God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1422: Death in Chaos, Life in Chaos (2)

The tree of good fortune, one of the eight fragments of the true **** weapon of good fortune, is almost invincible in front of the creation.

But in front of other complete true **** weapons, it is slightly inferior.

It was interrupted by the true **** weapon.

Ye Que put in so much effort, destroyed the Zhiyang Nine Realms Mountain, broke the Zhiyang Furnace, used the heart of good fortune, and used the ancient **** Nirvana.

But at the last critical moment...

Still can't save it.

"If I can't even save you, how can I save the Ancient God Universe?"

Ye Que recalled the previous sentence, looked at the tree of good fortune with its waist broken, his pupils contracted, and his breathing stopped.

He not only wanted to save Zhi Yangning, but also wanted to tell himself that he would definitely be able to save the Ancient God Universe.

Traveling far away, facing heavy burdens, and countless pressures are flooding my body.

He needs faith to support this exhausted body and mind.

Faith is an invisible thing that can be replaced by anything.

It is his belief to take away the Tree of Fortune.

But now, not only is the belief broken.

No one was rescued.

Rumble! !

Countless mystical divine lights overwhelmed him.

Three hundred core races, thousands of creations, and tens of thousands of methods, they hung over his head like ferocious demons, surrounded him, and devoured him.

That dark crowd, like the darkness that swallowed up the light, buried him in the abyss no matter how he struggled.

"Ye Que, the will of the True God of Creation can't come out, what are you using to fight us?"

"Take away our inheritance opportunity, **** you!"

Long Xuan and Long Ming cast spells, the ancient thunder, the storm waterfall, the vision of the gods, the world turned upside down, and many secret light curtains, enveloping Ye Que.

They didn't use true **** weapons, for fear of forcing out the will in Ye Que's body, but their own attack could crush Ye Que.

"Give us back the inheritance!"

"That belongs to us, you, a pariah from the universe, have no right to covet!"

"You despicable villain, use our hands to break through, and finally get the inheritance yourself, Ye Que, Ye Que, you make me hate you so much!"

Creations such as Blood Nine Souls of the Blood Origin Clan, Huo Chen of the Fire Origin Clan, and Hong Chentian of the Hong Yuan Clan are even more crazy.

They ran out of treasures, their eyes were red, and they resolutely buried Ye Que.

Not only them, but also powerful people of many races are killing Ye Que infinitely.

Ye Que had no strength to resist at all.

He has the realm of the sixth level of law-making, and he has the strength of the third level of creation.

Although evildoers, there is still a gap in front of this group of creations, and they cannot resist them.

"Give me the inheritance!"

Long Xuan stepped on the fortune tree, mad and irritable, but after a while, the tree was bleeding.

"Your? How are you qualified to say it's yours?"

Ye Que kept dying and resurrecting. He wanted to take away the Creation Tree, but was suppressed by the attack.

"Hehehe! Could it be yours?"

Long Xuan stared at him and grinned grimly, both venting and hating that the immortal incense was exhausted, and the five hundred million years of painstaking efforts of the Longyuan Clan were wasted, all because of Ye Que.

If Ye Que hadn't snatched his inheritance, how could he have fallen into this miserable situation?

There was a clicking sound.

He stepped on the trunk of the Creation Tree and crushed it bit by bit.

"Look at your attention, you have been on this tree, you don't really care about it, do you?"

Long Ming observed meticulously, with a touch of his hand, a ray of lawful real fire burned the Creation Tree, and the tree was evaporating blood-colored steam, and it was also burning.

boom! !

Ye Que drew out the sword of Zhiyang True God, and smashed thousands of terrifying secret techniques. The entire broken earth was shaking, and the sky and the earth were mourning.

But the other party was already prepared to fight it with true **** weapons.

Ye Que remained silent, and took out the broken Zhiyang Furnace. The world-burning flame inside it almost crushed Long Ming, but it was still suppressed by the Shanyuan Clan's true **** weapon.

"You really did it for this tree!"

Long Ming laughed loudly, and punched out the true fire of the law, shaking the world, and crashing down towards the Creation Tree.

