God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1341: play yourself

As soon as this seventh-order method said, the rest of the people were instantly on alert, and even Xue Aili and Tian Luoyi took out their treasures and checked them.

Immediately, everyone noticed the abnormality of the treasure, and their faces changed drastically.

But, before they could say more, Ye Que took the lead in cursing: "Which brat is making trouble?"

He scolded and scolded, but his eyes always wandered to Long Hao.

Sure enough, Long Hao's face turned dark.

"Brother Kuangba, you don't seem to have brought out any treasures, so you shouldn't have suffered any losses?"

Long Chen asked a fatal question.

Ye Qicui fell into deep thought.

Tian Luoyi and Xue Aili had black lines all over their heads.

This guy is too deep in acting.

"It's okay, I'm just scolding for you! In this kind of trade fair, someone dares to steal the treasure that everyone has worked so hard to find! Shameless!"

Ye Que started to curse again.

With that righteous look on his face, the people around him looked at him with affection.

Long Hao's face turned darker, his veins were exposed, and he stared at Ye Que as if he wanted to eat people.

"If you want to say shameless, who can compare with you."

Tian Luoyi muttered softly.

Shirley covered her mouth and smiled.

"Don't worry, everyone, I have a special ability!"

After Ye Que finished speaking, he felt something was wrong.

In this era where strong men are like clouds and true gods come into the world, it is a bit too contrary to talk about supernatural powers.

But it doesn't matter, Ye Que has plenty of ways to do things.

"My special ability, I will definitely be able to find the culprit!"

Ye Que waved his hand, and spoke with a vow.

Long Hao smiled disdainfully.

The reason why the cornucopia is a cornucopia is because it gathers treasures based on luck and is elusive at all.

Unless the true **** personally takes action, even the creation cannot peek at it.

"I'll see how you pretend!"

Long Hao smiled disdainfully.

Of course Ye Que knew that he couldn't find it, and he was just fooling around.

However, he has a fission clone.

There is his fission clone watching from the ground.

If you want to do something, just say it and it's over.

"Huh? How do you find Brother Kuangba?"

Long Chen and the others asked, with hope in their eyes.

Niu Kuangba defeated Ye Que, and everyone still has confidence in him.

Even Tianluoyi and Xue Aili are curious.

After all, Ye Que does have the ability, no matter if it is cheating or abducting.

"Have you ever heard that the eyes of a cow can see things that others cannot see!"

Ye Que was confused.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

What's the matter, are you going to do supernatural things?

In our world of true gods, which is beyond the universe, supernatural beings are nothing but scum.

"Everyone is watching!"

Ye Que dared to talk, closed his eyes and opened them, and put some weird gray light on his eyes.

Then, after he looked to the ground, his face changed drastically.

"It's underground!"

Ye Que let out a low cry, and Long Hao, who was sneering, felt his legs go limp, and he almost trembled.

"Can this guy really see?"

Long Hao panicked, once exposed, not only would he be hunted down by the crowd, but the cornucopia would also be lost.

He quickly sent a voice transmission to Ye Que and said, "Brother Kuangba, don't talk too much! Do you want a treasure? I'll give you half of it!"

This guy is admitted.

"You... hey! You didn't say it earlier! It's too late! The plate below and your avatar... have no time to withdraw. Once discovered, you will be hunted down collectively!"

Ye Que was taken aback for a moment, and sighed again and again.

Long Hao's face was ugly, he was naturally very aware of this matter.

Ye Que didn't need to say anything at this time, he was ready to run for his life.

At this moment, Ye Que's expression changed, and he shouted: "Ye Que appeared underground! Ye Que is playing tricks!"

This guy started yelling, "Stop a thief."

In fact, he had ordered the fission clone to kill Long Hao's clone, and at the same time **** the cornucopia and the treasure essence inside.

Rumble! !

Ye Que took the lead in attacking and went straight to the ground.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

Fifteen statues of the Longyuan clan and others reacted, followed closely behind, and went straight to the ground.

The rest of the people didn't move much, they had no enmity with Ye Que, so they didn't need to do anything, they just watched on the ground.

"Ye Que, take your life!"

Ye Que turned into a giant bull, smashed through the soil, and crashed into the underground cave at a terrifying speed.

Just at that time, the fission clone had already solved Long Hao's clone.

Although Long Hao has created a spell of the fifth level, his avatar is very weak.

Not everyone is able to replicate their full strength.

Ye Que was able to create a fission clone equal to his strength, relying on the Heavenly Book of Fortune.

In addition, his other clones are very weak and can only play the role of replenishing the number of people.

Not to mention the others, the released avatar is weak to a pot of scum.

Long Hao's clone was easily resolved by the fission clone.

Just in time, Ye Que arrived.

With a wave of his hand, he took away the cornucopia and the essence inside, and then shouted: "Ye Que! How dare you come! Today, I will let you come and go!"

Rumble! !

Another shocking battle broke out!

"Hahahaha! It's you, the handsome and powerful bully bully again!"

The fission clone laughed wildly and fought back with a stick.

On the ground, Tian Luoyi and Xue Aili were dumbfounded again.

This Ye Que, how could he act so well.

Both pros and cons are him.

It is he who breaks into the enemy.

Hit yourself, or him.

It's fine to hit it, but it's even boasting.

The booming sound continued, and Ye Que's great enemy, the Fifteen Dharma Masters, descended.

Together with Niu Kuangba, they surrounded the fission clone.

"Where do you want to go?"

Long Chen sneered.

The rest of the law-making released the sea of ​​law-making and turned into a tornado, completely trapping the fission clone to death.

"Ye Que, you are too conceited. After being seriously injured by me, you dare to come here and cause trouble!"

Ye Que shook his head.

This sentence must be remembered, it is to point out the main point - serious injury.

"You really think I'm stupid! I'm injured, how can I come here in real life! This is just a clone!"

The fission avatar corresponds to the main points that Ye Que said, echoing from beginning to end.

Everyone's expression changed, but there was no doubt.

After all, Brother Kuangba said that he seriously injured the other party, so Ye Que probably wouldn't be able to take the risk in real life.

"Even if it is a clone, it must be slaughtered!"

Long Chen hated Ye Que to the bone, and took the lead in attacking.

As soon as he made a move, the others also launched an attack.

"Hahahaha! Niu Kuangba, I remember you. You are indeed capable. You are the most dazzling, capable, potential, and terrifying opponent among the geniuses I have ever seen! In the future, I will Come and meet you in person!"

The fission clone exploded.

With his hands behind his back, Ye Que backed away quickly. Seeing the fission avatar self-destruct, he shook his head and sighed: "Ye Que, Ye Que, no matter what aspect you are, you are an astonishing genius. Unfortunately, you and I have grievances. One side is going to die!"

After finishing speaking, he flew to the ground and sent a voice transmission to Long Hao: "Brother, your reputation has been saved. What's abominable is that Ye Que used some means to steal your cornucopia!"

Long Hao breathed a sigh of relief subconsciously, and thankfully said via voice transmission: "Thank you, Brother Ba, for your help..."

After all, his face looked ugly.

This Ye Que!

It made him feel a lump in his heart.

Although Niu Kuangba exposed the matter of his cornucopia, he didn't tell others about it, it was considered an unintentional act.

Besides, Niu Kuangba still kept his reputation.

Therefore, he did not blame Niu Kuangba.

Instead, it was Ye Que who was being targeted by him.

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