God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1460: Star sea worm + Libra = official cheat, understand?

Ye Que saw too many people greet him, and he couldn't refuse, so he agreed to come down.

After drinking for several hours, this guy found a reason to leave.

He first returned to the inner world, and went straight to the pavilions, each with a big bed.

The ones lying on the bed were naturally a group of beauties like flowers and jade.

Gu Fayue woke up, leaning on the pillow, looking out the window, her body exuded radiance, holy and beautiful.

It's that face, beautiful is beautiful, but too arrogant.

Well, the figure is also good.

The skin is as white as jade, with protruding protruding backs, and she is a proper twelve-star ancient beauty.

As soon as Ye Que came in, Gu Fayue, who was in a daze, trembled for a moment, and there was a light in her eyes, but her arrogance was engraved in her bones, and she instantly covered up the joy in her heart.

"You came."

Gu Fayue said flatly.

"Well, let's see you."

After talking, we are speechless.

This silence, coupled with the separation and reunion, the surging sense of lovesickness rose slowly.

Lonely, male, and widowed, the atmosphere soon changed, and it was quite a bit of a thing.

Ye Que was okay to say that the universe-level straight man didn't notice the atmosphere, but Gu Fayue's body was stiff, his head was lowered, and he looked like he was picking at you but coy.

It's rare to put it on Sister Fa.

However, Ye Que is an idiot in this regard, and reached out to touch Gu Fayue's forehead: "What's wrong? Have you got a high fever?"


Gu Fayue's reproachful tone stunned Ye Que, wondering what this silly woman is doing again, the aunt is here?

"I can read minds."

Gu Fayue was expressionless and even more impatient.

Ye Que almost forgot, and quickly thought: "My Sister Fa is the most beautiful!"

Gu Fayue's face turned dark, she was really speechless about this guy's virtue.

"If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be able to open the Libra blood."

Ye Que flicked her long hair and sighed.

As a serious person, he was handsome, nothing to say, at least Gu Fayue was stunned for a while, but blushed again in a blink of an eye.

The last condition for opening the Libra bloodline is to combine the two.

What happened that night in Universe City was her first taste of the forbidden fruit, and she can't forget it till now.

Ye Que took it out and said, she thought this guy wanted it again, which made her at a loss.

"I still have things to do next. You should take good care of your wounds. You have just removed the pollution from the dark objects. Your body is extremely weak and you need to recuperate. Don't mess around!"

Ye Que left like a gust of wind, leaving her in a daze.

"If I had known earlier, I would have been his."

Ye Que went to another pavilion, and the one lying on the big bed was Huang Youyao.

Not only that, but those lying in other pavilions are all beauties one by one.

Die Tinghan, Hun Xingyue, Bing Yining, etc., to put it bluntly, are a bunch of wild flowers, all of which are gathered in his body.

The types are also varied.

There are small ones, big ones, mature ones, and even half-spiritual ones.

This is what this guy dared to do.

Fortunately, he visited and visited, and gradually discovered that something was wrong.

How the **** does it look like the emperor visited the three thousand harem before going to bed, but was worried about whose cards to turn.

This sense of sight really gets stronger the more I think about it.

"Go out and get some air."

Ye Que tugged at his clothes and went in for a walk. It was like fighting a life-and-death battle, and his blood was still surging.

"Oh, it's too thrilling."

He wiped off the blood from his nose, and ran to the world to blow some air, which made him feel better.

"So short?"

Di Xiwei was standing on the cloud, and when the wind blew, her long hair was fluttering, showing the temperament of a beauty who doesn't touch fireworks, that's what she said was scary.

"Sister Emperor, do you want to try?"

Ye Que leaned forward with a shameless face, and used the trick of sister emperor again.

"Practice well."

Di Xiwei's face was rosy, and she left instantly, carrying a soft fragrance.

Ye Que's cultivation method is very straightforward, taking out treasures and stuffing them into his mouth.

