God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1392: Moyuan's Prison Suppression Technique


The dark clouds were scattered by the true god, but they quickly gathered again.

They are attracted by the dark and taboo power in Ye Que's body, which cannot be dissipated forever.

Seeing this, the True God Mo Tian sent down a ray of divine light, hanging around Ye Que's cave, instantly sealing off the world.

With a bang, the dark clouds dissipated, and the dark and taboo aura on Ye Que's body was blocked in the sealed world.

Ye Que was bleeding, his consciousness had been invaded, and his internal organs were cracking.

There are too many dark things on his body, so that the blocked world is dyed black.

The senior leaders of Mo Tianzong were startled, and they all rushed over. When they saw Ye Que, they all looked terrified.

"He has been in contact with certain dark and taboo creatures!"

"And, this creature is extraordinary!"

They come to a conclusion.

"Right now, let's control the power of darkness in his body first!"

Many creations cast spells, all kinds of power to suppress, seal and sweep away darkness, constantly penetrated into Ye Que's body.

Ye Que improved slightly.

He is also doing his best to control.

The power of sealing the spirit is sealing itself, the qi and blood are forcibly suppressing, and the law is also suppressing the dark things in the body.

Soon, his injury improved and his consciousness returned to himself.

Just when everyone breathed a sigh of relief, there was a bang, and three thousand black tentacles, like human meridians, were only black, flying out from all over Ye Que's body.

They cracked their skins and danced around, and a dark and terrifying aura flew out of them.


Ye Que's consciousness was half controlled by the dark object in an instant, and he let out a low growl. Then, the three thousand meridians rebounded loudly, stuck to his body, and then quickly melted into the skin.

In the blink of an eye, Ye Que's body had more black meridians.

It was a foreign object, but it was forcibly implanted on his body.

boom! !

Ye Gushen's bloodline involuntarily opened, and all the power in his body was stained with darkness, becoming a dark ancient god.

The bloodline of latent anger is the form of the dark ancient god.

But the dark ancient **** in front of him is different from Qian Nu, but an ancient **** at the level of darkness and taboo.

His strength was increasing, it was terrifying, he almost lost himself, and a violent breath bloomed from his body.

Boom boom boom!

He bombarded the blocked world, shook Mo Tianzong, and attracted many people, including disciples, to wait and see.

With a buzzing sound, the True God took a step and stepped on the sky, but the power of the True God had descended on the sealed world, forcibly suppressing Ye Que.

"It is rooted in the body and cannot be removed! It seems that the creatures in the dark taboo you have come into contact with are not ordinary."

The True God sighed, and stretched out his hand to Ye Que.

"Sacrifice your 190 million years of life, and completely seal the dark things in your body!"

He reminded Ye Que, but it was just a reminder.

After finishing speaking, the true **** personally performed this technique of sacrificing longevity.

This must be done, otherwise Ye Que's consciousness will be completely taken over by dark objects.

By then, it will be too late to say anything.

There was a buzzing sound, and there was a true **** forbidden technique operating on Ye Que's body.

Ye Que's total lifespan of 200 million years was sacrificed for 190 million years. In the end, the black meridians on his body shrank and condensed into a black ball, which was pressed into the dantian.

"Remember, you must practice Mo Yuan's prison-suppressing technique to suppress dark objects, otherwise one day, it will explode again! At that time, you will no longer be you!"

The true **** condensed Mo Yuan's prison-suppressing technique into a divine thought, and forced it into Ye Que's mind.

At this time, Ye Que was kneeling on the ground dripping with blood, his hair was loose, and blood dripped from his hair.

"Hey, when you recover, come to the main hall of Motian to find me again. You must discuss clearly about your contact with the dark taboo! This matter cannot be trifled with!"

Just as the suzerain of Mo Tianzong finished speaking, the true **** spoke.

"There is no need to ask again. Besides, he is still in Mo Tianzong."

The true **** used the true mystic technique to see what Ye Que did.

Ye Que actually used the remaining power of the True God of Creation to return to the Calamity Universe. Although he didn't know what the process was, the True God decided not to investigate further.

The true **** spoke, and the creatures nodded in silence.

"Ye Que, you don't need to go to the True Mystery Realm, just recover from your injuries and concentrate on practicing Mo Yuan's Prison Suppressing Technique. Let's just go."

The suzerain turned and left after speaking.

Ye Que heard the indifference, he punched the ground, raised his head, his eyes were full of blood and bloodshot eyes.

He said in a deep voice: "Seniors, I will go! I will recover soon!"

The suzerain frowned slightly, but seeing Ye Que's eyes, his heart was slightly shocked.

It's a look of determination to the point of insanity, and it shouldn't be on a thriving talent.

"Tell me about your purpose!"

asked the Sovereign.

"I want to become stronger! I don't have time! Don't worry, the suzerain, I will be loyal to Mo Tianzong and will not do anything against Mo Tianzong!"

Ye Que comes from the lungs and intestines.

No one can understand his mood at the moment.

Finally, the suzerain agreed.

This change has attracted too much wait-and-see.

The true gods, creations and methods of the Outer Sect are also watching.

They saw Ye Que's changes all the way, and their attitude changed greatly.

"Pass the order down, remember not to have too much contact with Ye Que in the future, he is full of darkness and taboos, he is an ominous person!"

The owner of Yuntian Palace gave an order.

Needless to say, many people in Yuntian Palace have already repelled Ye Que, even hostile.

The other three true **** sects, Mingtianmen, Zhenmodian and Tianluogong, also have the same order.

Not to mention them, the entire Mo Tianzong now has a great change in attitude towards Ye Que's change.

Seeing that they had all left, Ye Que dragged his wounded body back to the secret room.

Sitting cross-legged in the secret room, he was silent for a long, long time.

Looking at the data, there is a new change.

[Magic pill: hidden dark taboo power, will destroy the host and destroy the system]

[System prompt: The magic pill contains special power, and there is no solution for now]

Ye Que looked at other data in silence.

From the reminder given by the eye of reincarnation at the end, it is known that his lifespan is only 10 million years left.

"Can not go back!"

Ye Que murmured.

The Chamber of Secrets surrounded him.

In the silence, he suddenly said: "It's time to find the Shouyuan thing."

After that, it fell into silence again.

The once optimistic man, from now on, has never smiled again.

He practiced Mo Yuan's Prison Suppressing Technique.

However, this requires a lot of source stones.

After a short rest, he changed his clothes and went out.

Along the way, the fellow disciples who often greeted him when they saw him, now they saw him coming, as if avoiding maggots, looked at him with coldness and hostility.

He didn't say a word, and went straight to the Shenzang Hall to receive the monthly cultivation resources that belonged to true disciples.


Just need to know it.

Excessive excuses will only make the surroundings more noisy.

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