God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1421: Death in Chaos, Life in Chaos (1)

One sword, ten thousand roots.

boom! !

The tree of fortune is about to leave the earth, and under Zhiyang Ning's will, the tree rises slowly.

Although she is weak, she can still move due to the great power hidden in the Creation Tree.

Rumble! !

The third realm of Zhiyang Nine Realms Mountain is gone, Zhiyang Furnace is damaged, and a crack is exposed from the bottom.

"It will be ready soon!"

Ye Que swung his sword again, slashing fiercely at the last ten thousand roots.

boom! !

The Creation Tree is completely separated from the earth.

"Enter my body world!"

Ye Que yelled loudly, with surprise on his face.

Finally, finally able to take away the Creation Tree.

At the same time, he looked at the Zhiyang furnace, but his eyes were concentrated outside the Zhiyang furnace, shouting loudly: "True God..."

Before he finished speaking, the second realm of Zhiyang Nine Realms Mountain collapsed, and a big hand pressed it down.

With a bang, the Creation Tree was suppressed under the ground, and Ye Que was also crushed underground.

"Leave the inheritance to me!"

The True God opened his mouth, and with the power of a roar, the trembling void trembled, and Ye Que's body was also shattered.

Ye Que crawled out of the mud, spat out a mouthful of blood, and said coldly, "Get out of here!!"

boom! !

The true **** pointed and pierced his flesh.

"Give you one last chance!"

The voice of the true **** brought magic flames, turning everything into darkness, not a taboo of darkness, but another kind of darkness, very depressing, like a demon god.

"Go away!"

Ye Que knew that he couldn't beat the True God, even if he had a weapon, it was useless.

The weapon is dead, but the true **** is alive. There is a qualitative difference. He can't resist, and he didn't choose to resist. Instead, he put away the Zhiyang True Excalibur, the incomplete Zhiyang Nine Realms Mountain, and Zhiyang Furnace.


True God made a move, but it was too late.

It belonged to Ye Que's inheritance. He had the right to control it, and he retracted it into his body in an instant. The true **** was caught off guard and couldn't catch it.

"There is a kind to get it yourself!"

Ye Que grinned grimly, he has infinite Nirvana, and has two days of infinite time.

He is fearless.

"I take it myself, after you die, you can take it naturally!"

This true god, like a demon god, shot out a ray of magic light, instantly obliterating Ye Que millions of times.

Just like last time, True God Longyuan killed Ye Que.

In an instant, the sound of ding ding ding ding came out in Ye Que's mind.

Too many deaths caused the rage in the heart of creation to faintly show signs of being triggered.

"Kill me!"

Ye Que dies and re-nirvana, endless cycle, ding ding ding ding in his mind continuously.

Although, the trigger rate changed from 1% to 0.01%.

However, in this case of infinite death, there is still a chance of triggering.

"Dead and resurrected?"

God was shocked.

"Come and get it!"

Ye Que was destroyed infinitely, his eyes were fierce, he was not afraid of the true god, he just smashed to death with the opponent, full of blood.


Without Nine Realms Mountain and Zhiyang Furnace, two true gods surrounded him like giant gods overlooking ants.

In addition, three hundred core races, many creations, and eight true **** weapons were aimed at him.

"Hand it over!!"

The true gods and creations were shouting angrily, their voices contained coercion, and the world trembled slightly.

"There is a kind to get it yourself!"

Ye Que was not afraid of these strong men. He was destroyed, but he still refused to admit defeat. His whole body was covered in blood, and he also carried the will to surrender and resist.


The true **** destroyed Ye Que infinitely, and another true **** cast a spell to take the treasures of heaven and earth in Ye Que's body by force.

"There are several places in his body that have the power of a true **** and are blocked."

Another true **** frowned.

These words are terrible, and the people of the Longyuan clan have a shadow in their hearts.

The one who killed Ye Que like this last time has already been labeled as a grandson by the True God of Creation.

When Long Xuan heard that the power of a true **** appeared in Ye Que's body, his expression changed slightly in fright, and he immediately notified the two true gods.

"You can't kill him with the power of the true god, otherwise you will force the will of the true god..."

The people of the Longyuan tribe have spoken.