Ding ding ding beeping continuously.

Look at the data again.

The level of all spells has been increased from 85% to 95%.

The improvement has been fully doubled, and the realm has also broken through to the ninth-level method of making.

Thanks to him for being able to search for so many treasures from the God Realm.

"Ninth-order method! 10127 steps!"

Ye Que became stronger again.

It is worth mentioning that - (I know you can't remember, I will remind you every time)

The fourth level of creation: 8000 segments

The fifth level of creation: 10,000 levels

The sixth level of creation: 12,000 stages

This is the rank of super top creations.

Ye Que is only a ninth-level creation method, and his rank has already reached the strength of a super-top fifth-level creation. He is not an ordinary evildoer.

"Beating the ninth-order creations in the universe violently, and suppressing the tenth-order creations, there is no problem at all!"

Ye Que clenched his fists tightly, swearing, but when he thought of the combat power of the old patriarch, the pressure came.

Above the tenth-order creation is the peak creation. (Look well, the plot will be involved in the later stage)

But there is a gap in strength between peak creations.

Because there is too much gap between the creation and the true God, and this gap is so big that all living beings cannot measure it, because it is too big, so big that no one has ever touched it.

And this also led to almost no upper limit on the combat power of the peak creation.

For example.

If the combat power of the peak creation can be divided into levels, the lowest level is 1, and the highest level is 100.

Among the peak creations, the old patriarch's strength is estimated to be around level 100, even if not, at least around level 90, so powerful that it can make people despair.

"The old patriarch has lived for so many years that he almost forgot. Before becoming famous, the old patriarch also lived for many years! I can't imagine it!"

This is a living fossil-level super-top peak creation.

The current Ye Que, even if there were 10,000 of them, would still be no match for a slap from the old patriarch.

Of course, the old patriarch was not as good as Ye Que in terms of evil spirits.

Who has seen the eighth-level construction method, which hangs and beats high-level creations?

The old patriarch back then did not have this ability.

The strength of the old patriarch was accumulated by countless years.

"But no matter what, my motivation is here again! I want to become stronger! Get rid of these **** dark taboos!"

Ye Que suffered too much and suffered too much, all caused by dark taboos.

Today's Ancient God Universe, can fall to such a point, it is also thanks to the dark taboo.

It can be said that his hatred for the dark taboo is no less than that of the gods and star demons.

"Stop talking! It's time to show my housekeeping skills!"

Ye Que fished things into his body.

Fished out a lot of heaven-defying weapons, such as the Good Fortune Gate, the Good Fortune Cauldron, um, and the Good Fortune Shield.

Today's Six Realms have been unsealed, and all the weapons of creation are with him.

The old god's sword was also found by the old patriarch and given to him.

"The eight major weapons, the Fortune Gate, the Fortune Cauldron, the Fortune Shield, the Fortune Eye, the Fortune Heart, the Fortune Tree, and the Fortune Sword. I got seven of them together... Where is the last Fortune Star?"

Ye Que fished for something, muttering in his mouth.

Because he remembered the words that the Fourteen Stars old **** said before his death.

Don't damage the good fortune weapon, otherwise the good fortune empress will not be able to...

He only hears here.

Although I don't know what to do, but it must be something very important, and he won't mess around.

Suddenly, the worm bag was fished out by him.

"Little guys, follow me and kill to the universe sea!"

When Ye Que was taking people away in the universe city, he found the star sea worm hiding inside at a certain space node, so he packed it in a worm bag and took it away, and he didn't take it out until now.

Those nine fools are still there, and they also brought a ticket for the Xinghai insect swarm.

As far as their IQ is concerned, it's really lucky that they can hide in the space node.

"Let those star sea worms from the ancient era see our power!"

Ye Que recruited the nine fools.

He wanted to see the shocking scene after Libra bloodline + star sea worm + his realm + infinite energy again.

chi chi chi—

Nine foolish ones flew around him affectionately.

"Go, let's hang up!"

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