God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1506: can't

The crowd of true gods surrounded the few true gods from outside, their faces turned pale with fright.

"This junior, in fact, we don't care about the previous conflict, so let's write it off, how about it?"

The true God of the Cao family hated Ye Que the most, and wanted to destroy Ye Que's family, but now he changed his mind and wanted to write it off.

"It's true, just smile away all grievances and enmity, let's not conflict in the future, okay?"

The Great True God also opened his mouth to seek reconciliation with Ye Que.

"It's you who want to hit and kill, and now you're the one who's going to write it off. Look at what you said, it's so easy."

Ye Que smiled with his stick on his shoulders, his eyes swept towards those true gods, his killing intent increased instead of diminishing.

He is not a novice, he will recognize what others say.

If these true gods were released today, these guys in the past would definitely retaliate with terror.

He has seen this kind of thing a lot.

In order to prevent future troubles, those who should be killed must be killed.

"Finish work early!"

The great true **** of the human race was the first to enter the stage, and the other great true gods and true gods entered the stage one after another.

Rumble! !

The universe vibrated, but it didn't crack, nothing else, because of the foreign great god, the universe was sealed and strengthened, and now this guy's intestines are full of regrets.

This is shooting yourself in the foot.

These old guys were furious, and they beat the foreign true **** and the big true **** so loudly that they had no strength to fight back.

"stop fighting!"

The true **** of the Cao family was a fine true god, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, all his teeth were knocked out, and his words leaked out.

"Don't kill me, I'll give you treasures."

The true gods of the Yu family were even worse, mainly because these old hooligans were good at fighting, and a certain true **** even grabbed his hair and smashed his fists the size of sandbags.

This is not like the battle of the true gods.

It was completely a hooligan appointment to fight, and there was no way to fight, and he pulled his hair and beat him to death.

Their style is so tough that many people are speechless and can't stand it.

People who have been to the depths of the barren source road are just different.

"Isn't it good to live?"

Mo Tian shook his head and sighed, "You still want to live after messing with these old hooligans?" I'm afraid I'm living in a dream.

The true gods and great true gods of the three continents wanted to help, after all, they are all in the same place, but seeing the pile of true gods, great true gods, and even Yuanxu, knowing that there might be water in them, they still dare not go .

Who dares to go, and risk their lives to bet whether this group of strong men is true or false?

No one dared.

"Damn creation!"

The powerhouses of the three continents all focused their eyes on Ye Que, their eyes were rather cold. If it wasn't for this creature, they could still watch the show for a while, and those few true gods and great true gods would not be surrounded beat up.

"Look at the situation, they can't survive."

A great true **** said indifferently.

In three continents, there are only three great true gods in total. If one is lost today, one will be missing.

But they didn't dare to go, the opponent had a large number of people, and the combat strength was equal to two, whoever went would die.

Therefore, they could only place the blame on Ye Que.

If this little creature hadn't caused trouble, their people would have died? Will the juniors in their mainland die?



The entire universe of the ancient gods was shrouded in bright light, and many terrifying powers spread. The power of the law and the power of the source all undulated in the universe like waves.

In the end, the four true gods from outside were imprisoned in Yuanding by Dou Zhan Shengyuan to refine them.

"When I sleep and wake up, they're gone."

Dou Zhan Sheng Yuan threw a bunch of origin stones and treasures to Ye Que, clapping his hands and going back to the six realms of reincarnation.

The rest of the true gods also withdrew their hands and looked at the only foreign true god.

After all, he is a great true god, and he is relatively difficult to kill. He can still struggle for a while when he explodes with the strongest strength at the last moment.

"You have no chance."

The great true **** of the human race evolved a small universe and forced the foreign great true **** into it.

The Battle of the Evolving Small Universe was a real move.

In an instant, the four great true gods surrounded and fought inside, beating the foreign great true **** until blood spilled into the small universe.

Suddenly, the small universe exploded, and the foreign true **** covered in blood seemed to have performed some kind of taboo technique. His body was emitting a brown light, and his defense was very high. He had been beaten several times, but his body was still intact.

"When I return, you will all die!"

The great foreign **** swiped the ground and rushed to the road to the barren source.

"Still want to escape? Dreaming!"

The four great true gods used secret techniques to block the road to the barren source, and forcefully intercepted the dying great true god.

Ye Que didn't get close, this is a battle of top powers, just watch from outside.

"Enter the source cauldron for me!"

The Great True God of the human race evolved a great cauldron, grabbed the foreign Great True God and threw it into it.

The foreign great **** roared, with blood and hatred in his eyes, but unfortunately the resistance was ineffective, so he could only be thrown into it for refining.

At this moment, there was a mysterious force outside the universe, which instantly enveloped the Great True God from outside.

Ye Que felt it, the power came from the road to the barren source.


The great true **** from outside was glued to him by some mysterious power, and the body that was just about to enter the cauldron disappeared from the universe of ancient gods in an instant.

"I am Wansen, and I will avenge today's revenge in the future!"

The great true **** from outside roared ferociously, and his voice echoed in the universe of the ancient gods.

"He was transferred by magic."

"Who did it?"

"Made in the same place."

The eyes of the great true **** of the human race looked at the three continents in the middle half of the road through the barren source.

That's right, the reason why the Great True God Wansen was transferred was because the powerhouses of the three continents cast spells.

"He just left the universe of the ancient gods, and he is still on the road to the barren source, catch up!"

The Great True God Kunpeng flapped its huge wings and traveled in the starry sky at such a fast speed that it entered the road to the barren source in an instant.

The same is true for the other great true gods, who rushed in forcefully.

Wan Sen was drenched in blood and was still speeding up.

He was just transferred to the road to the wilderness, and he was not completely out of danger.

"Creator, I remember you!"

Wan Sen's ferocious growl deeply remembered Ye Que.

His hatred filled the road to the barren source with a monstrous smell of blood.

The sound of bang bang bang came, and the gang of great gods were about to catch up. Wan Sen's face changed slightly, and the fierceness in his eyes turned into panic.

Although he didn't want to admit it, in fact, he already knew in his heart that he might not be able to escape.

"Damn, damn, damn!"

Wan Sen roared, unwilling and resentful, and the monstrous resentment could faintly turn into black light under despair.

Seeing the bright light coming from behind, when he was struggling again to no avail, an eerie sound came into his ears.

"Receive the darkness, we will help you!"

The magic sound lingered in his mind, arousing his desire to survive.


The entire road to the wilderness suddenly dimmed, and an inexplicable dark breath wafted through it.

Too many true gods entered the road of wasteland, and finally attracted the attention of darkness.

And Wan Sen's state this time attracted the darkness even more.

"Receive the darkness, we will help you!"

Last time, the darkness was destroyed by the Empress, and they wanted to come over, but they couldn't catch up in time.

But now there is an opportunity, as long as this great true **** receives and guides, the darkness will return again.

The magic sound flowed through the darkness, and it couldn't be covered up.

In an instant, the true gods and great true gods of Huangyuan Continent and Moyuan Continent all turned their horrified eyes to Wan Sen.


All the powerhouses of the two continents spoke in unison.

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