God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1335: The rising bully brother

below the ground.

Niu Kuangba's body and soul were sealed, and the surrounding soil also had the power of sealing.

He couldn't move and was desperate.

"The so-called passion is a man's indomitable spirit! How could I just give up!"

Niu Kuangba's mood gradually stabilized, and he began to carry out psychological self-help.

His eyes turned from gray and painful to bright and firm.

"I am the tyrant of the Niulanshan Hot-blooded Martial Arts School! How can I admit defeat here!"

Niu Kuangba shook his head violently, trying to get rid of unnecessary negative thoughts.

"The reason why I'm sealed here is because I'm not strong enough, so practice and practice and practice! Until I can get out!"

The faith and firmness in his heart became stronger and stronger.

"Later, just wait! When I focus on my inner cultivation until I break the seal, it will be the day when I will kill you!"

"No, you are just my stumbling block. When I go out, it will be the time for me to dominate the Creation Realm. My goal is to become an invincible king!"

"I want everyone in the True Mystery Realm and the Wildland Continent to know my name, Niu Kuangba!"

At the end of his speech, his blood boiled all over his body. Although he was sealed, he did not retreat bravely.

From now on, cultivate, break seals, kill enemies, and dominate the continent!

In the not-too-distant future, he will resound the name of Niu Kuangba in the sky of the mainland.

Another month passed in the True Mystery Realm.

Half a year away, only three months left.

During this period, many great things happened.

In the depths of the True Mystery Realm, where the light of the day is restrained, someone discovered a space vortex, which is connected to another mysterious place.

Those who are bold and skilled have entered the mysterious place, but there is no news.

Those who didn't go in had to either look for another treasure, or squat near the whirlpool.

In the central area and the fringe areas, there are mostly gods, and there are also low-level crafting methods staying. Everyone is hunting for treasures.

Every day, there are big changes in the secret realm.

Some of those who got the treasure soared into the sky.

There are also some unlucky ones who strayed into dangerous places and died in Huangquan.

There are also some fighting for treasures, and blood is spilled in the sky.

Of course, one of the most famous major changes in the True Mystery Realm is the rapidly rising Mad Tyrant Gang.

"After Niu Kuangba got the Firebird treasure, his strength soared to the sky. I heard that he even subdued a fifth-level giant python!"

"Not only that, this person recruits people everywhere. I heard that there are already more than one hundred people in the Kuangba Gang."

"Hiss—horrible Niu Kuangba, he is probably about to squeeze into the level of high-level crafting! We can't provoke it casually!"

A group of gods discussed heatedly, and every time they mentioned Kuangba Gang and Niu Kuangba, there was a bit of fear and jealousy in their eyes.

It's not just these gods who are talking about it.

The news everywhere is quite well-informed, and basically everyone knows the news of the rise of the Kuangba Gang.

"Three thousand years ago, when this person challenged Sheng Tianming, I knew he was definitely not a fish in the pool!"

"That's right, today, three thousand years later, he has shown extraordinary abilities in the True Mystery Realm! You can't underestimate him!"

"The most interesting thing is that I heard that Niu Kuangba is very interested in Ye Que and wants to kill Ye Que and make deals with the Longyuan, Fire, Blood and Hongyuan tribes!"

The gods are discussing hotly, and the lawmakers are also discussing.

Especially the eight statues of the Longyuan tribe, the eight statues of the Fireyuan tribe, the Bloodyuan tribe and the Hongyuan tribe.

After they learned about Niu Kuangba's attitude, they all responded.

As long as Niu Kuangba kills Ye Que.

Their four major races will present Niu Kuangba with resources three times higher than their own realm.

Moreover, this is still a promise sworn by the true God, without any ambiguity or confusion.

"I hope that Niu Kuangba can really kill Ye Que, otherwise, when the gods come out, I have to watch my head carefully!"

A tenth-rank deity of the Longyuan tribe stood in front of a barren mountain and sighed worriedly.

On the road to the barren source, the gods of the fire source clan, blood source clan and Hongyuan clan were all wiped out by Ye Que. (referring to the gods who entered the road to the barren source)

Now, there are only 21 gods of their Longyuan clan left.

That guy Ye Que is elusive, insidious and cunning. Once he makes a move, gods like them will definitely be the first targets to be hunted down.


The sound of breaking through the sky came from the distant sky.

The tenth-rank deity of the Longyuan clan trembled, and vigilance appeared in his eyes.

He cast a spell and hid in a giant tree.

"Listen to the voice, there are a lot of people. If they are discovered later, I will report the identity of the Longyuan clan."

The tenth-level gods did not panic.

In order to target Ye Que, these gods all have the qualifications to call for help.

Soon, after the sound of breaking through the sky, nearly a hundred people appeared and occupied a barren mountain.

They wore red cloud robes with a black background, hiding their bodies in the large robes, exuding a mysterious and cold aura.

Each of them has red pupils in their eyes, and there are several hook jades connected to them.

In the vast sky and the dark earth, they are like night owls, quietly scattered all over the barren hills, giving people a terrifying and strange atmosphere that can bring darkness to Fo Xiao.

The tenth-level **** took a deep breath, suppressed the panic in his heart, moved his eyes slightly, and looked at the top of the barren mountain.

On the top of the mountain stood a masked man with half black and half white hair, and a python clinging to his shoulder.

Suddenly, the masked man seemed to sense something, and his eyes met his.


"It was discovered!"

Dragon Blood Fog, the tenth-level god, subconsciously wanted to call for a method.

But he stopped.

Because, he recognized who this person was.

"The hair is half black and half white. This is the characteristic of Niu Kuangba. There is also a boa constrictor beside him, and there are more than a hundred people following him. It should be the Kuangba Gang!"

Dragon Blood Fog forced himself to calm down and analyze calmly.

"Senior Kuangba, I come from the tenth-level **** of the Longyuan clan, named Dragon Blood Fog!"

Long Xuewu thought to himself that Niu Kuangba wanted to kill Ye Que in order to gain benefits from his race.

Then, Niu Kuangba would never kill him for no reason.

And this is also the reason why he forced himself to be calm and did not call for law-making.

Ye Que stood on the top of the mountain, staring at the dragon's blood mist coldly, and said in a deep voice, "So that's how it is."

After speaking, he was silent again.

In order to ensure that the cold and mysterious character does not collapse, he knows how to fool people.

The eyes of reincarnation covered both eyes, scanning the more than one hundred people he brought over.

These people are all strong men created by nightmare + eyes of reincarnation + illusion + camouflage.

Yes, he has mastered a secret technique of avatars, which can differentiate a large number of avatars.

And these clones are all real, but their combat power is very weak.

But after being covered by nightmares, reincarnation eyes, illusions and camouflage, they are just like real people, and they all seem to be very strong, everyone has a pair of blood reincarnation eyes.

"Boldly ask senior, what are you going to do, do you need help from junior?"

Long Xuewu asked nervously and politely, but actually wanted to leave early.

Although he comes from the Longyuan clan.

But facing this group of powerful guys, there is no guarantee of life.

Leave as soon as you can.

"Since I am the **** of the Longyuan clan, then I really need your help!"

Ye Que spoke in a low voice, and his voice contained a mysterious atmosphere that strangers should not enter.

Long Xuewu sighed inwardly, and said calmly, "Senior, what's the matter?"

"I've discovered Ye Que's whereabouts, you come with us, let you be the bait to lure Ye Que to show up!"

Ye Que's character design is very compelling, and with so many avatars around him, there is no need to talk about it, just a few words can make others believe it.

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