God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1391: Darkness

click click click—

His body is disintegrating.

"It seems that the other me has been cut off by the dark taboo in the ancient space-time path!"

Ye Que said with an ugly face.

The other dies, and he too will soon be gone.

His heart was heavy, but he couldn't do anything.

The only thing you can do is hide yourself.

In this universe that has been half-reduced to a grave, he can't take people away, he can't teleport, and he can't even return to the mainland.

His skin is cracking and falling off piece by piece, and it won't be long before it will disappear.

"You Yao!"

Ye Que picked up Huang Youyao, who had only half of her body left, and hugged her tightly.

She was in a coma and was about to die. He could only lower his head and feel the grief of this moment in the dark and dead cosmic tomb.

In the vast and boundless dark and dead tomb, Ye Que was silently surrounded by darkness, hugging Huang Youyao, the grief he felt couldn't be explained.

At this moment, he is very much like the girl in white in the scene released from the broken sword and cornucopia.

"I was you, you will always be me..."

For some reason, Ye Que remembered this sentence.

He somewhat understood the meaning of what Ning Ning said.

What a sentence, it is unbearable and lonely and sad to the extreme.

Ye Que shook his head, and sealed Huang Youyao, who had only half of her body, in the space node.

A person continues to search for people in the dark.

"My elder brother will come to save me... I firmly believe that my elder brother will come to save me! The evil will recede, the darkness and taboos will disappear... No one will die! My elder brother will definitely come..."

Jin Duande was muttering, his consciousness was in a daze, only his upper body was left, and he was still praying to God and worshiping Buddha.

This desolate scene made Ye Que feel unspeakable.

He sealed Jin Duande and continued to search for people.

Click click click!

His right leg had disappeared, he remained indifferent, and found a starry sky race, let them call themselves.

His power is running out, he can't seal a race, he can only let them seal themselves.

Finally, before his legs disappeared, he found Gu Fayue.

Gu Fayue hugged an iron root and lay unconscious on the space node. She had a knife wound on her back, bones were visible, blood was all over her body, and her breath was very weak.

"Miss Fa..."

Ye Que couldn't help muttering.


Gu Fayue didn't know if it was an auditory hallucination, or if she really heard the voice, she opened her eyes, but the eyes were gone, full of blood.

But she was thrilled.

Weakly murmured: "You...you are back...Hao Chen...Hao Chen...you stay with me...I want to see you for the last...last time before I die..."

Ye Que felt uncomfortable, but he couldn't do anything.

He walked over to Gu Fayue and hugged Gu Fayue, and whispered in the dark: "Yes, I'm back, Sister Fa, you lie in my arms and sleep, everything will pass."

He cast a spell to appease Gu Fayue, soothe her emotions, and then gradually fell asleep.

"I will seal you and wait for my return."

Ye Que sealed Gu Fayue and flew to other places.

Bai Yechen, Qi Wangshu, Gu Cardinal, Bing Yining, Bei Xingxue, Hun Xingyue, the ninth patriarch of the Void Clan, and other acquaintances.

He found them all, and he sealed them all.

In the dark ruined ancient city, whenever he found someone, the only thing he could do was to comfort and seal them.

Click click click!

His lower body was shattered and his torso was disintegrating.

Regardless, he continued to search for people.

"Seal yourself, wait for my return!"

He found a certain small clan, and after he finished speaking, he was about to close the space node.

At this moment, a simple little girl spoke from the ethnic group: "Big brother, when will you come back? My mother died, but she asked me to wait for a thirteen-star ancient **** before she died. Let me live well, because the 13-star ancient **** will definitely protect his universe, the big brother is the 13-star ancient god, when will you return?"

Ye Que's body paused, and after a moment of silence, he turned his back to the little girl and said, "I'll be back soon!"

He clenched his fist and closed the space node.

Click click click!

Both arms fell off, leaving only the head.

The other self was cut off in the ancient path of time and space, and he couldn't hold on anymore.

Ye Que, with only his head left, was suspended in the void, looking at the vast darkness beyond the ancient city, and the roar of ominous creatures coming out of the darkness from time to time, he suddenly felt endlessly lonely.

If you look at it from above, you can see that this incomplete ancient city is surrounded by darkness except for the faint afterglow.

In this universe, apart from this afterglow, there is no light at all.

He looked very small in the darkness.

In the end, he failed to find any more star races and died in the dark.

And the afterglow that remained in the ruined ancient city gradually extinguished.

So far, the once mysterious, vast and vibrant universe of the ancient gods no longer has the slightest vitality.

It was total darkness.

In this universe, the only place that is still alive is the Six Realms.

But it's also dying.

The Shield of Creation doesn't last long, and it attracts most of the dark and taboo beings.

In this boundless universe of the ancient gods, it is struggling to sustain itself.

Within the six realms.


Di Xiwei stood on the highest floor of the pavilion, her extremely beautiful side face faced the distant mountains and rivers, her eyes were full of melancholy and worry.

When the wind blows, the hair brushes the corners of the eyes.

She is waiting for her man to come back.

But after waiting, there was no waiting.

Mo Yuan Continent, Mo Tianzong, the place where true disciples practice, and the cultivation cave of true disciple Ye Que.


Ye Que spat out a mouthful of blood, opened his eyes tiredly, and suffered serious injuries due to the destruction of the body of reflection.

With a bang, he fell into the secret room and passed out completely.

I don't know how long it took, but when he woke up, his blood had already solidified.

He got up and wiped the corners of his eyes.

His expression froze for a moment.

It's a tear.

Ye Que wiped it off, and when he walked out of the secret room, a black thunderbolt descended from the sky and landed on him.


The dark light erupted from his body, and wisps of dark and taboo breath were released from his body, and swept to all parts of Mo Tianzong.

Puff puff!

He was bleeding all over.

"The cause and effect of the dark taboo! And the curse!"

Ye Que suffered a backlash.

He spit out black blood from his mouth, feeling that his vitality was being annihilated, his momentum plummeted, and his consciousness was gradually invaded by a dark object.

The dark taboo is too scary.

He came to the universe with the body of reflection, and only collided with the knife of darkness once in the ancient space-time path of the universe.

Unexpectedly, just this time, he suffered the backlash of the dark taboo.

Rumble! !

The sky and the earth changed color, and dark clouds of pure darkness condensed in the sky above Mo Tianzong.

In the barren land outside Moyuan Continent, especially the desert of Moyuan, many monsters infected by dark things suddenly roared.


The true **** of Mo Tianzong appeared, stepped on the sky with one step, and pushed the dark clouds horizontally with one palm. His power of the true **** deterred all violent and murderous intentions outside the mainland.

"It's darkness and light! What did you do?"

The True God looked down on Ye Que from the void.

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