God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1450: last 1%

When the old gods run out of oil and their lamps dry up, the red light that bursts into the universe is the last brilliance of life.

The universe is cracked.

The first great true **** broke free, was suppressed with one knife, but did not hit the next knife.

Instead, he used the Dazhen Mystery Technique to block the universe.

"Any external factors are not allowed to enter this place!"

The headless monster suffered a loss, so it decided to seal off the universe first, preventing outsiders from entering and insiders from exiting.

More importantly, this blockade, everything about the universe of the ancient gods, cannot be conveyed.

The true gods on Huangyuan Continent and Moyuan Continent have all severed their connection with the universe of the ancient gods.

Mo Tianzong couldn't see it either.

"Ding! Clearance progress reached 15%...17%...19%..."

Ye Que burned himself and became a golden light man.

Sitting cross-legged inside the light curtain, he could only perform the Zhiyang Liuzijue and Moyuan's Prison Suppressing Technique.

Other than that, he couldn't do anything.

Rumble! !

A large number of black humanoid creatures came, forming an army, all of them were creations, carrying the power of darkness and taboo, surrounding the broken light curtain of the true god.

In the vast starry sky, the red lotus light is dimming.

Countless dark frenzy surrounded the red lotus light and also surrounded the true **** light curtain.


The first great true god, slashing the red lotus light, the great true god's coercion, carrying endless darkness, annihilated everything, polluted everything, and shook the universe to cracks, but because it was blocked, the universe forcibly resisted.

Rumble! !

The second great true **** is also coming out!

They want to save the same kind and destroy the Six Realms together.

After all, the previous obstacles had affected them, and they decided to save the same kind, and then wiped out the Six Realms in one go.

"Ahem...Thirteen stars, I'm dying, everything will depend on you!"

The red lotus light is dimming, and the voice of the old **** is also weakening, which means that life is passing by.

The only thing Ye Que can do is to operate the Zhiyang Liuzi Jue, to remove the dark objects, and the Moyuan Suppressing Prison Art is also operating, but it is to suppress the magic pill that is about to riot.

"Leave it to me! Whether it is failure or success, at this point, we have no way out!"

With his back turned to the opening, his voice was desolate and heavy.



The coercion of the true god, the attack of the great true god, and the roar of countless dark and taboo creatures filled the dim red lotus light. To destroy the old god.

Really, it's like hell.

"There is still a little more energy, let's buy some time for you, remember, you must not destroy the weapons of good fortune, otherwise...otherwise...the true **** of good fortune can't...can't..."

It may be this sentence that stimulated the dark taboo.


Many true gods and great true gods launched terrorist attacks to completely annihilate this damned old man.

Ye Que couldn't bear to watch it, and he couldn't. He could only finish the task in front of him and push the progress to 51% as soon as possible.

"Ding! The clearing progress has reached 27%...29%...31%..."

In this dark cosmic grave, he will soon be left alone doing his best.

"Ahem... this old man still has a little energy to spare, so I will buy you some time..."

The voice is so deep and hoarse, it also contains fatigue.

This is the last thing the old man can do.

Ye Que felt bitter.

Along the way.

Senior Gu Yuan led the way for him, and finally died saving the Six Realms.

The old patriarch led the way for him, and finally blocked the dark humanoid and died.

Now... the old **** opened the way for him, and he is about to perish in the dark taboo.

He opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but couldn't say anything.

Time after time, they can always appear, but in the end they always leave quietly.

The ancient gods are really a monstrous but tragic family.

He has never experienced the leisurely and comfortable feeling of being in this race.

However, he never regretted becoming an ancient god.

Compared with leisure and comfort, the faith in the race that is dedicated and willing to give for righteousness, for persistence, for the growth of the younger generation, and for everything in the future, deeply hidden in his blood, can make him bear in mind even more.


Ye Que's voice became hoarse.

boom! !

The shocking sound that runs through the universe, like a terrifying wave, sweeps to every corner of the universe.

The dim red lotus light burst out with unprecedented brightness in an instant, it was a light that surpassed the shackles of life.

