God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1325: ancestral playing stick

Rumble! !

The aftermath of that stick shattered the teleportation square next to the Huangyuan Tower.

All the true gods felt pain in their hearts.

The teleportation square, connecting the road to the barren source, contains not only the power of teleportation, but also the power of source connected to the road to the barren source.

Back then, when they jointly built it, it took a lot of effort.

Fortunately, today was wiped out by this true **** of good fortune who died and returned.

on purpose.

This is absolutely deliberate.

"Before, you shouldn't have ignored Ye Que!"

"Forget it, let's take a look at how strong the returned God of Good Fortune is, and nothing else can be changed."

"I can feel that the power of this true **** is not as strong as before, and it is estimated that it is only 10% of the power in its heyday."

A certain true **** carefully analyzed it.

As soon as the analysis was finished, the war broke out.

Roar! !

The silver Yuanlong, oscillating the power of the true **** that subverts the world, its power fluctuates, instantly activating the true god-level formation covering the edge of the barren land.

To be honest, if it weren't for the protection of the power of the true **** on the mainland, it is estimated that the mainland would have collapsed long ago.


On those dragon scales, there is an aura that can obliterate creations. The dragon's power all over the body is not worthy of the heaven and earth.

The crowd watched in amazement, trembling physically and mentally.

I used to think that the true **** and the creation are just creatures with a little difference.

But at this moment, this idea was subverted.

Where is the problem of gap.

This is a two-level problem, and the gap cannot be made up at all.

"The full power of True God Longyuan is terrifying!"

"It is said that the True God of Good Fortune died many billions of years ago, and now that he returns, I guess he will be suppressed and beaten by the True God of Longyuan!"

Some words, once spoken, can only be slapped in the face once they are slapped.

The giant dragon is so powerful that it is invincible, brave and invincible. The world is shocked by his power, subverts concepts, and is in awe.

But all of this collapsed in the next moment.

The whole body of True God Good Fortune is covered by platinum flames, and no one can clearly see his real body.

But the real power of the true **** exists.

The true **** just swung his stick and broke one of the dragon's horns.

The giant dragon hummed uncontrollably, and immediately fell heavily on the ground, crushing the remaining 50 floors of the Huangyuan Tower.


Everyone gasped.

Those juniors born in the new generation didn't feel that the ancient gods were so powerful at first.

Now I know, and feel very intuitive.

This damn, with one stick, he smothered Longyuan True God on the ground, and completely destroyed the Huangyuan Pagoda.

The key point is that the true **** of good fortune has died and returned, and it is definitely not in its heyday.

"The hardest part of Longyuan True God is the dragon claw and dragon horn, and now the dragon horn is broken..."

"Maybe it was careless. Anyway, I don't believe in the true **** of good fortune who died and came back again. How amazing!"

"That's right, that happened hundreds of millions of years ago. Only the older generation knows it, and we only know it now. If you're not famous, you're definitely not strong."

In the protection circle of the true god, from the creation to the **** king, there are heated discussions.

But they are all guesses.

The only ones who can see the real material are those few true gods.

However, they seem to be somewhat autistic.

Ahem, it should just fall into silence.

Roar! !

The giant dragon was furious, and there was a ferocious look in the dragon's eyes.

He raised the dragon's mouth, the dragon's source was condensed inside, and the silver-white dragon's breath was compressed, instantly causing everyone's hearts to tremble uncontrollably.

The power of this dragon's breath, its destructive power, can make the hearts of all living beings feel trembling.

"Except for the Son of Yuan, only true gods have Yuan, and Longyuan is going to use Yuan."

"In this way, you can beat the True God of Good Fortune."

There were a few more lights in the eyes of the true gods, and there was some expectation.

True God Shengyuan withdrew his gaze from looking at the six realms of the ancient **** universe, and said indifferently: "Have you all tasted the taste of the source of good fortune?"

This guy can really chat.

One sentence extinguished everyone's desire to continue talking.


The breath of the dragon source sprayed out, and the moment it just came out, a crack appeared in the space of the barren land.

The multiverse under the Barren Continent is faintly affected by the power of the true god.


Space is trembling.

All living beings in the space are trembling uncontrollably.

Even the rest of the true gods are ready to resist.

This move is too invincible.

It can even be called an invincible attack that can change the style of painting.

Ye Que became worried, and opened his chaotic eyes to see, but he couldn't see anything.

The power of the true **** can isolate everything.

But what he was worried about didn't happen.

The God of Creation holds a stick with one hand, and the stick points obliquely at the earth. He does not have a majestic body, but he is as immovable as a mountain, and the sky and the earth do not collapse. He is quite heroic.

Facing Dragon's Breath, True God's stick didn't move, but raised his other hand.

There was a white-gold light in that hand.

That is, the source of good fortune.

Source, the beginning of all things.

The source can evolve all the power in the holder's body, including blood.


The true **** seals the spirit!

The white glow erupted from the palm, turning into thousands of seals, coiling around the entire arm like a witch snake.

boom! ! !

The whole arm was surrounded by the white stripes of Fengling, and turned into the arm of Fengling.

When the breath of Longyuan touched that arm, Feng Ling Baitiao penetrated into the breath of Longyuan in an instant.

There was a crackling sound, and the terrifying Dragon Source Breath was instantly sealed.

The big move that can change the style of painting has become a long stone statue.

The hand of the true **** of good fortune gently pinched it, and the stone statue collapsed.

The world is peaceful.

All was silent.

Horrific attack, just gone?

The next moment everyone was suffocated, they suddenly made a loud noise.

The painting style of heaven and earth has also changed again due to the good fortune of the true god.

True God Longyuan fell on the ruins, his head a little dazed.

I can't even beat the dead?

The above sentence may be the reflection of True God Longyuan's heart at this moment.


There is a true **** who speaks.

However, it was too late.

The true **** of good fortune preemptively strikes.

With a bang, the true **** held the baton tightly and descended from the sky without blood, source of creation, eye of creation, or anything else.

He took a stick and slammed it on the head of True God Longyuan.

Ye Que coughed twice. How could he feel that the movement and style of the real **** beating people with a stick are quite familiar.

He felt like he had seen it somewhere.

boom! ! !

With that stick, the Huangyuan Continent sank 100,000 meters, and all the buildings on the ground were smashed.

Needless to say that dragon, the last dragon horn was also broken.

This time he couldn't hold back his voice and let out a miserable howl.

For the Longyuan Clan, this is simply a collapse of faith.

The invincible lord screamed.

Their hearts are going to be broken.

The other races are not much better, they just want to gloat.

But this is so dead and back, it's just the true **** of good fortune with leftover will, the true **** who beat the barren land, why is it like beating a son, they feel the same way, they can't gloat at all.

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