God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1328: exile

Obsession is forced out by the true god.

As long as the true **** does not act, the obsession will not show up.

Based on this, True God Longyuan ordered all the powerful members of the Longyuan clan to take action.

The collapse of faith, the humiliation suffered by the ancestors, and the death of Yuan Shengzi.

Let all the Longyuan clan go crazy.

Headed by creation, they flocked to the true mysterious realm one after another.

The powerhouses of the Fire Origin, Blood Origin, and Hong Yuan Tribes are ready to move.

"The rules of the True Mystery Realm, within half a year, only juniors from the Wilderness Road are allowed to enter."

"After half a year, the rest of the people, no matter how strong or weak, can enter the true mysterious realm."

This is the last refuge of the True God Shengyuan.

After all, he also has to take into account the relationship between other true gods and the Holy Origin Clan.

The rest of the true gods also chose to accept it.

Only by compromising and understanding with each other can we coexist on the barren land.

swipe swipe—

All the methods created by the Longyuan Clan on the road to the wilderness poured into the Real Mystery Realm.

The same is true for the fire source, blood source, and Hongyuan clans.

Even the rules can't stop their determination to kill Ye Que.

"There is no light without suffering! There will never be a free lunch in this world! Presumably, the True God of Good Fortune thinks so too."

True God Shengyuan took a deep look. Ye Que, who was in the mysterious realm, turned around and returned to the Shengyuan clan.

The rest of the true gods returned to their respective worlds created in the barren continent.

But before going back, he managed the Longyuan Clan intentionally or unintentionally.

Take a look at this barren continent, it's time to renovate it.

The meaning is clear.

If the Longyuan Clan made a mess, you should mend it and repair it. Don’t think about other people cleaning your ass.

Rumble! !

There are currently ten statues of the Longyuan tribe on the road to the wilderness.

Apart from Long Yuantong and Long Yuanchen, there are only eight statues left.

It is not easy to make a way to enter the barren source road.

The eight are all top-notch.

They went straight to the place where Ye Que was unconscious.

The Huoyuan, Bloodyuan, and Hongyuan tribes currently have a total of eight creations on the road to the barren source.

However, two of them are slightly ordinary, and only six of them are top-notch.

Even if there is mediocrity, the top is still the majority.

Now, with the joint efforts of sixteen Dharma-makers and the assistance of gods, Ye Que couldn't stop it even in his heyday.

He fell to the ground, his body was emitting blood steam, his eyes were melting his head, his heart was beating so fast that it was about to explode, his breath was weak and sometimes strong, and his life and death were unknown.

Tian Luoyi cast a spell in the distance, squeezed out a ray of life source, and fell into Ye Que's body: "It's my gift to you, it has no other meaning, I just think you are very different."

"From now on, he may never be able to return to the barren land and be exiled to the true mystery, but I don't think he did anything wrong."

Xue Aili also took out her gift.

When the Fa-Zao from afar came, they hesitated and backed away, neither choosing nor reasoning to stop them.

No matter how much they are interested in Ye Que, it is only an interest, and they will never make enemies with others for no reason.

"kill him!!"

A batch of batch-making methods, stepping on the bright sea of ​​laws, surrounded Ye Que again like devouring the sky and the earth.

Let the daytime of the true mystery remain indifferent.

Because of these methods, the power of the true **** was not used, so the daytime did not take action like killing Long Yuantong.

"Die to me!"

The top eighth-level construction method of the Longyuan clan crushed Ye Que with one punch like an avalanche.

Boom boom boom!

The rest of the recipes are also on the way!

However, a mutation occurred.

With a bang, a ray of white holy light cut across all the law-making powers. After the holy light, Sheng Tianming came.

Behind him, followed the creation method of the Shengyuan Clan.

As soon as he appeared, his power of creation crushed the audience.

"If you want to fight, you can wait until he wakes up."

Sheng Tianming's body was indistinct, because the power of the creation was too terrifying, covering his figure.

"Holy Origin Clan! This has nothing to do with you!"

That super-top eighth-order Longyuan Clan powerhouse roared.

The rest of the methods are strong.

Sheng Tianming didn't speak, the coercion on his body suddenly intensified, and the bones of the surrounding Zao Fa cracked and almost shattered.