In an instant, the roaring true gods and great true gods were forcibly suppressed.

The shock was so loud that the Thirteen Stars lost their voice.

The red lotus light was so bright that only the bright red remained in Shi Sanxing's eyes.

At the end, everything is quiet.

It was like the countdown to the last moment.

Quiet, cold and dark.

Only the prompt sound did not stop.

"Ding! The clearing progress has reached 39%...41%...43%..."

"Ding! The clearing progress has reached 41%...43%...45%..."

"Ding! The clearing progress has reached 43%...45%...47%..."

"Ding! The clearing progress has reached 45%...47%...49%..."

"Ding! The clearing progress has reached 47%...49%...50%..."

Beep... that's the end of it.

The last 51% did not come.

Because of the seven true gods, the three great true gods, and countless dark taboo creatures, they shattered the Zhiyang Sword and the Demon Banner, and also tore Ye Gushen apart. flame.


The ancient gods' universe reverberated with a dark roar.

All light is destroyed.

The Zhiyang sword of the true **** level was shattered.

The true god-level demon-suppressing flag was shattered.

The true god-level Zhiyang Furnace was torn apart, leaving only the Creation Shield half-stained with dark objects, and the eighty-three creations.

All of them are exposed to all dark creatures.

Ye Que was torn apart and Nirvana. Surrounded by countless dark creatures, he couldn't move. He could only watch helplessly as the creations were annihilated, and the shield of creation was gradually taken away by the dark creatures.

And the Creation Shield can no longer remove the darkness above it.

50% of the progress will be frozen forever.

He resisted, tried his best to resist, but it was useless.

But he really tried his best.

Along the way, not only the dead elders are paying.

Isn't it more uncomfortable to be alive?

He has shouldered too much, and he has come to this day exhausted all over his body. He has suffered from wind and rain, unable to complain, and bears it alone, no one can understand.

Until this moment, he is still working hard.

But he was still overwhelmed by dark creatures, until the shield of good fortune gradually disappeared in his eyes...

The darkness that ends everything has come.

everything, silence...

"Ding! The clearing progress has reached 51%!"

"Ding! The Creation Shield has been awakened!"

"Ding! The host has communicated with the Six Realms!"

Ye Que was being killed and Nirvana, his consciousness was instantly connected to the Creation Shield, and his consciousness penetrated into the Six Realms.

When he saw everything inside, there was complete, complete silence.

Hundreds of millions of living beings in the human world, the Asura world, the underworld, the fairy world, the beast world, and the ancient **** world burn the fire of their own lives, activate countless formations and secret techniques, and attack all their attacks on them. , sticking to the dark object inside the Creation Shield.

The last 1% is cleared by them.

"Come on! There are people working hard outside, so don't be idle!"

"Master Ye must be working hard, how can we sit back and enjoy the success!"

"Although we are weak, we can still use it. I will always support Lord Ye!"

"I still want to continue reading the biography of the ancient gods written by Ning Yu, but I can't stop here!"

"I want to see my eldest sister marry Master Ye, how can it end!"

"Come on, wipe out all these sleazy bastards!"

"Ding! The clearing progress has reached 52%!"

Progress is still increasing.

If Ye Que's body was intact, he would have already trembled.

He didn't know sadness, bitterness or emotion.

What I can do is to convey my will into the six realms, and gather it into one sentence: "Girl, open the six realms of reincarnation, and release all the ancient creatures sleeping inside..."

At this point, he sacrificed his ultimate eye of reincarnation.

Send this product of the six reincarnations back to the six reincarnations.

The ultimate reincarnation eye is the key to unlock all sleeping creatures, which is also the purpose and significance of the reincarnation eye's transformation into its final form.

Now, Ye Que is finished.

And he also sacrificed these eyes, which were once given to him by Senior Gu Yuan.

When the sacrifice is over...

The ancient creature in the six realms of reincarnation opened its eyes.

"Ding! Millions of ancient gods are waking up..."

"Ding! The Chaos Turtles are waking up..."

"Ding! The Time-Space Phoenix Clan is waking up..."

"Ding! The super-ancient creature from the ancient era is waking up..."

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