Although the Creation Tree is a fragment of the true god's weapon, and the creation is difficult to shake, it is already in tatters, and a punch can deepen its damage and torture Ye Que.

boom! !

A black hole appeared above the sky, and inside it was a small universe, where many stars and chaotic worlds evolved.

The terrible coercion shocked everyone. This is the true **** coming out, and there will definitely be big changes.


Long Xuan and others retreated and surrounded them, defending against all possible incoming attacks with true **** weapons.

Ye Que took advantage of everyone's retreat, picked up the Tree of Creation, and used his own laws to extinguish the true fire of laws on it. It was very difficult, but he still extinguished it.

Looking at the dead wood-like good luck tree bleeding, now only about half a meter of the core trunk is left, exuding a slight breath of life, and I feel angry.

He hugged the trunk and gritted his teeth.

Finally got the Creation Tree, but... the price is too high.

Above, the imagined attack did not come.

A ray of black light flew out of the black hole, and there was the pressure of the true **** inside, which could shake the ground and shake the creatures in the desert of Mo Yuan in the distance, making them tremble.

call out-

That ray of black light didn't drop the terrifying power, but flew to a very far away as soon as it came out.

Boom boom boom boom—

The eight true gods appeared, all covered in blood, with disheveled hair, in a state of embarrassment, which was two extremes of the image of the big men in the past.

But they are not afraid, but excited.

"He trapped us forcibly, revealed a flaw, and was seriously injured by us. Everyone, let's destroy the Great God together! Our continent does not need power beyond balance!"

True God Longyuan, one of the Eight Great True Gods, shouted at the Four Great True Gods of Moyuan Continent.

The four true gods were originally watching the changes, with the purpose of seizing the inheritance.

But the scene in front of them stunned them.

The Great True God was seriously injured?

"Hahahaha, I wanted to forcibly trap the Eight Great True Gods, but I shot myself in the foot!"

The True God of Town Demon Palace grinned grimly. He had already offended the other party. Now that he had the opportunity to kill the other party, he would not miss the opportunity.

He stepped forward, shattered Ye Que's body, and forcibly snatched the sword of Zhiyang True God.

"The true **** weapon in the inheritance is complete. It's a pity that it has been contaminated with dark taboos, but it's okay. When I go back and have a look, there are treasures such as ancient scriptures or sources hidden inside."

The True God of Zhenmo Palace took the sword of Zhiyang True God and left, followed by the Eight Great True Gods, beheading the Great True God.

"The stove is good. Although it is contaminated with the dark taboo, it is also a good choice to disassemble some of it and use it as materials!"

He ordered the True God of Tianmen to **** the Zhiyang furnace, and also chased and killed the True God Xiang Da.

"I can't get the inheritance, but it can make the Great True God fall, which is good for my Yuntian Palace!"

The True God of Yuntian Palace took a deep look at Ye Que, got up and chased after the Great True God.

"This opportunity may not come once in a billion years. It's rare, and I will take the shot!"

The True God of Tianluo Palace also stood up, shaking the world with one step, he turned into a ray of robbery, and made the Great True God his target.


The peak creations of the eight true **** races, the powerfully controlled eight true **** weapons, were summoned by the eight true gods, turned into streamers of light, and fled to the distance.

They will return to the hands of the true gods, and with absolute power, they will kill the great true gods.

This scene happened too fast.

In the blink of an eye, the eight true gods of Huangyuan Continent, together with the four great true gods of Moyuan Continent, hunted down the Great True God together.

Many people have not been slowed down, because the great changes are too shocking.

"Hahaha, stealing a chicken won't cost you a lot of rice. The Great True God has come to the point of falling for you, a pariah!"

"You are really capable!"

"The true **** weapon has been taken away by the ancestors, but it doesn't matter, Ye Que doesn't have a true **** weapon either! Let's make a break!"

"You are the nemesis. In the universe of the ancient gods, the universe of the ancient gods will perish. In the black sky sect, the great true **** of the black sky sect will soon fall!"

"You were born to be destroyed!"

Without the True God, the creations of the three hundred core races attacked Ye Que again, more recklessly.

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