God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1398: Throne of Blood

Rumble! !

Ye Que shattered a million miles with one knife, and the twelve faculties and fifty gods of the Longyuan and Bloodborn tribes inside were all buried.

Millions of mountains collapsed, smoke and dust rose everywhere, the earth cracked, and it was a doomsday scene.

"Kill until you dare not chase me down!"

Ye Que put away his knife and looked down at the collapsed mountain indifferently.

This move shocked all races.

He killed in the secret realm for a full ten days.

For ten days, every day, the creations of the Longyuan, Blood, Fire, or Hongyuan tribes were destroyed.

The law-making and gods of these four races have gone from hearsay at the beginning, to worrying, and now they are cautious and trembling.

I regret it.

They regret coming here.

There are some methods that even return to the barren land, not daring to stay in the true mystery.

As for Ye Que's reputation, it once again resounded throughout the Huangyuan Continent.

He is a **** of killing.

The older generation of the four clans wanted to kill him, and he killed the younger generation of the four clans in turn.

"He wants to make the four clans lose their children and grandchildren, how cruel!"

A certain method of the Qingyuan tribe made people amazed.

"If you want to blame it, blame the four clans for being too bullying. Ye Que has been targeted by them every day since he came to Huangyuan Continent!"

"Although I am not a direct participant, I am very happy to see such a result!"

Many people from other races maintain an objective attitude to see things, and they enjoy eating melons.

"Actually, I'm even more greedy for the treasures in Ye Shashen's pocket. He killed so many people, and these people have been searching for treasures in the secret realm for several months..."

"It smells delicious just thinking about it!"

There are also some people with tricky angles, and the halazi is leaking out.

And this statement is almost the same as the real situation.

Ye Que swallowed a lot of treasures.

The creation methods and gods of these four clans have worked hard for several months to search for treasures in the secret territory, and now they all make wedding dresses for Ye Que.

"It's almost the tenth stage, keep looking for people!"

Ye Que carried a knife and walked in the dark night.

The rain stopped, and the fog rose again, adding a bit of weirdness to the secret place.

From time to time, there are fluctuations from the peak creation in the distance.

The struggle between Mo Tianzong and the creations of Huangyuan Continent has come to an end. There is no fierce battle before, only occasional collisions.

This caused everyone's attention to shift from Peak Creation to him.

without any exaggeration.

In the secret realm, who is most afraid of all the magic?

Not the sinister and terrifying beasts in the secret realm.

It's Ye Shashen who is elusive.

Not even the creation can catch him, and he often hides in the dark, and he will do it when he catches the enemy.

It's useless to persuade anyone.

If you persuade me again, you will have to suffer a knife.

Three days later.

Ye Que searched the secret territory for three days, but rarely saw the four clans' creation methods and gods.

This is because he was afraid of being cut.

"God Ye Sha, I am the Shanyuan Clan's creation method, don't mess around!"

They were also afraid of the methods of making other clans, and put a wooden board on their bodies, which said: I am not a dragon, blood, fire, or Hongyuan clan, please don't target me.

This is driving them crazy.

It was really funny at first, but thinking of Ye Que's lunatic tricks, many people followed suit.

Both men and women are participating, and it has become a fashion.

Some people are not serious, while writing, they also joked.

Such as: I am not from the four ethnic groups, and I am poor and ugly, please don't rob me, Ye Shashen please let me go.

There are also some more weird ones: Hey, I am not from the four clans. If you want to rob, please don't take away the treasures that others have worked so hard to find. You can pay with your flesh.

Funny is funny, but no one dares to take Ye Shashen as a joke.

And among them, the Niuyuan clan admitted to be cowardly even more honestly.

Considering Ye Que's treatment of the four clans, he almost copied all the descendants of the four clans, and the Niuyuan clan felt chills when they saw it.

"Niu Kuangba is dead when he dies, we admit it, please don't kill people from the Niuyuan clan!"

"If your hatred is hard to get rid of, please don't kill people. If you want treasures, I will give them with both hands."

Some of the Niuyuan tribe's body has a sign on it, and the above words are written on the sign.

The Niuyuan tribe really dare not provoke them.

Even the creations of the Niuyuan clan are honest.

They didn't have much loss at the beginning, so they wanted to stop the loss.

Looking at the appearance of the four races, all the geniuses in the contemporary gods and spirits have been slaughtered by Ye Que, and only some crooked melons and cracked dates are left to bear the future of the race.

This worries the four clans.

Of course, the Divine Spirit Realm is not over yet.

Ye Que has also grown up, and now he does not kill gods, but only the genius who creates the legal realm.

Now, at least 40% of the genius-level dharma-making realms of the four clans have been slaughtered by Ye Que.

Remember, this is genius level.

He will not let go of anyone in the secret territory.

If it wasn't for the barren land that couldn't enter, Ye Que probably wanted to kill that part of the barren land.

This is a solid fact.

The other tribes felt distressed and regretful when they saw it.

"He must be killed!"

The creations of the four races shouted angrily, and decided to go all the way to the dark, even if they wanted to regret it, it was useless.

"Hey, stop it, he can cut karma himself, but he can't catch it, so why let the junior pay the bill?"

There are other races of creation counseling.

However, the creations of the four races didn't listen at all, and if they didn't kill Ye Que, it would be difficult to eliminate their hatred.

So within a few days, several creations of the four clans died in the swamp of the secret realm, with the aftermath of the laws left behind by the ancient gods.

At this point, the four clans fell silent.


Ye Que never forgot the scene where he was provoked, targeted and hunted down by the four clans.


A burst of super-top tenth-order power emerged from his body.

After taking too many treasures, his rank has finally been raised to the top tenth-level method of making.

In terms of realm, it is not far away from the second level of law-making.

This is completely capable of destroying the primary creations in the universe.

"The matter should come to an end, I have to go to the place where Ningning sleeps."

Ye Que has been keeping an eye on Ning Ning's location, but fortunately no one has discovered it yet.

He put away the butcher's knife and flew towards the forbidden place of deep fog.

Along the way, he used some kind of secret technique to find people with the blood of the four races.

When he was on the road to the wilderness, he used this trick to find the gods, one by one.

Now, although it is a bit difficult to find the way to make it, some can still be found.

It's a pity that he searched for a long time, but he couldn't see half a person.

The four clans have been feared by him, and apart from the peak-level Zafa, few Zafa dared to show up rashly.

Ye Que put away his regrets and flew into the forbidden area of ​​deep fog.

He was very careful. After entering, he carefully observed his surroundings to make sure that no one was following or watching him, and then he went deeper into the deep fog forbidden area.

On that road, the fog filled the air, and only by opening the forbidden eyes could we see a small part of the road in front of us clearly.

Going deeper and deeper, the fog gradually thinned, and at the same time, corpses with their backs to the depths also appeared.

Ye Que carefully walked through the corpses, and gradually came to the deepest place - the Throne of Blood.

On the throne, a young girl is sleeping forever.

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