God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1340: infiltrate the enemy

"Hmph! Looks like a fool, easy to fool!"

The dragon's purple eyes were still aimed at Ye Que, and his heart fluctuated frequently.

He was contemptuous in his heart, but in fact, Ye Que had watched all his thoughts.

"Well, let's talk and talk, and go to Deadwood Cliff to meet first."

Ye Que had his eye on the opponent's cornucopia, and he roughly understood the opponent's purpose, so he changed his strategy.

The giant dragon frowned, and thought, "Didn't you go to talk to No Man's Land... Why did it change so much?"

He had doubts in his heart.

"You don't have to doubt me, the Longyuan Clan has a grudge against Ye Que, that's a certainty. I want to kill Ye Que, so I need your help!"

Ye Que said lightly, the reason is that he is a stable horse.

"So... that's true! Go to the party first, use the cornucopia to collect a wave of treasures, and finally let this person take the blame for me!"

Thinking of this, the giant dragon turned into a young man in black with a scar on his forehead and gloomy eyes. His temperament was just like his eyes, quite gloomy.

"What's your name, brother?"

Ye Que asked.

"Niu Kuangba! When you go to a party, don't say that I have a relationship with the Longyuan Clan!"

Long Hao spoke seriously.

Ye Que raised his eyebrows, which was exactly what he wanted.

He wants to kill the opponent's method, one by one, is the most correct.

Went to the meeting place.

Gods and creations are all there.

Tian Luoyi and Xue Aili are also there, and there are many supporters around.

But the two of them were absent-minded, and their eyes were always on Ye Que.

"The Kuangba is coming!"

The gods and creation methods of all races all looked at it with surprise in their eyes.

Ye Que glanced at the people present, Sheng Tianming didn't come, and the top few high-level methods didn't come.

It is estimated that they look down on this kind of trading party.

"Brother Ba, you are here!"

Long Chen, the eighth-order method of the Longyuan Clan, stepped forward to greet him.

He looked at Ye Que with admiration.

"Let's go, let's talk about Ye Que first!"

Long Chen couldn't wait to pull Ye Que, and went to the nearby Shiting, where there were already many practitioners waiting, all of them were Ye Que's enemies.

Long Hao remained silent and left quietly.

Ye Que didn't forget about this guy, and let the giant python stare at him.

"Hey, that Ye Que is arrogant, but in front of Brother Ba, it's nothing more than that!"

Long Chen sneered as he walked, dismissing Ye Que.

"The next time I meet him again, I will kill him!"

Ye Que made a vow.

"I hope that he will be in this trading party!"

Long Chen walked to the side of the stone pavilion, turned around and glanced around coldly.

"Oh? Why?"

Ye Que asked.

"It's very simple. With my ability and the ability to create the law here, I must be able to easily see through his disguise."

Long Chen sighed, reached out and patted Ye Que.

The rest of the making methods also sighed like this, with a sense of regret that Ye Que didn't come here.

Now, all the rituals of the Longyuan, Huoyuan, Bloodyuan and Hongyuan clans are here, except for the dead Long Yun, there are fifteen statues here.

Ye Que was thoughtful.

The Long Hao just now is also a Fa-Zao and a member of the Longyuan Clan.

But he is not among the fifteen statues, and seems to be an outlier.

"It's interesting... Does this guy have conflicts with the Longyuan clan?"

Ye Que thought about it, but was interrupted by Long Chen and others.

Next, under Ye Que's flickering, a group of people started to formulate a plan to hunt down and kill Ye Que.

Speaking of which, Ye Que was no longer sleepy.

With a big wave of his hand, he began to fool around, saying that if we do this, we will be able to encircle and suppress the other party, and how to cooperate to destroy the other party.

In short, what he said was frothy, and the group of people were in high spirits, and they listened seriously.

Tian Luoyi and Xue Aili walked to the trading desk and looked at Shi Ting with strange expressions.

Strange, they have seen it before.

But something like Ye Que felt fresh for the first time.

Breaking into the enemy's interior and making a plan to kill himself, the key enemies still believed it and listened seriously.

Just such a weird thing, only this guy can think of it.

"The transaction has already started, let's leave him alone."

Tian Luoyi and Xue Aili talked in a low voice.

Also at this moment, Ye Que, Long Chen and others walked out of the stone pavilion.

Look at them like that, they look like brothers.

"Brother Ba, I really don't know how proud you are! Hahaha! It's so late to meet you!"

Long Chen laughed loudly, warming up to Ye Que.

"Actually, if it wasn't for Ye Que, we wouldn't be able to get together!"

Ye Que shook his head and sighed, his tone quite emotional.

"Hmph! If that kind of **** dares to appear in front of me, I'll crush one of them to death with one hand! That's all! Don't talk about him, so as not to affect your mood!"

Long Chen clenched his fists and gritted his teeth, but finally adjusted his mentality and stopped talking about Ye Que.

The rest of the methods are also very happy to talk about, as if they are close friends.

Tian Luoyi's face turned black when he heard that.

This Ye Que penetrated into the enemy's interior, made friends with the enemy, and manipulated hot eyes.

"Everyone, you have entered the trading desk, so let's start trading!"

A tenth-order creation method of the Shengyuan clan personally presides over the overall situation.

The law-making gods, enter the special formation.

In the formation, there is a huge stone table.

Everyone stood in front of the stone table, took out their treasures, made introductions, and then said what they needed.

The purpose of this transaction is to exchange things for things, so that everyone can get the treasures they need.

Ye Que stood in front of the stone table, staring at the treasures from all sides, couldn't help swallowing.

Most of the treasures can increase spell marks.

His hands itch.

"That fellow Long Hao is also there."

Ye Que opened the fold and locked on to Long Hao at the opposite corner.

This guy, Long Hao, has an old-fashioned look in his eyes, which is exactly the same as Ye Que, and he is probably doing some wicked things.

His eyes turned purple, probably because he was using the purple eye secret technique.

Ye Que looked for an opportunity to meet his gaze.

Immediately, the channels of the two were connected.

"Niu Kuangba is here too! Hmph! Wait a minute, help me take the blame!"

"I have placed the cornucopia 10,000 meters below the trading table. When I finish collecting the treasures, you will stay and help me deal with the funeral!"

Long Hao sneered contemptuously.

Ye Que smiled without saying a word, and ordered the fission clone in the distance to drill into the ground, restrain his breath, and head straight for the cornucopia.

"The treasure on the table has not disappeared... But if I look with my chaotic eyes, I can see strands of essence gas floating under the table..."

Ye Que was hungry.

He is not only greedy for treasures, but also for cornucopias.

Under the ground, the fission clone moved forward with a stick, and finally saw an underground cave in front of it.

Inside the cave, Long Hao's avatar sat cross-legged in front of the cornucopia.

There is a lot of essence in the cornucopia.

"Fun stuff!"

With this in mind, the fission clone approached quietly, with coldness in its eyes.

And on the ground.

An hour passed.

Everyone took out the treasures one after another to trade.

But this kind of thing always comes to light.

With a keen method of making, he quickly saw that his treasures had changed, and the essence in the treasures seemed to be less.

"Everyone, take a look, are there any missing items in your respective treasures?"

A seventh-order method said in a low voice.

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