God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1327: I'm waiting for you

The people of the Longyuan clan have collapsed.

Before, they were still aloft, but because of the coming of Longyuan True God, they thought they could step on all the rules of the Longyuan tribe.

Faith is now broken.

Roar! !

True God Longyuan is resisting.

The dragon breathes.

But this is exactly the stupidest move.

Before the breath of dragon origin in the mouth of the dragon erupted, it was held in the mouth by the true **** of creation, and the result can be imagined.

As a few wisps of green smoke drifted out from the dragon's mouth, that terrifying explosion appeared.

True God Longyuan blew himself up, and his head spiraled into the sky on the spot.

Facing the rays of the scorching sun, the dragon's head fluttered in the wind, shuttled through the clouds, and slowly landed in the eyes of everyone.

How beautiful it would be if the dragon head were replaced with flowers.

bang bang bang!

Members of the Longyuan clan's creations, creations, gods, etc., knelt down weakly, or fell on walls and trees without support.

Seeing their ancestors being oppressed helplessly, all they felt was extreme humiliation.

In an instant, all the members of the Longyuan clan burst out with astonishing killing intent, and even the surrounding creatures, even the true gods, clearly felt it.


True God Good Fortune stepped on the giant dragon, and with one hand formed a knife, he slashed at the protection circle behind his side.


Six thousand giant spirit seeking Tao jade, containing the source of good fortune, blooming with the power to collapse the universe, crashed into the protection circle with a devastating impact.

Rumble! !

Rumble! !

The world trembled!

The world is horrified!

The broken circle of protection was repaired by the true god.

As for the members of the Longyuan clan within the protection circle, the murderous intent in their eyes dissipated instantly, and then the shadow of death swept across their bodies.

"Your power is fading, you can't kill the true god, and you can't make chaos, go back!"

The other seven true gods stood in the seven directions of heaven and earth, surrounding the true **** of good fortune, with nothing but solemnity in their eyes.

The True God of Creation is so powerful, even though he died for nearly a billion years, and now he returns with remnants, the world still looks up to him and the True God dreads him.

"Forgive my clan... My Longyuan clan was wrong... My Longyuan True God, I was wrong..."

The blown dragon's head was bleeding and begging weakly.

If the True God of Creation chooses to perish together, he cannot bear the price.


Everyone was shocked.

Yes, the true God is praying to a dead god.

The words of such a plain prayer are like a heavy hammer, striking hard in the bottom of everyone's heart.

In this life, they may never forget that the one in front of them is the eternal immortal from the ancient gods—the great true **** of good fortune.

The True God of Creation was burning with platinum flames, and he slowly withdrew his hands. No one could see the face of the True God clearly, nor did he know what the True God was thinking.

Therefore, everyone is watching nervously.

They thought to themselves, you have vented to such an extent, is it okay?


The God of Creation diffused invisible fluctuations, no one was harmed, but it still provoked everyone's nerves.


The true **** turned around, leaving behind the barren land like ruins, step by step towards the true mysterious realm.

it's all over.

But the barren land is like a barren field that has been plowed all over, all the buildings and formations on it have been destroyed.

No one dared to object and could only be forced to bear it.

Finally, the True God walked up to Ye Que.

Long Yuantong, who was beaten so much that he cried for his father and mother, stopped in an instant, the pain and humiliation on his body were not as good as the fear that hit him at this moment.

Witnessing the approach of the true God with his own eyes, besides a guilty conscience, he also had to face the fear of death.

Ye Que withdrew his hand and looked at the true **** in front of him in shock.

He remembered that the rage of good fortune that he activated the heart of good fortune should condense the finger of the true god.

But he never thought that the finger of the true **** escaped from his control, combined with the heart of good fortune, the eye of good fortune and the tree of good fortune, so that the true **** of good fortune descended.

To say the reason, I have to thank Longyuan True God.

Without the persecution of the Longyuan True God, the Good Fortune True God would not show up.


The True God of Good Fortune came to Ye Que, and the platinum flames on his body covered his body, which also made Ye Que feel warm.

"True Creation God."

Ye Que wants to salute.

"I'm waiting for you."

The gentle voice full of magnetism, but it can give people a strong sense of security, and it came to Ye Que's ears abruptly.

When Ye Que looked up, the true **** was no longer there, but turned into four forces and left separately.

Its first strand entered Ye Que's eyes and turned into eyes of creation.

The second strand entered Ye Que's heart and turned into the heart of creation.

The third strand, turned into a finger of the true god, returned to the heart of creation.

The last fourth strand turned into milky white light and flew into an unknown place in the true mystery.

Ye Que trembled for a moment, his body instantly turned red and hot, and emitted **** steam, his seven orifices bled and he fainted on the ground.

This is not caused by the load on the body, but because the two organs, the eye and the heart, are erupting excessively high temperature.

This guy couldn't bear it, and passed out on the spot.

"kill him!!"

The voice of Longyuan True God was introduced into the True Mystery Realm and poured into Longyuantong's body.

Long Yuantong's will seemed to have been tampered with, and he, who was seriously injured and cut in half, burst out with murderous intent in his eyes.

"Kill him! Kill this little bastard!"

Members of the Longyuan clan roared.

"After your body is burned, the God of Creation will disappear forever, so sleep!"

Long Yuantong used his right hand as a knife, surrounded by the power of the top six, and slashed at the unconscious Ye Que.


In the dark and boundless true mysterious realm, it is daylight in an instant.

The moment Long Yuantong was illuminated by daylight, his body dissipated with the wind like sand and stone.


He yelled in fear and looked at the others.

Luo Tianyi, Xue Aili and others were illuminated by daylight, but nothing happened.

Only him.

Only when he was illuminated, his body dissipated, and even his soul was disintegrating.

At this moment, he regretted it.

But it's too late.

The future pride of the Longyuan clan was even predicted by the clan that it was most likely to become the Son of the True God in the future, so it was gone.

That's Yuan Shengzi.

The source is contained in the body.

Even now, he is not as dazzling as the 7,000-year creation.

But in the later stage, it is not inferior to the seven thousand year creation, and even surpasses the seven thousand year creation.

Just such a dazzling talent with unlimited potential, gone.

This made the already dilapidated Longyuan clan even worse.

In the barren land that had been reduced to ruins, there was a wail of mourning.

boom! !

The breath of Longyuan hit the true mysterious realm, but was stopped by the seven true gods.

"This is a new resource in the barren land, I will not let you destroy it!"

The Seven True Gods [Tian Lai Novel www.23txt.xyz] intercepted.

"Then let me kill him myself!"

True God Longyuan continued to put his head on his head, and reached into the true mystery with one hand.


The day full of true mystery is the last resort left by an elder for the younger generation.

The moment the true **** came into contact, it was blown away.

Roar! !

The giant dragon roared, trying to do its best, even if it would destroy the True Mystery Realm.

That rampant and ferocious, terrifying makes all living beings bow their heads.

"Don't you feel ashamed! Enough!!"

True God Shengyuan yelled angrily, and his voice shook True God Longyuan awake.

"What does it have to do with you?"

True God Longyuan said ferociously.

"Remember your identity and responsibilities!"

"Please also remember why you are in such a mess today!"

The rest of the true gods didn't want to make the mess worse, so they chose to let it go.

The True God Longyuan was silent for a moment, and returned to the Longyuan Realm after a while, leaving only a voice lingering between heaven and earth: "The True God does not participate in the competition. My family, from the God King to the Creation, all belong to the True God." Secret Realm, shoot at will!"

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