood column even more monstrous.

"I said, so what if you are strong? Once you enter here, this seat is your heaven!"

The monster grinned.

Demon Blood Princess fell silent, staring at the monster coldly.

"What are you looking at? Where is the previous momentum?"

The monster held the blood whip in his hand, and slapped Moxue Ji fiercely.

The third demon **** became more and more indifferent, and the killing intent in his eyes was like a tide, causing the temperature of the Scarlet Hall to drop sharply.

"Hmph! You will suffer later!"

The monster didn't dare to look into the eyes of the Demon Blood Princess, because the other party gave him a feeling of fright.

"The twenty-two blood pillars have been formed, hahaha, I can finally get out of trouble!"

The monster stretched out its hand, like a hero in control of everything, its body exuded the aura of a peak true god, and it also had the meaning of void, but it did not have the power of void.

This shows that he is weaker than Demon Blood Princess.

"Isn't this the ruins of the general?"

Ye Que has been observing.

"Spiritual soldiers and generals...do you believe any random words written on the map?"

The monster sneered, especially the Demon Blood Princess. He took another look, and there was infinite sarcasm in his eyes.

"Believe me, don't mess with her, or you will die miserably."

Ye Que glanced at Moxue Ji, it was the first time he saw Xiao Ji Ji was silent and did not resist, but the killing intent really frightened even him.


The monster punched him in the face, and said with a grin: "Did I let you speak?"

He is arrogant now.

"You owe discipline!"

Ye Que was gloomy, and his killing intent was so strong that even the Demon Blood Princess gave him a sideways glance.

It seems that neither of these two guys are easy to mess with.

"Hahaha, two ants, what can you do to me?"

The monster flew to the center of the twenty-two blood pillars, sitting cross-legged in the void, uttering strange words, the twenty-two blood pillars glowed with blood, and the runes on the pillars flew out one by one, and finally did not enter the monster's body .

chi chi chi—

The blood of Ye Que and Moxueji erupted in large quantities, and the suction generated by the blood column was even greater, continuously absorbing their blood, and the blood entered the runes, and the runes entered the monster's body.

This is associative.

"No wonder I can kill my clone, blood poison is really good at it."

The Demon Blood Princess suddenly opened her mouth.

Ye Que didn't listen, and kept staring at the back of the monster's wings, where runes were piled up, and finally turned into a huge flower.

"This is…"

There is a faint speculation in his heart that makes him excited.

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