God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1334: Niu Kuangba, forever god

The underground lair.

The giant python treasured many treasures and gave them all to Ye Que.

Ye Que rubbed his hands: "Then how dare you! If you weren't too enthusiastic, I wouldn't even want it."

After all, the hands are so dishonest, they keep putting them into the storage ring.

Look at that technique, as the hands flipped casually, batches of treasures were just taken away.

It looks like an old hand.

"That's all, if I don't take some treasures, you still feel a little guilty, so I will take a little."

Ye Que is really shameless, he takes treasures and puts gold on his face.

Swipe, swipe, slash, slash, and slash, all the treasures of the giant python belong to Ye Que.

Is this what he meant by taking a little?

"Ahem! Brother, it doesn't matter if your spirituality is affected. Fortunately, it was me who met you. In the future, don't mess around and take care of your wounds!"

Ye Que said hello and left.

Although I took the treasure, I was excited.

But thinking that the broken sword is in his soul, once it affects his spirituality, he will become a fool.

He panicked thinking about it.


The giant python sent out soul waves.

"What? You think I'm cheap, want to hang out with me?"

Ye Que was dumbfounded, turned around and looked at the giant python obediently.

He wondered what the reason was.

Because he is cheap, so you want to hang out with him?

Ye Que is such a guy, his thinking is quite jumpy, it is estimated that normal people can't communicate with him.

He stretched out his thumb and said, "I accept your reason! Not bad!"

Therefore, a fifth-order giant python with incomplete intelligence and a funny man who can't communicate with normal people form a partnership.

"Let's go, let's go to Niu Kuangba to settle the score!"

Ye Que jumped onto the giant python's head, using various secret techniques, trying to take out the broken sword.

But it was useless no matter how much he tossed, the Broken Sword didn't move at all, it was suspended in the soul steadily.

In the end, he had no choice but to use various taboo techniques to turn into a group of light shields to isolate the broken sword.

Let alone whether it is useful or not, at least it can give him some psychological comfort.

"Swallow swallow!"

Ye Que swallowed all the treasures given to him by the giant python.

The treasure of the true mystical realm is strangeness.

After swallowing it, the magic pattern rose slowly.

By the time he swallowed them all, his rank had reached 520.

It is worth mentioning that.

The rank of the top-level second-order method: 260-370

The rank of the top three-level method: 380-490

The rank of the top-level fourth-order method: 500-***

He is at the 520th rank, which is already a super-top fourth-order method.

Niu Kuangba is a top-notch third-tier manufacturing method.

In a real fight, he could turn Niu Kuangba into Niu Huanxi.

call out-

The 10,000-meter-long giant python shrunk and turned into a tens of meters thick and 100-meter-long python.

Ye Que sat cross-legged on top of the giant python's head, his blood vessels had been opened, surrounded by thirteen Taoist jades, and each of the three eyes occupied a forbidden eye.

He looked down from the clouds, his eyes piercing the earth.


The python sent out soul fluctuations.

"You know where the treasure is hidden... put it on hold for now, and look for it later! Let's find Niu Kuangba first!"

If Ye Que didn't get rid of this guy, he felt a lump in his heart.

Rumble! !

In the mountains in front, there was a fire that shot up into the sky, and the power of the method swept across the audience, directly blowing away the remaining clouds in the sky.

Ye Que's hair fluttered, and his three eyes stared at the firelight.

Sitting cross-legged on the python's head, he is like a **** descending from the mortal world.

"Niu Kuangba, you are indeed here! You even caught the fire bird!"

Ye Que sneered.

In his forbidden eyes, Niu Kuangba ordered his subordinates to block other methods, while he easily got the Firebird.


The python sent out soul fluctuations.


Ye Que was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect that the fire bird was fake, it was just a fake designed by the python to attract people.

"Whether it's fake or not, he, I'll kill him!"

Ye Que stood up, overlooking Niu Kuangba below, with a terrifying killing intent spreading from his body.

call out-

Niu Kuangba below, after getting the treasure, left his subordinates alone and flew into the distance alone.

Ye Que won't let him escape, he pursues him in the air, and locks him to death.

After a day and night of escaping, Niu Kuangba finally got rid of everyone and came to a plain black plain.

"Hahahaha, the treasure is mine! After I swallow it, I will definitely be able to break through to the fourth-order method!"

Niu Kuangba laughed arrogantly.

He turned around and got under the ground.

"Jun Gousheng, you let the wind out on the ground, don't give him a chance to come out!"

Ye Que had more thoughts as he pursued and killed him all the way.

He looked at Niu Kuangba with a touch of sinisterness.

Perhaps, killing Niu Kuangba is not a good thing.

call out-

He also got under the ground.

The maniac python named Jun Gousheng exudes the power of the fifth level of magic, hovering above the ground, and the killing intent in his eyes is as real as it is.

Once the bully bully comes out, it will kill.

One hundred thousand meters underground.

Ye Que picked up the baton and accelerated murderously.

The laws of time, space, chaos, and destruction are intertwined, allowing him to come behind Niu Kuangba like light in an instant.

Niu Kuangba sensed that there was danger on his back, so he turned around abruptly.

"Drop you Rem!"

Ye Que hit it with a stick.

Boom boom boom! !

The war broke out!

It was just that Ye Que was beating Niu Kuang Ba.

"Yong Yuan, you are not dead?"

Niu Kuangba was beaten up all over his head, angry and frightened.

"I call you later! Don't call me wrong in the future!"

Ye Que smashed, covered with secret techniques, strangled by law storms, and intertwined with pupil techniques.

What's the matter.

Earthquakes rumbled in this area.

It was all caused by Ye Que beating Niu Kuangba violently.

At the end of the fight, Niu Kuangba yelled for his life.

"You are still valuable, I won't kill you for the time being, I will save your life!"

Ye Que used a variety of secret techniques to seal the blood and soul of Niu Kuangba, and turned this place into a sealed place.

"Don't limit me."

Niu Kuangba begged.

Ye Que was too lazy to talk, knocked the guy unconscious with a stick, then sealed the seal, and finally buried it with soil.

After doing all this, Ye Que smiled sinisterly: "From now on, I will be a bully bully, and I will always be a god!"

Along the way, he thought that this method was extremely useful.

After all, Niu Kuangba captured the Firebird in the eyes of most of the gods and Fa-Zao.

Such a result would definitely make people think that after Niu Kuangba absorbed the Firebird, he would become extremely powerful.

Ye Que needed such an identity.

He turned around and turned into a bully bully, with half black and half white hair, covered his face, and a bully bully.

"What is missing! By the way, there is still a gang! Niu Kuangba created a Kuangba gang, and I have to get one too!"

Ye Que thought for a while, and then used the nightmare technique to fabricate a group of subordinates out of thin air.

"That's right! Let's go, go treasure hunting, and trouble the Longyuan clan!"

Ye Que jumped up and returned to Jun Gousheng's head.

PS: Chapter 1331, Ye Que's rank is not 390, but 490, wrong, please correct

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