God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1459: Ragnarok

Ye Gushen is Ye Gushen, image and temperament are not important to him at all.

The first of the three evils of the Eastern Desolation, what we want is the actual effect.

No, this guy carried the door panel and went in.

Although it's a bit of that, and the temperament is crooked, but the effect is very dry.

Bang Bang Bang! !

Ye Que entered the God Realm alone, the door panel was swept away, and a mountain and river collapsed.

Bai Yu despaired on the spot.

He stared blankly at this one, whom he called the weak God Ye Gushen, who smashed back the ancestor of the fifth level of creation, and everyone was frightened stupid.

"How...how is it possible!"

Bai Yu murmured, his eyes gradually darkened, with despair and regret.

"There is a race of predatory nature in its bones, and it will always be self-sufficient and arrogant! His growth, you will never imagine, and you will never be able to achieve it, you can only look up!"

Gu Yuan cut off Bai Yu's head with a knife.

At this point, the grievances between the ancient gods of the previous generation and the God Realm came to an end.

Many ancient gods were in the starry sky, looking at the world of the gods from a distance.

High mountains and flowing water, immortal jade pavilions, flying clouds and cranes, leisurely and beautiful.

The irony is that these are all in exchange for stepping on countless flesh and blood of the Six Realms and entrapping countless ancient gods.

"The beings in the God Realm hate the Six Realms and the ancient gods from the bottom of their bones."

Gu Yuan said lightly, there were vicissitudes and memories in his eyes.

"Back then, high-rise buildings were built to entertain guests. Now, the buildings have collapsed and the guests have dispersed."

"Everyone, follow the Thirteen Three-star Ancient Gods!"

All of a sudden, millions of ancient gods entered the God Realm.

But basically nothing about them.

Ye Gushen's sturdy horse, the fission clone was carrying the good fortune tripod, and the main body was carrying the good fortune gate, beating the two great creations of the **** world violently.

At that scene, the heaven and earth collapsed, and the gods were terrified.

The sky and the earth turned upside down, yin and yang were reversed, and the bright divine light dyed the world in shock.

The secret technique of the ancient gods is like an ancient waterfall, countless attacks pour down, and the ancient visions around make everything in the world tremble.


"It's too fierce!"

Many ancient gods were amazed.

The ancient gods of the later generations are really monsters among monsters.

However, the eighth-order method of making two creations violently beats them, and none of them can do it.

boom! !

"The old man fought you hard, I will kill you with self-destruct!"

The third-order creature went crazy, half of its body was sliced ​​off by the door panel, and there were holes all over its body. It was so miserable that it desperately wanted to blow itself up and take Ye Que away.

"The ancestor is about to sacrifice! He was forced into this desperate situation by a disgusting ancient god!"

"Why don't the ancient gods die! It's so abominable that they robbed our homeland!"

The gods shed tears and were beyond sentimental.

Ye Que laughed when he heard it.

The God Realm originally belonged to the Ancient God Realm, and the God Clan was only the adherents of the Ancient God Clan.

It is no exaggeration to say that the Protoss can only live in the present age by relying on the ancient Protoss.

But in that great battle that year, the God Clan unexpectedly attacked the Ancient God Clan from behind, and the Star Demon attacked the Ancient God Clan from the front, causing the Ancient God Clan to be wiped out.

The old, weak, sick and disabled of the ancient gods who stayed in the God Realm were ruthlessly wiped out by the gods, and only Gu Yuan escaped.

Not only that.

After the star demons destroyed the ancient gods, they broke up with the gods and wanted to take the gods as their own. In order to survive, the gods took out the six realms as a shield.

That battle was terrible.

More than 90% of the land and creatures in the Six Realms were wiped out by the Star Demon Clan.

The Protoss was unscathed, and took the God Realm to hide in the extreme southern starry sky until now.

In the present age, the God Realm launched a war in order to control the Six Realms.

In that battle, countless souls died, and many strong men were forced to cut me off to transform into Dao. God Ye Gushen almost died in that battle.

At that time, countless people were desperate.

"What a bunch of ridiculous fellows!"

