God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1364: tough duo

That power came in an instant.

In just a split second, the ninth elder, a third-tier creation, was pressed on the ground, almost turning into a meat paste.

Oh huh, his mouth is like a spirit, and when he yells, he really comes.

"Little brat, I can only kill my people, what do you mean by touching him?"

The old man Li Jiuzun is here.

This guy is not serious at ordinary times, and he has had a lot of trouble with Ye Que.

But if you really show your power, the thief is scary.

After all, it is a peak creation, the coercion is very violent, it shatters the entire Huo family, and all living beings bow down uncontrollably.

Even the head of the Huo family, a low-level creature, was forced to kneel down.

He was taken care of by the old green hair.

"How can it be…"

The face of the head of the Huo family was pale. He never expected that there was really a peak creation behind that young man.

Recalling the scene where he caused the young man to suffer internal injuries and helped the Ninth Elder to arrest him, the fear in his heart soared infinitely.

Not to mention him, the Ninth Elder was also frightened.

The reason why Blood Cloud Palace is one of the top ten sects is because the suzerain is the pinnacle creation.

But there is only such a peak creation in the sect.

If the other party is also...

That is no less than bringing a peerless enemy to the Blood Cloud Palace.

boom! !

The coercion of the old green hair was too terrifying, and it had already turned into substance. He pushed the Ninth Elder deeper into the ground again, and said coldly: "What do you think I am afraid of? Say it again!"

The Ninth Elder screamed, this was not only the physical destruction, but the soul was also squeezed and torn.

Everyone gasped.

This is the elder of the Blood Cloud Palace, a top-level figure in the Mo Yuan Continent.

Today, he was tossed into this appearance.

And all of this was because he targeted that young man.

Ye Que recovered from his injuries through Nirvana, but there was still blood all over his body. He glanced at Li Jiuzun. He didn't expect this guy to really come to help him, and he felt a ray of warmth in his heart.

"He's coming, you bastard, can you see clearly?"

Ye Que picked up the hitting stick and slammed it on the Ninth Elder's body.

This is a third-order creation, and its physical body is not generally strong. No matter how he smashes it, it is useless, and there is no way to hurt the opponent.

"There's nothing my master can't cure!"

Ye Que poked at the third-order creature's chrysanthemum with a stick.

With a move of Millennium Kill, the third-order creation was caught off guard, feeling what it means to be passionate.

This has gone beyond the destruction of the physical body, and the third-order creation is angry.

With a bang, the terrifying coercion almost shattered the world.

"Little brat, I want to kill you! I, Blood Cloud Palace, will not let you go..."

His voice was like a magic voice in the abyss, making everyone's hearts tremble involuntarily.

However, before the aggressive momentum came out, he was held down by the old green hair again.

"Little brat is also what you can call? He is your grandpa, and I am your grandpa! Do you understand?"

The old green hair is also coquettish when he talks.

Make the seniority clear.

boom! !

The old green hair slapped again, knocking the mouth of the third-order creature to one side.

As soon as the Ninth Elder got up, he was suppressed by someone.

It's too awful.

The majestic creation is also a top existence in Moyuan Continent.

Today, he was slapped in the face one after another, and he still couldn't resist.

"I am not your son!"

Ye Que felt that the old green hair was taking advantage of him.

Everyone was shocked when they heard it.

This is the pinnacle of creation, so you are not afraid of death?

"I don't care too much!"

The old green hair glanced at Ye Que.

Everyone was shocked, and it could be seen that the relationship between the two was unusual.

The face of the head of the Huo family turned even paler, and he regretted provoking this young man.

"I come from the Blood Cloud Palace, if you two dare to hurt me, the Blood Cloud Palace will wash you both with blood!"

The Ninth Elder lost his composure, and he growled frantically.


Ye Que is also a tough guy, seeing the other party being so arrogant, and thinking about the losses he suffered before, he gets angry.

If you hit it, you will definitely not be able to hurt the creation.

But Gongxin, he is an old driver.

"Come on, wash me with blood! You little bastard!"

Ye Que has plenty of ways to punish him.

The guy flew to the ground, the Ninth Elder raised his head with difficulty, and looked at him coldly.

He immediately pulled down his trousers, and poured urine on the head of the Ninth Elder: "I'll wash your hair first, calm down!"

There was a bang.

Everyone gasped in shock at this scene.

This shit...

Where is this guy from?

So lawless?

This is the creation of the Blood Cloud Palace, a resounding big shot.

How dare you pee on the head of such a big man with such a small creation, aren't you afraid of death?

Of course, everyone's starting point is different.

"It's the first time I've seen such a big one."

Some women's eyes changed.

Huo Chenyu's recovery speed was very slow, she sat cross-legged in the void, silently recovering from her injuries.

At this time, the injury has recovered to half, but the eyes have been staring at the third-order creation.

Seeing the third-order creation being hanged and beaten, she felt very comfortable.

But when she saw Ye Que's move, she was stunned, and then her face turned red.


The earth trembled, and the roar spread across the world.

It was Elder Nine who was going crazy, but Li Jiuzun pinned them all down.

"Yes, with the demeanor of an old man."

When Li Jiuzun looked at Ye Que's eyes, he suddenly became pleasing to the eye.

The two of them had been walking in the desert of Moyuan before, and there was nothing to do.

When they got here, after meeting some people and things, their tempers were exposed.

"Come wash it! Dog things!"

Ye was short of urine for five minutes and was about to fill up the pit.

"This seat will definitely kill you!"

Ninth Elder gritted his teeth.


A terrifying killing intent descended on him.

His body shook, and he turned his head and said, "You can't kill me! I am the creation of Blood Cloud Palace!"

"It doesn't matter what temple you are, as long as there is no real god, I can do whatever I want!"

Li Jiuzun grinned grimly, with Chi Guoguo's murderous intent in his tone.

"Even if there is a true god, I will **** you too!"

Ye Que put away Xiao Ye Que, turned his knife into law, and poked at the eyes of the third-order creature.

This guy is even crazier, because the knife can't pierce the eyes of the creation, the difference in realm is too big.

"Why don't you give him the infinite energy of the Heart of Creation?"

Ye Que thought of a bad move.

At the beginning, he used this trick to blow up a creation.

However, this method requires the cooperation of the opponent or when the opponent is suppressed.

There is this opportunity now.

"Forget it, this is my last resort to save my life. Exposure here will be detrimental to my future actions!"

Ye Que dismissed this idea.

"Boy, get out of the way."

Li Jiuzun descended to the earth, and with a wave of his hand, the earth buried the third-order creation.

His killing intent skyrocketed, it was clear that he wanted to kill creations.

Ye Que backed away, to Huo Chenyu's side, and when he turned his eyes, he landed on the head of the Huo family.

At that moment, the head of the Huo family wiped the sweat from his forehead, thinking about how to make amends.

He was like this, and those elders were even more unbearable, each of them regretted their hearts, and their faces were pale.

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