"Do you really want a race war?"

The strong man of the Longyuan clan is not afraid of Sheng Tianming, and there is extreme anger in his voice.

"Are you qualified to say this? Or, can you take responsibility? Say it again seriously!"

Sheng Tianming stepped forward, he didn't use coercion to suppress others, but his aura made the eighth-level method sober.

No one dared to speak anymore.

This is the creation of seven thousand years, the first time to show its power and anger.

"This is the last shot of my Shengyuan clan! Please also remember that geniuses who can enter the road to the wilderness can bully as much as they can. If they want to take advantage of others, I think my sister will definitely Let me kill you!"

There was law in Sheng Tianming's words, and the flat and steady tone made Zao Fa present have a trace of blood dripping from the corner of his mouth.

Everyone's age is also within 10,000 years.

All of the same seniority.

Even the age of some law-makers is older than Sheng Tianming.

But people are different.

The usually low-key 7,000-year-old creation once showed its power, the geniuses of the same generation can only bow their heads and remain silent.

The super-top eighth-level construction method of the Longyuan clan took a deep breath, suppressed his anger, and said indifferently: "It's good to make the last shot! It will save you troubles in the future!"

He glanced at Sheng Tianming, retreated a thousand meters, sat cross-legged in the void, and said indifferently: "All creations, surround Ye Que, and all gods, arrange formations to kill them! When he wakes up, destroy them!"

Boom boom boom!

The law-makers sat cross-legged in the void, surrounding Ye Que in a circle, and behind them were many gods who shot out, arranging a peerless murderous plan.

Such a killing and calamity made other geniuses in the True Mystery Realm, as well as everyone in the Wildland Continent, sigh in embarrassment.

This is probably the price of being alone.

And Ye Que.

In a coma.

In a coma, the only thing that can wake up a little bit of consciousness is the data in the mind.

Maybe it was because the True God of Creation was forced to show up, or because of other reasons, which caused a major change in his data.

As follows—(New data about the source, take a good look, and you will be tested at the end of the semester)

[Ancient divine body of good fortune (the source of good fortune has been semi-awakened)]

【Boundary: The tenth level of gods】

[Good Fortune 1: Absolute Defense...]

[Good Fortune 2: Good Fortune Leap...]

[Good Fortune 3: Good Fortune Strike...]

【Cultivation Method 1: The Ancient God Cuts the Heavenly Way...】

[Attack 2: Cosmos...]

[Cultivation Method 3: Fission Star Brilliance Method...]

[Cultivation method 4: Dark void ancient scriptures...]

[Forbidden Technique: Time Acceleration, Space Cutting, Chaos Isolation...]

[Heart of Good Fortune: One of the Eight Great Good Fortune Weapons, when used, it can release infinite energy, time limit: being recalculated, cooling time: being recalculated]

[Creativity Rage: The heart of Creation contains the power of the true god. Once it becomes violent, it can condense the finger of the true **** and wipe out any single creature. The chance of berserk: is being recalculated]

[The source of good fortune: semi-awakened (when fully awakened, laws, blood, and forbidden techniques are all integrated into the source)]

[Yuansheng all things: Awakening Yuan is the real ancient **** of good fortune; possessing Yuan, one thought, law, blood, forbidden techniques and other means, can be transformed and fused at will]

[Source power:? ? ? (It is not fully awakened, so it is impossible to calculate how many sources the host has; a drop of sources can enter the method of creation, please host as much as possible to understand or collect sources)]

[Spell pattern: ...] (I won't read it here, there are many magic patterns in the ten rules, and it's too watery.)

[Bloodline: ...] (It's the same here, seven or eight bloodlines...)

[At the first level of the method: open the ninth jade pupil technique of the reincarnation eye (the final reincarnation eye, nine jades in one)]

[At the first level of the method: open the third pupil of the eye of good fortune]

[Unopened Bloodline 8: Chaos Power of the Ancient God (Fully closed bloodline, open reminder - die in chaos, live in chaos, awaken the ancient **** of chaos)]

[The Chaos Power of the Ancient God: In the silent bloodline, there is blood that tolerates and isolates all things. Once released, the ancient **** can evolve all things, open the eyes of chaos, and break the barrier of time and space]

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