Ye Que couldn't forget the cruelty and ruthlessness under the hypocritical mask of the Protoss.

Hearing every word from these protoss, who looked down on the ancient protoss and the creatures of the six realms from the bottom of his heart, his murderous intent surged even more.

With every blow, I used my full strength and killed without any scruples.

The God Realm was messed up by him and was about to collapse.

The sky is dimming, the earth is bleeding, and the gods are falling one by one.

It's true to its name, Ragnarok.

"You want to blow yourself up, don't you! I'll accompany your grandfather!"

Seeing that the third-order creation was about to explode, Ye Que rushed forward, more aggressive than the opponent.

The third-order creation was stunned, but it was even more ferocious: "I know you have Nirvana, but after I blew myself up, you will die completely. Even if you come back alive, Nirvana will reach the limit and consume you to death!"

Boom! !

The third-order creation exploded, destroying half of the God Realm.

Ye Que, on the other hand, had nothing to do, walked out of the explosion, lifted the door panel, and rushed towards the remaining fifth-order creation.

The fifth-order creation was stunned. It stands to reason that if this guy dies and comes out again, Nirvana will soon be unable to hold on, and his combat power will also decline, but why is he more energetic than before?

"Hmph! Pretentious!"

The fifth-order creature was killed to suppress Ye Que.

"Explosions are art!"

Ye Que was the creator of Ragnarok, and also the godslayer who set off the massacre of gods.

He is exploding himself, and also has unlimited firepower, making the fifth-level creation weaker and weaker until he dies.

When dusk passed, this God Realm was already in the end of the world.

He stood on a collapsed fairy palace, surrounded by fallen gods, and the blood-stained evening was the end of the world.

"There is no human feeling at all, and the Six Realms are still comfortable. After everything is over, I will refine the God Realm again!"

Ye Que left.

In his storage ring, there are many treasures left, which are basically searched from the God Realm.

Unfortunately not many.

After all, there are only two creations in a God Realm, and the God Realm has always been in a closed state, so it would be nice to have some resources left.

But no matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat.

Ye Que decided to improve his strength before entering the cosmic sea.

he's gone.

Go straight to the Six Realms.

Practicing in that place will feel very cordial.

"I'll go to the universe sea first!"

Millions of ancient gods returned to the universe sea.

"I'll come later!"

Ye Que replied.

call out-

Xue Lingluo flew over and threw herself on him, with her arms wrapped around her arms like a small pendant.

"Brother Ye!"

She misses Brother Ye, and clings to him whenever she gets a chance.

Ye Que patted her little head, thinking that this delicate girl has no realm and no understanding of cultivation, but she can only suppress the six realms of reincarnation. Nah.

"By the way, as the master of the six realms, she can control the reincarnation of the six realms... Could this be another backhand of the Empress Good Fortune?"

Doubts arose in Ye Que's heart, and he became more and more awed and mysterious towards Empress Good Fortune.

Fortunately, he didn't think much of it.

The girl rubbed against his arm tenderly, he just wanted to be at peace at this moment.

Di Xiwei is here.

"Sister Emperor."

When Ye Que is not around, the girl loves to stick to Di Xiwei the most.

Although Di Xiwei was cold, strangers were not allowed to enter, and no one was willing to approach her, but the girl dared.

As time passed, the girl wasn't afraid of Di Xiwei anymore.

She went to stick to Emperor Xiwei again.

These three people walked, one was a shameless person with a crooked temperament, the other was cute and innocent, and the other was cold and beautiful like a dream.

This combination is strange no matter how you look at it.

A group of people from the Six Realms saw it, muttering to themselves that all the good cabbages were gobbled up by pigs.

But after all, it was the return of Ye Gushen, and there were piles and piles of people who greeted him.

It's not their turn to solve the dark taboo, because the realm is not yet reached, and seeing Ye Que's return, countless people are excited.

Many old acquaintances from Donghuang Immortal-level forces, Qishen Temple, Rashomon, and Yuanmo Tiangong have come.

Many people also came to the Nanling Demon Temple, each with a jar of wine.

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