God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1358: Moyuan experiencer

When Ye Que's body sent out waves of treasures, Li Jiuzun had a feeling of being fucked.

It has survived in the secret territory for many years, and knows that the cornucopia is very useful.

But it has been looking for the cornucopia for many years, but still to no avail. It never expected to fall into the hands of this kid.

Although, at the peak of the realm of creation, the cornucopia's ability to gather treasures is no longer very attractive.

And this is also the reason why it has failed to find a treasure pot for many years.

It didn't spend too much energy looking for it, and it didn't want to step into many dangerous situations, so it never found the treasure pot.

However, the cornucopia is a top treasure, and it is definitely not too small.

"Senior, do you want to **** it?"

Ye Que became a firefly, and wisps of black essence flew out of the lake, all of which penetrated into his body.

Li Jiuzun's face turned dark, suppressed an impulse, and said in a deep voice: "Humph! I mean what I say. It's just a cornucopia. I don't even bother to **** the things of the younger generation!"

In fact, Li Jiuzun didn't have much distress, the most was aggrieved.

Being put on by a junior, it feels like eating **** and not being able to pull it out.

"That's good!"

Ye Que heaved a sigh of relief.

He was right.

In the days to come, he must get along with the other party for a long time, so it is impossible for him to hide the cornucopia all the time.

So, he simply took it out in advance to see the other party's reaction.

Obviously, the cornucopia is not the most attractive for a peak creation.

What the creations yearn for should be the rumored Realm of God.

The cornucopia absorbs source energy.

ding ding ding—

The spells are increasing.

His rank has been stagnant for several months, and today he finally started to climb.

The increase in strength gave him the desire to become stronger again.

And the worry that was suppressed deep in his heart was gradually released.

"Ancient God Universe!"

Ye Que was silent, his expression calm and worried.

Suddenly, he looked at Li Jiuzun and said, "Senior, you..."

"Heh~ The younger generation finally knows how to bow their heads and ask the elders what they don't understand?"

Li Jiuzun smiled, gradually releasing the energy that had been pent up in his heart for several months.

Ye Que heard this, and immediately changed his mouth: "It's nothing, I'm bothering senior."

The reason why he re-exported.

One, unhappy.

Two, even if he got what he wanted to know by praying, his strength was too weak to go back immediately.

Therefore, Li Jiuzun's smiling face froze instantly.

The strength that had just been released rushed back with several times the amount.

Boom boom boom!

The lake was restless, and a monster that looked like a whale but was full of tentacles appeared.

The origin stone in its body was sucked, and Ni Lin was touched, and in a fit of rage, it appeared directly.

The coercion of the tenth level of making method was released from his body, pressing on Ye Que.

There was a smile in Li Jiuzun's eyes, and he glanced at Ye Que.

Ye Que was as steady as an old dog, not panicking at all.

He got up slowly, turned off the treasure gathering ability in an orderly manner, then patted the dust on his buttocks, and finally walked towards Li Jiuzun.

Ye Que approached Li Jiuzun, and Cuttlefish didn't dare to do anything wrong.

Because Li Jiuzun is a creation, he cannot be provoked.

Coupled with the fact that the source stone was not absorbed, the cuttlefish had no choice but to leave unwillingly.

This wave of operations is really a show.

There was no embarrassment or shame on his face, only calm and peace of mind.

"Are you seeking my refuge?"

Li Jiuzun didn't expect the other party to operate like this, he was stunned for a moment, but soon found an excuse.

Ye Que listened carefully, then shook his head and said, "No, I'm just passing by."

Li Jiuzun:? ? ?

You really are shameless!

Gossip in front of Lao Tzu?

"How did you cover up your shamelessness and embarrassment so easily?"

Li Jiuzun saw a strange flower, and with a wave of his hand, Ye Que was fanned away, and most of the ranks in Ye Que's body were sealed.

"Too impolite, your increased rank, give me a temporary ban! Someday you want to unban it, come and beg me!"

He was giving Ye Que a punishment.

call out-

Ye Que had no power to resist, and was thrown a thousand meters away.

His pupils shrank, afraid that the process would be in danger.

Although he was thrown, he was actually flying and running.

Fortunately, the flight was not far away, and it stopped at about a kilometer.

"so far so good."

Ye Que heaved a sigh of relief.

"Damn, you did it on purpose! After I absorbed Genesis Qi, my cultivation level skyrocketed by 50 ranks. You can just seal my 50th rank. You **** revenge yourself by sealing me 100 ranks!"

Ye Que cursed, thinking that Li Jiuzun was the pinnacle of creation, but he was narrow-minded.

Suddenly, a voice came from the yellow sand behind him.

"Hey, there seems to be someone here!"

"Just kidding, this is the desert of Moyuan, there are creation-level monsters, even creations dare not set foot in it easily!"

"Aren't we here for treasure hunting and sharpening? Go and have a look. It's okay to be careful."

At least three voices.

Ye Que could understand it, and it was the common language on the barren land.

"It's probably someone from the barren land!"

Murderous intent flashed in his eyes, if the opponent has an enemy background, he will attack decisively, if the opponent is too strong, he will run away decisively.

The sound of buzzing buzzed.

There are five powerful spell-making auras falling on him, but they are not aggressive, they should be probing.

"Who are you?"

someone asked.

Ye Que turned his back to them, felt the power in the momentum, and judged the opponent's rank.

"Paragraphs 656, 690, 723, 740 and 748."

His face was slightly ugly.

Because of his rank, only 700 ranks.

It stands to reason that if Li Jiuzun does not ban his 100th rank, his rank can reach 800th rank, and he can completely abuse these people.

But now, there is danger.

It is worth mentioning that.

The rank of the top five-level method: 620-730

The rank of the top six-level method: 740-850

The rank of the top seven-level method: 860-970

His true rank strength can crush the opponent.

Thinking of this, Ye Que turned around.

But as soon as he turned around, a strange light flashed in the eyes of a skinny man, and without waiting for Ye Que's introduction, he immediately sneered: "A mere tenth-level **** dares to come here! Idiot or ignorance?"

"What? God?"

The obese man who got close to the skinny man was stunned for a moment, and his fearful expression turned into madness.

He sized Ye Que maliciously, and sneered, "I guess he's an idiot and ignorant!"

"He should have entered this place unintentionally. Let's bring him back later. This is not a difficult task for us!"

Comparing the cold eyes of the skinny and fat men, a petite woman at the back, who seemed to have a very low sense of existence, lowered her head and said this sentence hesitantly.

After finishing speaking, as if to increase her persuasiveness, she looked at the burly man in the lead and said, "Brother Nuli, what do you think?"

The burly man plowed angrily, frowned slightly, and did not answer.

"Shut up for me, don't make trouble for us!"

"This kind of **** is also a burden... No, I think he is useful. We can use him as the bait for the cuttlefish."

The skinny man and the fat man sneered.

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