God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1359: 700 segment gods and spirits

"Say a few words."

The burly man scolded angrily.

It was quiet for a while.

"I think the two of them are right."

The woman who had been silent all this time, wearing light armor, looked at Ye Que indifferently, with a sense of disgust in her eyes.

"But... we are also on the way back, and we will take him back by the way..."

The petite woman fell silent as she spoke.

The thin and fat men, as well as the lightly armored woman, stared at her with indifferent and warning eyes.

"We are tired enough to take you with us, and now you want us to take an ant with us?"

"Huo Chenyu, are you qualified to say this?"

"Let's kill you!"

The three warned the petite Huo Chenyu.

Huo Chenyu lowered his head, didn't say any more, and fell into silence.

"Huo Chenyu is right. Since you are on your way back, take it with you. As for the cuttlefish...you don't need a **** as bait."

Nu Li made a final decision, and no one dared to object.

But those three people were even more impatient with Huo Chenyu.

"You don't want to see this guy, do you?"

"Brothers are so nice, why don't you let us touch each other, now you just want to play with a boy?"

"Take it and play!"

The three of them were about to push Ye Que, but Ye Que had already walked to Huo Chenyu's side.

He feels that this is a good opportunity to learn more.

"Let's go, let's go to the oasis, be careful, there may be desert beasts."

Nu Li took the lead and went to the oasis.

Ye Que cursed and cursed, Li Jiuzun was inside the oasis.

If it weren't for this guy, his rank wouldn't be blocked, and he wouldn't be restrained in doing things.

"are you OK?"

Huo Chenyu whispered.

"Not bad, Fairy Huo, where are you from?"

Ye Que started to talk routinely.

As long as no one disturbs, Huo Chenyu is still willing to share some irrelevant information.

So, Ye Que was startled.

"This place is Mo Yuan's Desert... It is the restricted area on the edge of Mo Yuan Continent. There are many powerful creations living in it, and even some evil creatures infected by dark taboos."

Ye Que murmured.

He guessed right.

In addition to the barren continent, there is also a continent.

Moreover, there is a dark taboo between the continents.

It's all penetrated to this point.

"We can't fly or run, otherwise we will be easily targeted by infected monsters."

Huo Chenyu said in fear.

Soon, they came to the oasis.

The person Ye Que expected was gone.

Li Jiuzun disappeared.

"Could it be that he blew himself up after giving up on himself?"

Ye Que muttered.

"The cuttlefish is gone, and the treasure inside is gone."

Nu Li and the others were astonished.

Ye Que sneered.

This was definitely done by Li Jiuzun.

He must be somewhere, watching.

"Maybe it was swallowed by some fierce creatures... What a pity, that's all, we also got a lot of Moyuan cores, let's go back!"

Nu Li waved his hand, and everyone returned.

"Moyuan Core?"

There was a pile in Ye Que's pocket, all obtained from killing bugs.

Li Jiuzun once said that the Moyuan Cores were of great use, so he collected them.

"What's the use of Mo Yuan Nucleus?"

Ye Que couldn't help but ask Huo Chenyu.

"Hehehe, are you an idiot? You don't even know Mo Yuan's core?"

The lightly armored woman sneered.

"If he wasn't an idiot, he wouldn't have come to Moyuan's Desert. It's nonsense for you to ask like this."

The skinny man laughed.

"Go back, it's boring to tease a fool."

The fat man yawned.

Nu Li frowned, finally sighed helplessly, and led the people away.

When everyone's concentration was gone, Huo Chenyu carefully introduced Ye Que.

Moyuan Nucleus is a special kind of precious treasure.

In the Moyuan Continent, the powerful Moyuan clan bought the Moyuan Core at a huge price.

This caused many people to look for the Moyuan Core and sell it to the Moyuan Clan at a high price.

They are such people who ventured into the desert of Mo Yuan in order to survive the Mo Yuan core.

"Where are you from?"

Huo Chenyu voice transmission.

She is the weakest and most excluded person in the team. This time she finds someone to confide in, even if the other person is a god, she also has a sense of belonging.

"People from Moyuan Continent came here unintentionally. By the way, I have always been curious, is there another continent besides Moyuan Continent?"

Ye Que transmitted the voice, and started to talk again.

"I don't know that."

As soon as Huo Chenyu finished speaking, the power of creation descended from the side.

"Oops, it's Mo Yuan's monster, run away!"

Nu Li's expression changed, and he reflexively ran in the opposite direction.

swipe swipe—

The other three also ran away.

"Let's go."

Huo Chenyu's expression turned pale, and he ran away pulling Ye Que.

She exploded the strength of the 656-dan to the limit.

Ye Que opened his eyes of reincarnation to look, and there was indeed a creation-level monster that looked like an earth dragon but was stained with darkness from the side.

It comes straight here.


Ye Que grabbed Huo Chenyu with his backhand and ran away.

"The journey was safe and sound, but when we met you idiot, we were in danger!"

"You stay here!"

"Stay here as bait and buy us time!"

The lightly armored woman, the skinny and fat man cast spells together, knocking Ye Que and Huo Chenyu back.

Huo Chenyu felt a chill in his heart.

Ye Que wanted to fight back, but he thought of something, so he took Huo Chenyu and ran in the opposite direction.

call out-

His speed was fast, but no matter how fast he was, he couldn't beat the monster.

The monster came straight for him.

The gap between the two sides is too great.

The Creation-level ominous creature was in sight in the blink of an eye.

Fortunately, a gust of wind passed by, and the creation-level monster disappeared.

Ye Que thought of Li Jiuzun.

"Good... so dangerous!"

Huo Chenyu murmured, trembling when speaking, obviously frightened.

"let's go."

Ye Que breathed a sigh of relief, not daring to stay here for long, and left with Huo Chenyu.

Along the way, Huo Chenyu was shocked by Ye Que's strength.

Just now, Ye Que led her to run at least 700 steps.

A **** with a strength of 700 segments?

There has never been such a monster in Moyuan Continent.

"Don't ask too much, you lead the way, let's leave this place of right and wrong!"

Ye Que also wanted to go to Moyuan Continent to find out the way home.

By the way, practice and become stronger.

There was no danger along the way, they spent a day and finally walked out of this desert of Mo Yuan.

As soon as I went out, I met those people before.

"Life is so great, this can live!"

The woman in light armor smiled in surprise, her expression appearing to be understated.

"You came back alive, so come here!"

"God-level guy, you can go!"

The skinny man and the fat man said indifferently, without the slightest guilt or discomfort of framing someone before.

As for Nu Li, I don't know what to do, but I'm not here anyway.

Seeing this, Huo Chenyu seemed to have made up his mind, and walked to the distance in silence: "Let's go."

She decided to introduce this monster's 700-stage **** to Mo Yuanzong.

"Let you go?"

The woman in light armor lowered her voice, pressing towards Huo Chenyu with the momentum of Duan 690.

"I leave the team!"

Huo Chen's tone turned cold.

These guys are really taking advantage of her weakness, so they want to target her with peace of mind.

"Whether to leave or not, it's not up to you!"

"Before you went to Mo Yuan's Desert, you voluntarily joined us, and now you can leave if you want. What do you think of us?"

"It's okay to walk down, serve us for two days!"

The skinny man and the fat man sneered.


Huo Chenyu took two steps back, gritted his teeth and felt helpless.

"Hey! You have to be forgiving and forgiving, why bother to be aggressive?"

Seeing this, Ye Que felt that these guys really needed to be cleaned up.

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