"You understand?"

The coercive question of the true **** made the soul of the creation tremble.

Long Xuanlong Ming's face turned red, he was embarrassed to say it.

In the end, it was the creation of the Shanyuan tribe who told the story of the True God of Good Fortune beating the True God of Longyuan.

call out-

God stopped.

"You want to stay here even if you die, what is it for?"

The true **** of the Temple of Demon Suppression, like a demon god, questioned Ye Que.

Suddenly, he sneered: "Is it because of that tree? You have been attracting my attention all the time, just to keep me from noticing that tree?"

With a move of the hand, the tree of good fortune, which was suppressed under the earth, flew out and fell into the hands of the true **** of the Demon Suppressing Temple.

Ye Que grinned grimly: "I'm here for the inheritance of Zhiyang True God!"


The True God of the Town Demon Temple exerted a little force, clicked, and the main trunk of the Creation Tree was squeezed out of the crack.

Ye Que was unmoved, and stared coldly at the Zhenmo Temple and said: "If you want to take away the inheritance, you should dream!"

The eyes of the True God of Town Demon Hall narrowed.

Ye Que sneered.

The two sides are testing and playing games.

Who can know the tree of good fortune?

Except for Zhiyang Ning and Ye Que, no one knew the full name of the Creation Tree.

In the eyes of outsiders, this is just an incomplete weapon that may be the True God of Zhiyang.

More importantly, it has been contaminated with dark taboos.

Ye Que once asked True God Mo Tian, ​​he has fragments of the True God's weapon in his body, why is he not being watched by others?

It's very simple, those weapon fragments have been contaminated with dark taboos.

The same is true for the Creation Tree.

So, he's betting.

The other party thinks that he has nothing to do with the tree of good fortune, even if the tree of good fortune is destroyed, he will not take out the inheritance, on the contrary, it will anger him.

"It's really tricky!"

The True God of Town Demon Palace glanced at the sky, and it was still delaying time, he guessed it could be delayed for a day.

But he didn't dare to delay for such a long time.

If you can't take away the treasures in the inheritance, everything will be in vain.

"The true **** can't kill you, or else the will of the true **** will be forced out of your body?"

The other is the true **** of Mingtianmen, who also finds it difficult.

I didn't expect this kid to be resurrected indefinitely, and he couldn't be killed even if he was killed. There was nothing to do with him.

If things go on like this, not only will they not be able to get the inheritance, but they will wait until the true **** Mo Tian appears, and things will get even worse.

"Since that's the case, I won't destroy you, so there is still a bottom line to talk about with Mo Tianzong."

After all, the True God of Town Demon Palace didn't try to crush the Creation Tree, but threw it to Ye Que with his hand.

Ye Que felt relieved.

As long as he put the Creation Tree into his body, he would no longer be afraid.

When the time comes, ask the Great True God to take action, and he will be able to leave safely.

With a thought, he recalled the Creation Tree.

But the moment it entered the body, it was intercepted by the True God Weapon.

"True God can't kill you, we can! Kid, don't even think about leaving!"

Long Xuan and Long Ming sacrificed the weapons of the true gods, shot a beam of divine light, and drove the Creation Tree into the ground, cutting it in half.


Ye Que's heart stopped.

But he didn't dare to reveal too much about his emotions related to the Creation Tree, otherwise, the true **** would persecute him.

The two true gods took a deep look at him and left.

However, he didn't go far, and was still observing what Ye Que's intentions were, and whether there was any inheritance left to be inherited.

As they think, there are also the true gods of Yuntian Palace and Tianluo Palace.

Ye Que, on the other hand, stared blankly at the Creation Tree.

"Ye Que, Ye Que, you are finally in our hands! Don't you resist?"

Long Xuan stepped on the broken Fortune Tree, and sent down an invincible attack to win over Ye Que.

Not only him, but the powerhouses of hundreds of other races all cast spells, and the countless attacks overwhelmed Ye Que.

How can he resist in front of the peak creation and true **** weapon?

He couldn't resist, just looked at the Creation Tree.

And this seemed to give up the act of resisting, and soon he was completely overwhelmed by countless world-destroying attacks.

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