God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1397: grim Reaper

The torrential rain continued, and the already dark world became even more chaotic now.

Fighting, chasing, watching movies, treasure hunting, everything you expect to find.

Among them, there was a new round of killings.

The blood sink was lucky, and in a certain valley in the central area, he got a fruit containing origin qi.

As a fifth-order method of the blood-born family, although he has never been to the road to the barren source, and he is not a top-notch person, since he has come to the secret realm, he must seize the opportunity.

"After searching for several months, I also found a lot of treasures! Good luck!"

Xue Shen was very excited. After putting the treasure into the storage ring, he was about to leave the valley.

At this moment, a figure appeared in front of the valley.

"Who is your Excellency? I am the fifth-order method of the blood-born clan! My name is blood sinking!"

ESR took three steps back, his skin turned red, and his eyes were vigilant.

Although it is said that the various ethnic groups cannot kill.

But in the True Mystery Realm, this kind of regulation is not restrictive. If you really want to kill someone, you can kill them.

The figure moved, walked towards the blood sink, and said indifferent voice: "I am a thirteen-star ancient **** in the universe of the ancient gods, named Ye Que!"

The language is not amazing and endless.

As soon as the words fell, Xue Shen knew that something was wrong, and he immediately notified the seniors of Fa and Creation to come here.

"You'd better go quickly, the strong men of our clan are coming!"

Xue Shen wiped off the sweat on his forehead, and retreated tremblingly.

"Don't worry, I'll be leaving soon!"

Ye Que lifted the heavy wheel in his hand, targeting the blood sink with killing intent.

"Don't kill me, I'll give you the treasure!"

Erythrocyte sink begged for mercy, and the psychological defense line was about to collapse.

He is clear about Ye Que's strength.

"I will take it myself! Just stand up and wait for death!"

Ye Que rushed forward with a bang.

Not long after.

The creation of the bloodborne race descends.

"Ye Que!!"

The Creator looked at the **** corpse on the ground with an ugly and gloomy expression.

This is the fifth death.

Without exception, each one was beheaded by Ye Que.

Not only his Blood Origin Clan, but also the methods of Longyuan Clan, Huoyuan Clan and Hongyuan Clan were all brutally murdered by Ye Que.

It is simply impossible to guard against.

Because Ye Que was in the dark and they were in the light.

"If you dare to kill someone from my clan, I will make you die of pain!"

The creations of the blood-born race were cold and low-key, and the killing intent distorted the world.

As for regret or quit?

Is it possible?

How could a creation stop and regret a small creation?

What they have to do now is to kill Ye Que as soon as possible.

Ye Que also turned into a **** of death again, setting off massacres again and again in the secret realm.

edge of the central area.

A small trading party is held here.

There are five races of creation, and treasures are exchanged in a wild forest.

Among them, there is a super-top sixth-order method, which comes from the fire source clan.

There is also a super-top fifth-order method, which comes from the Hongyuan tribe.

The other three are from Qingyuan, Shanyuan and Tianyuan.

Just as they exchanged one thing for another, there was a bang, and this world was blocked by the sea of ​​law.

"Hmph! Who is pretending to be a ghost?"

The fire source clan's sixth-order method shouted angrily.

"The sea of ​​laws of chaos, destruction, time, space and other laws... There is only one person who possesses these laws..."

The Hongyuan Clan's fifth-order method murmured, feeling ominous in his heart, and had a premonition of something.

"It's Ye Que! He's here!"

The Qingyuan Clan's method suddenly exclaimed, and there was panic in the voice.

The news about Ye Que's assassination of all ethnic groups in the rainstorm is gradually spreading.

They know these methods.


The face of the female Zaofa of the Tianyuan clan turned pale, panicked in her heart.

She is only at the fifth level of art making. Although she is super top, she has no chance of winning in the face of the ruthless Ye Que.

"Ye Que is a lunatic, he doesn't care about anyone's background or relationship...Brother Ye, can you let us go?"

Halfway through the Shanyuan clan's fifth-order girl-making method, he felt something was wrong, so he immediately changed his tone and begged for mercy.

This kind of lunatic who is not afraid of anything is the most frightening thing.

boom! !

The giant tortoise suddenly appeared, covering the sky and the sun, staring at the five people coldly.

The five retreated, all swallowing their saliva.

boom! !

Ye Que followed closely behind.

He jumped off the giant tortoise's head, smashing a hole in the ground.

"Ye...Brother Ye..."

The female Zaofa of the Tianyuan tribe murmured, wanting to talk about her background, but kept her mouth shut.

Talking about background with a lunatic will only backfire.

"Brother Ye, the treasure is here, we have no enmity with you, nor have we interfered in any of your affairs."

The Shanyuan tribe's women's way of making is straightforward, she wiped the sweat off her face, put her treasure on the ground, and then stepped back to the side.

Seeing this, the Zaofa of the Tianyuan and Qingyuan tribes hurriedly took out their treasures.

Well, the Huoyuan and Hongyuan tribes also wanted to do the same, but Ye Que stopped them: "I will take the treasures of the two of you personally, don't waste everyone's time with them!"

There is deep meaning in the words, and there is also great terror.

"Ye Que!! Don't make mistakes again and again!"

The Huoyuan Clan's sixth-order method retreated, with an ugly expression, reminding Ye Que with fear and gritted teeth.

"Let me go! I won't target you!"

Although the attitude of Hongyuan people's fifth-order method is tough, there is already a prayer in the tone.

Ye Que raised his head to feel the heavy rain, and he had a desolate air about him.

He said: "Our hatred has a long history, right? You were chasing me when I was a god, and you still didn't let me go when I created the law. Now, you still want to make decisions about the universe I live in?"

with a wave.

"Let's go, three of you."

Ye Que refers to the making methods of the Tianyuan, Shanyuan and Qingyuan tribes.

The three breathed a sigh of relief, thanked them and left.

"Next, let's calculate the accounts between us!"

Ye Que made a move, and the Shiyuan giant tortoise raised its thousand-meter animal foot, and slammed on the Hongyuan clan's fifth-order making method.


This piece of heaven and earth bloomed with strange light again, the roar was resounding, and the screams were echoing.

Not long after, there was no more sound here, only a puddle of blood.

When the creatures arrived, all they could see was a pool of blood.


Can only be furious.

And the news about Ye Que's incarnation as the God of Death, massacring the Longyuan, Huoyuan, Blood and Hongyuan tribes in the secret realm, also spread.

Its disseminators are the methods of Tianyuan, Shanyuan and Qingyuan tribes.

After all, they've been there before.

Now, within the entire secret realm, amidst the chaos, there is another chaos.

In addition to the battle of the peak creations, the pursuit of the creations, and the treasure hunting of various creations, Ye Que's massacre of creations was also squeezed in.

All the chaos together made everyone ignore how Ye Que became so strong.

In short, within the secret realm, there is a shadow of death slowly permeating Zaofa in the secret realm.

By the time those races who had hatred for Ye Que reacted, it was already too late.

Ye Que acted very quickly, he had raised his butcher knife, and killed batch after batch of fabrications.

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