God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1507: the road is broken

Darkness is the enemy of all life.

No one should be in the same boat as them.

The strong man from the Ancient Gods Universe chased Wan Sen, but did not make a move.

The great true **** of the human race said in a deep voice: "Don't touch the darkness, I will let you go!"

The same is true for the other great true gods.

"The darkness has destroyed too many lives, you shouldn't collude with them, we let you go, and the grievances and grievances are settled from now on!"

The Great True God Kunpeng turned into a human form, staring at the Great True God Wansen with serious eyes.

The true gods of Huangyuan Continent and Moyuan Continent are also paying attention.

As long as he is given a way to survive, the Great True God Wan Sen will not mess around.

This is what everyone thinks.

Wan Sen said in silence: "Really?"

"Really! We swear by our own realm. If we violate it, we will breed demons and fall from the realm to the mortal body!"

You are all swearing.


Wan Sen turned around and left, and when he distanced himself from everyone, he turned around again and said solemnly: "A bunch of **** have angered me, can you still live? Go to death!"

He opened his hands, the source light of the great true god, and received the darkness that came from somewhere.

The army of darkness is coming.

It came so suddenly that no one expected it.

Wan Sen never thought that it was the younger generation of his family who wanted to destroy the universe of the ancient gods, which resulted in today's result.

He didn't even think that it was he who followed the arbitrariness and reaped the consequences.

He made a mistake but refused to admit it, but everyone still gave him a way out.

But now, he doesn't give everyone a way out.

At this time, there are two continents in the barren land, namely the Huangyuan Continent and the Moyuan Continent.

And the barren land outside the mainland is polluted by dark things.

More importantly, the place where the two continents are located has been surrounded by the river of darkness, like an isolated island.

This is also the main reason why the mainland cannot communicate with the outside world.

When the source light of the Great True God Wansen touched the darkness in the dark, the darkness was summoned and sent from an unknown and distant place.

Just like the empress was summoned back then.

Rumble! !

Rumble! !

A strand of power from the True God of Darkness and the Great True God of Darkness erupted continuously from the body of the Great True God Wansen.

The great true **** of the human race slapped it away with his palm, but was rushed away by the power of the dark great true god.

"Hehehehe, get out!"

A headless humanoid creature walked out from the body of the Great True God Wansen. He sniffed the Great True God Wansen greedily, but for some reason, he did not infect the other party.

"Do you know what you did?"

"Huangyuan Continent, Moyuan Continent, and the Multiverse will all be destroyed because of you!"

The Great True God Kunpeng was furious.

This is not an unwarranted accusation, but a fact.

Wan Sen summoned the darkness, bringing endless disasters to the Barren Yuan Continent, the Mo Yuan Continent, the Ancient God Universe, and other multiverses.

Nearly endless lives will be buried because of one thought of his.

The Great True God Wan Sen took three steps back, and said with a smirk, "What do you have to do with me? You are all dead, you have angered me, and caused us to suffer losses in the middle half of the mainland, you should be punished!"

"That's right! Our darkness, the reason why we stay in the first half of the road to the wilderness instead of invading the middle half, is to stop the army of the Empress Good Fortune! They should be punished!"

One after another, the great dark gods descended, and one of them, a headless humanoid creature, held a dark knife and spoke with a grinning grin.

They came to retaliate against the ancient **** universe, and there were too many reinforcements.

"Army? What army?"

Wan Sen's gloomy face showed a little more doubt.

"Who do you think opened up this road to the barren source? It was opened by the Empress Good Fortune leading the army! You can live safely and let your children grow up on the road to the barren source because they sacrificed countless lives to guard it!"

"Fear the darkness, avoid the darkness, only they stand silently and alone!"

The Great True God Mo Tian came, and the person who came from the branch road had a look of absolute determination in his eyes.

Because of the proximity to the Huangyuan Continent and his strong strength, he knows that the road to Huangyuan was opened by the Empress, and he doesn't know much about other things.

But at this moment, he finally knew why the darkness didn't invade the middle half, but blocked the first half.

It turns out that this is not the power of the middle part of the darkness fear, but that the darkness wants to block the army of the Empress Creation in the universe of ancient gods in order to block the army.


Wan Sen stared back, his ferocious face turned into panic, but in an instant, it became even more ferocious: "If you die, you will die, and I didn't let them open up! A bunch of idiots who made it their own!"

Hearing this, the Great True God of Darkness smiled even more sinisterly.

Boom boom boom! !

Three large altars were summoned, and many dark armies appeared from the altars, and the darkness no longer needed Wansen.

The continuous dark army attacked again, heading straight for the universe of the ancient gods.

Not only that, but what's even more frightening is that there are three creatures of dark origin, who are slowly summoning from the three altars, and they will appear here in less than three hours.

"Go to hell!"

Wan Sen turned around and rushed towards the middle half.


All the true gods and great true gods in the middle half came, and Wan Sen took a step back in fear.

"If that little creature didn't provoke us, they wouldn't have such a result today!"

"This is the sin they caused themselves! Then let them bear it themselves!"

The other two great true gods spoke, not knowing whether they were making excuses, or they really thought so.

And what they said also represented the will of other true gods.

Wan Sen was taken aback for a moment, then smiled arrogantly, ferociously and as a matter of course: "That's right! If they hadn't angered us, they wouldn't be where they are today!"

"It's good for you to do this, at least turn the attention of the darkness to those low and despicable beings!"

"Work together to cut off the first half of the road to the barren source, and prevent the darkness from invading the middle half!"

The true gods and great true gods of the three continents in the middle half all took action, using supreme means to cut off the road to the barren source in the first half.

This means that everything in the first half was cut off by them, and they did not leave a way out, and they all ruined it.

However, the geniuses and creators of Huangyuan Continent and Moyuan Continent have gone to the middle and upper part of the Huangyuan Road, and now they can no longer return to their hometown.


The road is completely broken.

As for the mainland, it is surrounded by the river of darkness and cannot communicate with the outside world.

From the moment the road was broken, the two continents in the first half were abandoned.

Perhaps, it should not be described as abandonment.

They entrapped the lives on the same front because of fear of darkness, and buried because of fear of darkness, the last hope that once opened up the road to barren sources and confronted darkness.

Roar! !

Countless darkness once again swept across the first half of the road to the barren source, and charged towards the universe of the ancient gods.

Not only that, but the darkness is overwhelmed, trying to take the opportunity to destroy Huangyuan Continent, Moyuan Continent, and all the universes below the two continents.

"I really didn't expect that you would do this. You obviously gave you a way to live, but you didn't give everyone a way to live! How cruel!"

The Great True God Motian held the sword of the True God, cut off the branches, and cut off all connections with Moyuan Continent and Motianzong.

"True God of Yuntian Palace, True God of Tianluo Palace, you will call yourself the Moyuan Continent, and cut off all the paths of darkness. Please treat Mo Tianzong well!"

From the moment Darkness was summoned, he knew this would happen, and he had to stand up.

If he doesn't do this, darkness will invade Moyuan Continent sooner or later.

"I can't cut it. For the sake of our children and countless universes, we dare not avoid it anymore."

The True God of Yuntian Palace and the True God of Tianluo Palace, standing on the edge of the Moyuan Continent, wanted to set themselves on fire, using the source of the True God to isolate all darkness and preserve life in the continent and the multiverse below the continent.

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