God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1581: Is it good?

People may not be saved, but things must be taken.

Ye Que searched and picked up all kinds of things, even the earrings, and tore them all off.

"This armor is not bad. It should be a very good material after being refined and integrated into the weapon."

After this product has been peeled inside, it starts to peel off the outside.

The armor on Moxue Ji's body was knocked and knocked away piece by piece.

Gradually, there were only a few armor-piercing clothes left on Mo Xueji's body.

It was too harsh, but he couldn't get enough of it.

If it weren't for seeing her as a woman, I would have stripped you clean long ago.

And at this time.

The real Demon Blood Princess came from another secret path.

After she walked out of the maze in the passage on the left, she kept searching for treasures, and finally came here along the secret path, just in time to see Ye Que pick up the treasures of her avatar.

That avatar was her meticulously cultivated surrogate, which cost her a lot of hard work. Seeing Ye Que squatting on the stone platform doing all kinds of things, his face turned livid.

She walked over quietly, bent slightly, and looked at Ye Que's proficiency, her eyelids twitched.

"Is it easy to pick?"

She asked beside Ye Que.

"It's okay, slippery and slippery, but there are too few treasures and it's too shabby."

After Ye Que finished speaking, his body paused.

The atmosphere gradually quieted down.

"Actually, I saw that she was injured, and I wanted to rub her to generate heat so as not to die from hypothermia, do you believe it?"

Ye Que turned his head and said.

He didn't even believe it himself.

"What kind of rubbing method?"

Demon Blood Ji sneered, a sticky smell of blood emerged from the void and swept across the trail.

Ye Que stepped back instantly, pulled out the knife from his back, thinking about how to get out of here, but said: "Don't get me wrong, we are on the same front, this place is very strange, I suspect that someone has been in the ruins for a long time gone."

The Demon Blood Ji stared at Ye Que without saying a word, the atmosphere was very strange.

"Shall I return the things to you?"

Ye Que handed some close-fitting clothes to Demon Blood Ji.

It's a shame he dared to take it out.

"She's dead."

Demon Blood Ji didn't pick it up, her eyes were slightly disgusted.

As a dark creature, she has no feeling at all.

But there was a killing intent, but he held back.

To tell the truth, if Ye Que hadn't realized the power of the Void in the Nightmare World, the relationship between the two would not have been so good.

It was a coincidence.

Ye Que changed the girl's attitude towards him in advance.

Otherwise, with Demon Blood Ji's temperament, it is estimated that Ye Que's back foot would have been smeared on his neck as soon as his front foot entered the passage.


Ye Que's face changed slightly, and his eyes changed when he looked around.

"Although the avatar is not strong, it is comparable to the tenth demon god, and it died quietly!"

Demon Blood Princess' eyes were sharp and contained killing intent.

The avatar is for death, but it is not so easy to die.

Especially for a powerhouse like her who has realized the power of the half void, it is almost difficult to be killed.

But now, her clone died in the ruins.

"It's really not easy here."

Ye Que stuffed some of the clothes he handed out back into his storage ring.

These are materials that can be refined and reused later.

The killing intent of the Demon Blood Princess was slightly stagnant because of his inadvertent action of taking it away.

"You have become a true god, and it seems that you have obtained a lot of treasures."

She put away her disgusted gaze and said lightly.

"You can't compare with Little Jiji. During this period of time, you must have found more. Ahem, why don't we move on?"

Ye Que pretended not to know, and looked at Demon Blood Ji with a solemn expression.

Demon Blood Princess's face darkened.

Sure enough, this person's shameless character was born, and even if he became a dark creature, he didn't change at all.

She collected the corpse and walked ahead in silence.

Ye Que observed both sides of the path from behind.

There are many statues on both sides, very hideous, but most of the movements are hiding, but the eyes are looking at the trail.

"You are familiar with this place?

Moxue Ji asked indifferently in front of her. She changed into a new dress, which was a strange blood-red long gown, which was convenient for fighting.

Ye Que could feel the power of the half void from the long clothes.

He knew that the other party was serious.

"The power of the void varies from person to person. The power of the void that this girl got should be blood, the blood of the void."

Ye Que called it that, but his mouth was not idle: "I'm not familiar with it, so I came here unknowingly."

"Then you're in luck."

Moxue Ji turned around meaningfully and looked at Ye Que.

Ye Que didn't speak, but shrugged his shoulders, as if he could believe it or not, but his eyes were staring straight at Demon Blood Ji.

Demon Blood Ji was stared at, and the strangeness in her heart surged out again. Her body was slightly hot, so she didn't dare to look at Ye Que again, and turned around quickly to calm down.

"I am a dark creature!"

She clenched her fists, admonishing herself in her heart.

But no matter how I warned her, at that moment, she felt like an electric shock, which was true.

The two walked to the end of the path, and outside was a white avenue, which was very long, like a corridor.

The Demon Blood Princess observed for a while, and then used a secret technique to fabricate a puppet to lead the way.

Nothing happened along the way.

"Be careful, I feel cheated."

Ye Que stopped the Demon Blood Ji from advancing.

This place is too dangerous, and it has the power to wipe out the clone of the Demon Blood Princess. He doesn't want to fight alone, so the Demon Blood Princess can't have an accident.

Demon Blood Princess frowned at him.

"I've devised a similar trap."

Ye Que was talking nonsense, but he actually learned from the incomplete map that there are space traps all over the avenue, and if you make a wrong step, you will fall into the trap.

You need to follow a certain trajectory, just like playing Go, to cross the avenue.

As for flying?

Sorry, the sky is full of traps, you will hit once every time you fly.

"Trust me, there is nothing wrong."

When Ye Que saw the Demon Blood Ji looking suspiciously, he patted his chest and walked over first.

But when he took the first step, Moxue Ji stretched out her hand to block him, and said coldly, "Be careful."

Ye Que:? ? ?

Can these words also come from the mouth of the Demon Blood Princess?

"It's over, use her power of the void to realize that something has happened, this girl doesn't look right at me."

Ye Que took a deep breath and said: "It's nothing, you just follow me, follow me, this road, I basically take everything."

He took a step as he spoke.


A strong spatial fluctuation exploded from the bottom of his feet, and then a suction force was generated within it, sucking him away.

Ye Que wants to curse, this incomplete map is fake!

But Demon Blood Princess felt a murderous intent.

She raised her eyes instantly, stared at the end of the avenue and said coldly: "Are you playing tricks?"

There is a figure there.

It was this figure who did it, not Ye Que who fell into any trap.

"Your progress is too slow, I can't wait any longer, I will give you a ride."

The figure opened his mouth hoarsely, and when the voice disappeared, the person also disappeared.

"You dare to call yourself my seat in front of me?"

"I want to see what tricks you have to play!"

Demon Blood Ji gave a bewitching smile, the beauty of which overshadowed the world, and a terrifying killing intent swept out.

She took a step forward and grabbed Ye Que's hand, but instead of pulling back, she was sucked away together.

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