God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1449: burn all filth

The vast dark starry sky is trembling, cracks are everywhere.

Ye Que melted into a beam of light and rushed towards the Six Realms.

It only takes three seconds.

Three seconds is enough.

But these three seconds are like a moat.

The true god-level dark dragon was roaring, shattering his light body. Time and space were distorted, making him loop infinitely at a certain node. If a ghost hit a wall, he couldn't break it.


Good fortune's sword light cuts the sky and destroys the earth, shattering the nodes.

"Go! Only your eyes of reincarnation can completely open the six reincarnations!"

That deep voice contained stability and depression, as well as unparalleled self-confidence.

That's a voice you can totally trust.

"Kill that kid!"

The voice of the Great True God shook the heavens and the earth, and the Seven Great True Gods joined hands to destroy Ye Que.

"Thirteen Stars, rush over! Here, teach me!"

The old ancient god, the voice of vicissitudes.

Ye Que didn't look back, didn't stop, and didn't hesitate at all.

He trusted Fourteen Stars.

Since Fourteen Stars said it could stop it, it must be able to stop it.

Because of him, he could feel the other party's determination to die.

"The blood of the red lotus! Imprison everything!"

The old ancient **** opened his bloodline.

Boom! !

A round of red light flashed across the universe, instantly annihilating the darkness.

In an instant, the entire universe was illuminated by red light.

At that moment, a shocking scene appeared.

Every corner of the universe, after the darkness has faded, is still full of dense dark creatures, including infected dark void creatures, and even more dark creatures pouring in from the cosmic sea.

They were ferocious, greedy, and full of hostility. Their killing intent and madness annihilated reason, and stirred this vast starry sky into a pool of demons.

turn out to be-

The universe of the ancient gods has long been a tomb.

It's just that there are still some people that the ancient gods care about, lingering in the tomb.

Rumble! !

Ye Que broke through the nodes, ignored the flashing red light, and ignored the many dark creatures hiding in the darkness.

Even the terrifying seven true gods were ignored by him.

Because he knew that the Fourteen Stars could stop him, he trusted him, and he handed over his back to this old **** who was lying in his body.

He rushed over without hesitation.

Just like him back then, from a palm-sized wild forest turtle, he rushed out of the Monster Beast Forest, out of the Shiyan Mountain Range, out of the Ten Thousand Beast Mountain, out of the western part of Gulongzhou, out of the Ancient God Realm...

Back then, the young boy was stunned and full of enthusiasm. He hadn't experienced wind and rain, and he didn't know the pain of life and death, let alone the parting of life and death.

But at this moment, he seemed to have returned to the past.

Although at this time, he was already covered with scars, and after going through wind and rain, he had become a figure who could make the world tremble with a single stomp.

But at least, when he returned, he never forgot his original intention.

He, his family and his homeland can be saved.

call out-

He melted, burned and fused everything, turned into a white-gold light, and went straight to the six realms covered by darkness.

Even in the endless darkness, but the unyielding obsession, never give up.

The old **** gave up his life to open the way for him, how could he stop.

She who had been with him through life and death is still in the Six Realms, how dare he let go.

How could he let go of the homeland that hurt him all over his body, but it was also the hometown he spent with his brothers and sisters.

At this moment, even if all evils in the world stood in front of him, they could not stop him.

All evils and taboos come first, just cut them off.

three seconds.





He broke through the obstruction of dark creatures, and crossed endless distances, and finally came to the Six Realms.

However, the Creation Shield sealed the Six Realms.

The creation shield at this moment has been polluted by darkness, like a black ball, blocking the six realms.

Never expected this to happen!


He roared and roared, his body was burning extremely, and he put his hands on the creation shield, communicating with the creation shield.

Of course, it's useless.

Creation Shield didn't respond.

It is too polluted and cannot be controlled, even if the old patriarch is there.

"Eye of Creation, reflection!"

He wants to penetrate the creation shield with consciousness.

"Ding! The Creation Shield is so polluted that the host's consciousness cannot penetrate it!"

