God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1363: where?

Huo Chenyu was dumbfounded.

She didn't expect that the elders of the clan would find a reason so well, and it felt like it was planned.

"Everyone, do you have any objections?"

The great elder looked at the other elders.

"The punishment of the Great Elder is very reasonable! I agree!"

"Huo Chenyu is indeed not qualified to compete for the position of elder, let's continue to find resources for the family!"

"Huo Chenyu, hurry up and thank the Great Elder!"

The other elders talked to each other, and Huo Chenyu, who wanted to refute, also became silent.

Yes, she saw it.

These people planned all this, even if she refuted it, it was useless.

For a while, my heart was a little cold.

I have devoted myself to my family and worked hard for many years, but I didn't expect this to end up like this.

"You've planned to do this for a long time, haven't you?"

Huo Chenyu looked at the elders.

"Presumptuous! You are so brave to accuse and slander the elder for no reason, Huo Chenyu!"

The coercion of the Great Elder's tenth-level law-making method was on Huo Chenyu's body, and there was a coldness in his words.

Huo Chenyu didn't look at him, but looked at the patriarch: "Patriarch, do you think so too?"

"My son is the son of the world, a top-notch law-making genius, and now he has become an inner genius in Mo Tianzong of the True God Sect. His achievements are destined to be brilliant. Once he comes back, he will take you as his concubine. You feel wronged ?”

The patriarch is a first-order creation, who has been watching with cold eyes, but now he blames Huo Chenyu when he speaks.

"What I'm talking about is, do you think the punishment of the elders is okay?"

Huo Chenyu saluted, then spoke.

"If you are not convinced, you can speak out!"

The patriarch said coldly.

"I accept! In addition, I contradicted the elders, and asked the elders to continue to punish me and drive me out of the Huo family!"

Huo Chenyu was disheartened and decided to leave.

"Hmph! Do you have the ability to contradict your elders?"

The patriarch sneered.

"Huo Chenyu, stay in the Huo family honestly! Continue to search for resources for the Huo family, the son also needs a concubine, you are the most suitable! Do you understand?"

The Great Elder didn't want to let Huo Chenyu go, because there was still value to be exploited.

"If you understand, step aside. If you don't understand, I will give you death on the charge of treason!"

The patriarch also spoke.

Huo Chenyu had only two choices, either to die, or to work for the family until he died.

In fact, Huo Chenyu's temper is quite strong.

She fell silent, but actually wanted to resist.

Ye Que sent a voice transmission: "Obey first, and I will help you escape from the Huo family later!"

"It's best for idlers to get out!"

The patriarch raised his head and stared at Ye Que.

Ye Que's body shook, and he felt a great coercion coming, and a stream of blood flowed out from the corner of his mouth.

Before he could make a move, another coercion descended from afar.

Rumble! !

Dark clouds struck from a distance, covering the Huo family in the blink of an eye.

The patriarch's face changed, and he said fearfully: "The breath of creation."

He looked at Ye Que and thought to himself, isn't this person's background simple?

Fortunately, the people in the dark cloud gave the answer.

"I am the Ninth Elder of the Blood Cloud Palace, Huo Chenyu, a disciple of the Blood Cloud Palace, come see me quickly!"

There was a loud voice in the dark clouds, which made the Huo family buzz.

The Ninth Elder is a Tier 3 creature, even if he wasn't, the head of the Huo family wouldn't dare to provoke him.

Just because behind the Ninth Elder is the Blood Cloud Palace.

This is a sect founded by a peak creation, and there are many creations in it, unlike the Huo family, which only has one creation, and it is still first-order.

"Not yet!"

The patriarch resisted the urge to slap Huo Chenyu because he didn't know the attitude of Blood Cloud Palace.

Huo Chenyu's heart sank, with an ominous premonition.

She turned around anxiously, flew into the air and saluted: "Disciple Huo Chenyu, I have met the Ninth Elder."

A cold snort came from the dark clouds, shaking Huo Chenyu instantly.

Huo Chenyu's meridians burst, his bones shattered, and he became a blood man in an instant, turning into a puddle of mud, suspended in the air.

[Biquge www.boquge.me] "Together with you, where is the man who beheaded the same sect?"

The Ninth Elder walked out of the dark cloud. He was a strong man with **** eyes that distorted Huo Chenyu's soul.

Huo Chenyu wanted to cry out in pain, but the meridians all over her body were broken, so she couldn't speak out.

For a moment, her eyes looked at the people in the clan.

After all, this is her home.

However, when she looked over, the reaction of the patriarch and others chilled her heart.

"You are so courageous. You dare to kill your fellow disciples. My Huo family doesn't want this kind of person!"

The Great Elder pointed, and the beam of extinction pierced through Huo Chenyu's heart.

"Elder Ninth, this matter has nothing to do with the Huo family, Huo Chenyu is no longer a member of the Huo family!"

Proclamation among the patriarchs.

Huo Chenyu's heart was cold.

When she was valuable, the Huo family wanted to squeeze her.

When she was worthless, the Huo family dumped her.

She wants to laugh.

"Speak! Where is the man?"

The Ninth Elder stared intently at Huo Chenyu, his eyes scanning the others back and forth.

"Elder Ninth, is the person you are looking for?"

The patriarch didn't want to mess things up, so he locked the power of creation on Ye Que who was about to escape.

A black light appeared on Ye Que's body, making him unable to move.

Huo Chenyu's eyes changed.

The Ninth Elder noticed the change in Huo Chen's language, so he cast his eyes on Ye Que, and said coldly, "Do you have the guts to do it, but don't you have the guts to admit it?"

Seeing that he couldn't run away, Ye Que pointed at the head of the Huo family and said, "You all come forward to help me, do you want to blame me now?"

Damn, even if something happens, I have to pull you to block the fire.

The patriarch's face changed drastically, and he hurriedly said: "It has nothing to do with the Huo family, my Huo family will not do such stupid things!"

"Whether it's true or not, we'll talk about it after I interrogate! You two, follow me back to the Blood Cloud Palace!"

Elder Ninth must teach these two guys a lesson.

"Wait! There is a peak creation behind me, if you dare to mess around, I will kill you!"

Ye Que pointed at the Ninth Elder and cursed.

Li Jiuzun wouldn't help him at all, but he had no choice but to take out the other party's name to top him off.

The Ninth Elder played with taste: "Oh? Where is it?"

The peak creations in Moyuan Continent, apart from the few idle clouds and wild cranes, are only owned by the top ten sects and the true **** sect.

He knows all about these peak creations, and they have absolutely nothing to do with this kid.

"If you dare to touch me, he will kill you and tear down the Blood Cloud Palace!"

Seeing the other party's expression, Ye Que knew that something was going to happen, and something really happened.

"If you touch you, will he appear?"

With a thought of the Ninth Elder, the invisible force cut Ye Que's whole body instantly like a space cut.

Puff puff!

Thousands of wounds appeared on Ye Que's skin.


Ninth Elder's thoughts moved again.

click click click—

Ye Que's bones were all shattered.

"I'm asking you, where is your so-called pinnacle creation? Could it be because you were afraid, so you hid?"

The Ninth Elder sneered, and with another thought, he chopped off Ye Que's arms.

Also at this time, a terrifying power descended from the sky.

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