God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1283: Words of the Most Powerful

The people below who were panicked are even more blocked now.

"This guy is walking on the platform of flame purgatory, and it's fine if he doesn't say a word, he doesn't even frown, as if I can walk up it!"

A young man with his hair burned was limping against a tree, cursing.

Ye Que walked too easily, causing some ignorant guys to misunderstand, thinking that he could also go.

No, the bird feathers were all burned off.

"I still have to go up now... What kind of evildoer is this!"

"too strong!"

The hearts of a group of people were blocked, and it was another matter to be shocked.

Let's talk about Ye Que.

He stepped on the 101st step, and the powerful pressure hit him.

"It's not just the burning of the source fire, but also the suppression of gravity?"

Ye Que held his breath and stepped on it in one breath.

Thin but powerful.

This time, we walked up to 130 steps.

Walking up to 130 steps at one time is a terrifying achievement.

However, Ye Que didn't leave again.

He estimated that his limit was still at 150 steps.

"I still have to accept the challenge tomorrow, so let's stop here for now!"

The burning of the source fire ignores Nirvana and other abilities. If you are injured, you are really injured, and it takes a lot of effort to recover.

Therefore, even if the limit has not been reached, he has stopped.

Turn around and leave.

He didn't have any expression from the beginning to the end.

Since then, the title of King of Facial Paralysis has been spread in the wilderness continent.

Ye Que left, and when he passed by the wooden house in the valley, he was stopped by the old man in the wooden house.

"If you want to get to the top, just raising your rank won't do anything, and it will delay you from going to a higher level."

The old man's abrupt reminder surprised Ye Que.

The other party, why do you say that?

"I've lived too long, and I'm not interested in many things. I'm curious whether you can reach the top."

The old man smiled vicissitudes of life, and he answered it himself without Ye Que asking.

"Senior, please enlighten me."

Ye Que couldn't detect how powerful the old man was, but he couldn't, which made him cautious.

"You underestimated your own limit. With your ability, it is not difficult to walk up to thousands of steps."

"But the difficulty is that your realm is too low, so it limits your willpower and the strength of your soul."

This is what the old man is interested in, so he wants to know that the other party should avoid going astray.

Ye Que narrowed his eyes.

When he walked up the 101st step, he felt the pressure of gravity.

If the realm does not go up, it may be really difficult for him to go up.

"Realm is a part of strength, and rank is also a part of strength. Senior, if I increase my rank, how can it limit me?"

Ye Que asked.

"What is the source of the fire?"

One word from the old man made Ye Que's face darken.


The source of fire burns the body and soul, not the rank.

If you have many ranks, ignore the source fire, it will still burn your body and soul.

But after the realm breakthrough, the body and soul become stronger, and the lethality of the source fire will weaken.

"If I want to increase my rank, I need to add rules..."

What Ye Que wants to go is the path of the God of Law.

But it was because he wanted to take this path of the **** of law that his strength continued to grow, but his realm was always limited to the ninth-level god.

But the realm does not increase, only the law, that is, the rank, is completely useless for walking the flame purgatory platform, but it is a burden.

"If you don't improve your realm, you will never reach the top!"

"The increase in rank is only a temporary increase in strength. When you reach the creation level, you will find that the law is just a tool."

The old man smiled meaningfully. For some reason, Ye Que seemed to be facing the true **** Shengyuan.

His pupils shrunk.

From the beginning to now, the old man has revealed a meaning in what he said.

Let him not blindly increase his rank, the breakthrough of the realm is the fundamental.

Here comes the problem.

How did the other party know that he wanted to increase his rank?

"There are many ways to increase your rank, mastering secret techniques, mastering special forbidden life techniques, or plundering other people's talents, but these are very difficult. The most direct way to increase your rank is the law!"

The color of the leaves is slightly changed.

Could it be that the other party can see that he can continue to increase the law just by looking at it?

"It's useless to think about other things. Think about the path you want to take! If the path is crooked, it will ruin your life."

The old man coughed, turned around and returned to the wooden house.

At this moment, Ye Que thought of Gu Fayue.

Gu Fayue is the **** of law, so powerful that even low-level creations can fight.

The main reason is that there are many rules.

But precisely because there are many laws, her potential is limited.

As a result, she is always creating the fifth level of the law.

"If I take the path of the Dharma God...it may be very difficult to improve my realm! And I only have five hundred years to use it!"

Ye Que turned his head to look at Gu Nei, which was the only hope of the ancient **** universe.

At this moment, there were many thoughts in his mind.

Not long after, he returned to the Shengyuan clan.

"Leaf Liar."

Sheng Hatsune stood happily in front of the road with his hands behind his back.

"Fu Luoli, are you waiting for me?"

"What is a rich loli?"

"It means to praise you for your good looks."

"Hahaha, I like it! From now on I will be called Fu Luoli!"

"Ahem...let's go."

"Liar Ye, I heard that you are going to fight against the third-order method tomorrow, are you confident? By the way, I have a creation weapon here, and I will give you a boost!"

"Where did you get this weapon?"

"What! That...that..."

Xiao Doubi and Da Doubi walked and chatted, and soon returned to the world of the Shengyuan Clan.

the next day.

Ye Que went straight to the Huangyuan Tower.

Sheng Hatsune followed her all the way.

Along the way, many people looked at him in shock, and some admired him.

Judging from the situation, it is estimated that his incident on the flame purgatory platform yesterday has spread, and his identity has also been known by everyone.

Except for this group of people, some people have a very unfriendly attitude towards him.

People from the fire and blood tribes all held knives and wanted to chop him halfway.


The big fierce Lolita stood fiercely, and her eyes faltered as she walked, her eyes were fierce, and when she saw someone pulling out a knife, she would slap the dragon and roar.

Anyway, no one dared to find fault.

Ye Que's hands were itchy, he was a giant tortoise, if the other party dared to come, he could slap him to death.

However, Lolita was in the front and didn't give him a chance at all.

"You finally came!"

Hong Chen stood on the first floor of the Huangyuan Tower with a livid face. This is a wide place like a square, divided into many areas, and it is the venue for fighting.

Around him, many people pointed and pointed.

For example, he is jealous of Ye Que and wants to bully him with a high level, so shameless and so on, it will be repeated one after another.

Hong Chen had expected this kind of thing to happen a long time ago, so he regretted it and didn't want to come.

But by chance, someone came to him and ordered him to come and kill Ye Que.

"What about the rest?"

Ye Que asked the question playfully.

"They are all trash, they dare not come! Today, I alone can teach you a lesson!"

Hong Chen also gave up his face, no matter what others said, today, he will definitely use thunderous means to suppress the opponent forcefully.

Although, a bit embarrassing.

But winning always makes you feel better.

"Let's accept the battle as soon as possible."

Hong Chen thought in his heart that he would go back early after the lesson was over.

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