"Ding! The host needs to remove 51% of the dark dirt on the shield before it can be awakened!"


Dense dark creatures around him rushed over, trying to swallow him up.

The seven true gods and the three great true gods are attacking the red light, trying to break free.

Although it is impossible to break through for the time being, the Great True God condenses his mind power and turns it into a true god's sword, intending to wipe out the extreme southern starry sky.

Ye Que shouted angrily, and controlled the Sun Sword to stand in the starry sky on the left, and the Demon Suppressing Banner to stand in the starry sky on the right. With a bang, the two true **** weapons shattered all the dark creatures around them.

At the same time, with a buzzing sound, the two true **** weapons released the true **** light curtain, covering Ye Que.

boom! !

The sword of the true **** cut on the light curtain of the true god, shaking the universe, but it did not break the light curtain in the end.

This is, the last chance!

"Isolate the darkness!"

Ye Que sat cross-legged inside the light curtain, and the Zhiyang Furnace instantly expanded, incorporating the six worlds into the small universe inside the furnace.

"Burn all filth!"

He rotated to the Yang Zhendian, and his body was even more dazzling.

Rumble! !

The world-burning flame of Zhiyang Furnace enveloped the entire small universe in the furnace, putting the six worlds in flames.

chi chi chi—

The creation shield that seals the six worlds is emitting black smoke, which is a sign that the dark things are being burned.

"Ding! The dark dirt on the Creation Shield is being removed..."

"Ding! The clearing progress has reached 1%...2%...3%..."


There is a dark dragon's breath sprayed on the light curtain of the true god, not just one, but seven.

The seven true gods are also conducting a joint attack across the red lotus light, distorting the true **** light curtain.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The three great true gods were taken care of by the old ancient god, but they couldn't stop them for long. They were about to break through the shackles of the red light. Even if they didn't come out, Ye Que's body was shattered by their coercion.

At this time, Ye Que was still within the light curtain of the true **** released by Zhiyang Sword and Zhenmo Banner.

It can be seen that the coercion is terrible.

"Okay...cough cough cough..."

Even though the old ancient god's voice was steady, it was at the point where all the fuel was exhausted.


Ye Que suppressed the heaviness in his heart, and made the seal of the formula with both hands.

Zhiyang Liuzijue, restrain darkness!

He used this trick at this critical moment.

In an instant, the platinum light on his body turned into sunlight like a great sun, capable of blooming billions of rays of light.

"Six Characters of Zhiyang - Ju, Yu, Zhu, Xuan, Kong, Yu!"


The Supreme Yang Canon in his body was operating to the limit, and three thousand pure golden rays of light could burn the darkness, instantly penetrate into the universe in the furnace, and cover the Creation Shield.

The chi chi chi chi sound increased.

A large number of dark things died from the shield of creation.

"Ding! Clearance progress reached 5%...7%...9%..."

Beyond the light curtain of the true god.

"You have mastered the Zhiyang Jue! The enemy of darkness! You must die!"

The Great True God of Darkness is furious.

boom! !

The universe cracked.

The first of the three great true gods broke free from the red lotus light of the old ancient god, and split the light curtain with all his strength.


The light curtain cracked a gap.

Ye Que spat out blood containing golden light, his body was split, and he was quickly recovered by Nirvana.

But he didn't stop, he was still releasing the Zhiyang Liuzijue, and he even used the Moyuan Suppressing Prison Technique.

The Great True God behind him is a headless human-shaped monster, wearing a dark armor and holding a knife. The coercion around him is so terrifying that it has reached the level of the Great True God, and the universe is trembling.

Rumble! !

The taboo army at the cosmic sea is also here!

"You are a variable, you should have been killed long ago!"

The headless monster wants to swing the second knife.


The old **** was furious, like a flash of light, the red light illuminated the universe again, barely suppressing the headless monster.

"Thirteen stars, this old man can't do it anymore, this old man will open the way for you, you've reached your limit..."

After returning to the light, there is endless weakness.

Old God, try your best.

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