God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1324: God of Longyuan VS God of Creation

The barren land that has been peaceful for hundreds of millions of years.

In an instant, chaos ensued.

A body burning with platinum flames, in front of Ye Que's eyes, was constantly solidifying on that immortal body.

This body is not majestic, but it stands upright, making the world eclipsed.

As soon as Shi Shi appeared, he shattered the edge barrier of the space where the true mysterious realm was located.

"Cough cough cough..."

Ye Que covered his heart with his hands.

It was empty.

The eyes of fortune are gone, only the eyes of reincarnation and chaos are supported.

As a god, these organs are gone, and they can still live, as long as they don't sit vacant for too long.

Ye Que was not worried about his situation, he knew that nothing would happen to him.

"The back of the true god, so familiar..."

He wiped the blood from his mouth, looked at the body, and a sense of familiarity surged in his brain.

That feeling became more and more intense, with the feeling of being devoured by thousands of ants.

"I've seen it! I've seen this figure in the Six Realms!"

Ye Que muttered, he tried hard to think, but he just couldn't remember.

And now, he couldn't make him think too much.

Because, the palm of Longyuan True God came down.

boom! !

The body standing in front of Ye Que didn't have the slightest fear, and only used the platinum eye of good fortune burning with fifteen stars to transfer it.

chi chi chi—

On the face covered by platinum flames, the star patterns of the Eye of Creation are reversed.

In an instant, the world is reversed, time is overturned, and time and space are distorted.

The palm of Longyuan True God did not fall on the True Mystery Realm, nor did it fall on the True Creation God.

Instead, it landed on the Huangyuan Tower in the Huangyuan Continent.

boom! !

This palm was quite vigorous, and I used all my strength.

The moment it was pressed down, the hundred-story barren source tower burst fifty stories, and the seven true gods inside were forced to fly out, and released the power of the true gods to protect all living beings.

The barren source tower is so broken, let alone the barren source continent.

In the boundless barren continent, countless 10,000-meter cracks were torn from the land, and the creation-level formations attached to it all collapsed.

Nearly 90% of the creatures below the creation level were stunned.

If it wasn't for the protection of the seven true gods, how many lives would have been taken away by the palm of the true **** Longyuan.


This scene was too sudden and terrifying.

The danger was caught off guard, and people couldn't react at all.

Everyone was frightened and raised their heads one after another to see the True God Longyuan. They were very puzzled, why did the True God Longyuan want to destroy the mainland?

"You're not dead yet!!"

True God Longyuan cared about others, and there was an unprecedented light in his eyes.

He stared at the edge of the barren land, where there was a figure that had made the eight true gods turn pale.

Everyone, following the eyes of True God Longyuan, trembled suddenly and stopped breathing.

This is like the end of the world coming suddenly, and everyone is still unable to adapt.

At the edge of the barren land, a body burning with platinum light was suspended in the void.

There are fifteen dazzling star patterns on its forehead, which rotate slightly, carrying the power of good fortune that the world can only look up to.

Its eyes of good fortune cover both eyes, and wherever it looks, everything is upside down.

Its heart of good fortune gushes out the source of good fortune that can shock all living beings.

His whole body is emitting light, and every strand is trembling in the sky.

Where it is located, mountains and rivers are reversed.

The mountains became the sky, the sky became the earth, and there was a kind of incomparable power contained in it.

"This is the will of the True God of Creation remaining in the world!"

"Dead for so many years, still so strong!"

"Stop it, this is the barren land, the last refuge of this multiverse!"

The true gods havetened to persuade.

True God Shengyuan smiled, and with a wave of his hand, he sent the creatures of the Shengyuan tribe back to the realm of Shengyuan, and personally sat at the entrance and exit of the realm of Shengyuan.

He bowed his head and whispered: "It's useless, this is the power driven by the will of the true **** of good fortune. Some people bully others too much. With the power of the true god, they bully the juniors and forcibly force the will of the true **** of good fortune."

If this is a low level to kill Ye Que, maybe this will will not appear until Ye Que dies.

But why, you use the power of the true **** to oppress, isn't this just fried tap water, can one collapse one by one.

The other true gods reacted after hearing the words.

But the face is not very good-looking.

"This will can also be called obsession. If you don't let this will vent today, the true **** of good fortune will not disappear. Even if we join forces, we can't make it disappear, because obsession is immortal."

True God Shengyuan stared at True God Longyuan without saying anything.

But the meaning is clear.

You poke the basket yourself, and make up for it yourself.

You, the Longyuan Clan, will have to bear the subsequent losses of the Huangyuan Continent.

The rest of the true gods were silent, and after thinking about it, they regretted a little.

They could have been stopped.

But they didn't stop.

Because they think that it is just a little ant that has come from a difficult situation and cannot make much waves.

When disaster strikes, none of the bystanders who could have prevented it were innocent.

"Protect the creatures of the barren continent."

They made a decision to reluctantly use Huangyuan Continent as the battlefield of true gods.

Barren Prison Valley.

Inside the wooden house, an old man walked out, took a deep look at the God of Creation who suddenly appeared, burst into tears, then knelt down and worshiped, and finally returned to the wooden house.

There was only one voice that echoed slowly: "The juniors have their circles, and the elders have their circles. If there is a mess, you have to pay the price."

"Run into the protection circle of the true god!"

Groups of people seem to be fleeing.

They were panicked and helpless.

They never dreamed that the barren land would become the battlefield of true gods.

Isn't the True Mystery Realm next door just right?

"This is probably the intention of the True God of Creation!"

"The True God of Creation deliberately used the barren land as a battlefield, and made it clear that he wanted to destroy everything!"


"Shh, do you really think God is deaf? They all know what you think and say! Don't talk about it anymore. Besides, the circle of protection can't protect us!"

"It's fine to fight among juniors. Why do you want to bully the small with the big? If you make such a big mess, it's us who will suffer. Fuck him... Forget it, let's not talk about it!"

Many people whispered.

True God Longyuan heard it all, and his face was not very good-looking.

He also didn't expect that the True God of Creation would still appear even after death, and would also involve the barren land in the battle.

"That's fine! Today, I will wipe you out completely!"

True God Longyuan is also decisive, he can see openly, and directly transforms the dragon, and his power of Longyuan can destroy the world.

True Creation God is not so eye-catching, but the momentum is not inferior to the opponent.

The true **** turned sideways slightly, stretched out his hand, and aimed at Ye Que.

Ye Que was stunned for a moment, thinking that he was going to use himself as a weapon.

But soon, he knew what was going on.

I saw the Da'er stick beside him was covered by the source of good fortune and turned into a true god-level Da'er stick.

With a bang, the hitting stick fell into the hands of True Creation God.

With a light wave of the True God, the destructive power of that power is not like the collapse of the universe that Ye Que usually brags about his father's love.

The destructive power of this power can really collapse the universe...

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